YouTube Vids

bwahahaha that cat tried to Fonz the printer!

I really do not miss those annoying ass "connect" sounds windows spits out.
Hey, Jack! Did you take a break from sucking dick at Mario to visit the forums today?

Hey, look, you guys are right.

I didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings.

Let's just agree that the cat made us lol.

p.s. It wasn't an SUV ;-) But it would have killed us either way haha
I don't know if anyone ever posted this but I think it's effing funny (and true)

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there is a thousand of these things. I think my mom was right, I do have a dry sense of humor. Oh well.

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btw that Howard clip kind of saddens me. People that know that little about what they are voting for should not be allowed to vote. Oh wait - we're not! Thanks again, electoral college!
I can't believe she actually went on SNL


Probably the funniest thing I have seen on SNL since Dick in a Box

Couldn't find it on the UTOOBS
nah dick in a box still wins...i really dont like her. every time i see her it magnifies...the moose shooting thing was funny. however... she is all pro hunting and shit and thats fine and all but not when you go hunting in a freakin helicopter. yeah thats right.
Dude all the notable republicans are pro-hunting. Need I even bring up Dick Cheney? Man was hunting killer buck-sized quail and nearly killed a person! He probably regrets not bringing his helicopter that day.
is this what the genre has come to ... is it even about the music anymore or is it about being cool and funny. i hope this band is a joke band.

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