YouTube Vids

and for my last contribution of the morning, a crazy cat collage complete with Bob Sagget noises

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I loled so fucking hard

I don't really know what to say... I guess if you watch this and you don't get a little upset, you have no heart. Because you KNOW who this "kid" is, and you know what he grew up to be. It's a shame... a god damned shame...

Thanks to Jane Schuldiner for having the old videos in the first place.

Long live Chuck, we are keeping the metal faith alive...
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The original - because I knew that fucking air duster snorter (?) video was a different version. Whatever, I still think it's funny that no one knew that this band is called "Katrina and the Waves"... and that whole thing with New Orleans...

Toby didn't get to go on vacation because of that shit, no joke. Fuck Katrina, AND her waves!!!

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Even during / after all this shit... Marion Ross is still a fuckin' hot MILF.

But I seriously do not approve of this. This is not cool.


They disgraced my show. Fuck them. At least till I get back into MacGyver in a few weeks... lol

EDIT - And if I'm not mistaken... that's a bottle of Wild Turkey in the tub!!! Assholes! Why not just attack everything that I love!?!?! I'm surprised these asswipes didn't rape an 8 bit Nintendo while they were at it!
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I found this as a related vid to the one jeff just posted. shit had me loling

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who is ready for some OLD SHIT

(two more on the way)
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and last but not least

That shit is so funny! Makes me wanna get back to my fighting weight! And maybe bust out the Iceman again! I kinda miss that bass!
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part 1 of what will probably be 3 parts. (I kept this under 10 so YouTube would let me upload it)

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Part two will probably come late tomorrow night and will have a lot of Dave being drunk.