YouTube Vids

I warned some of you about this.

Some Britney Spears spoof song / video... the Nerd himself was asked to do special effects (blood) and he ended up doing a cameo... this is a mess...

You have been warned.

PS - I really don't know what the fuck this is making fun of, but it is fucked up as all hell.

EDIT - I only know about this / even watched it in the first place because the Nerd posted it on his site under "news" and told us to watch it. If he plays his cards right, he could conquer the world... Fuck this video, it's a pile of bull fuck encrusted shit. Creepy as hell, it belongs on Gummo's bonus features.
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I have said it a million times but I still have to say it again...

I Fucking adore Patrick Stewart.
I have said it a million times but I still have to say it again...

I Fucking adore Patrick Stewart.
I love how Vince says stuff like "I can't believe Patrick Stewart keeps showing up in Family Guy" etc... "he's such a serious actor."

I totally agree, but what the fuck, he keeps showing up in these dumb ass skits.

I assume that was from Sesame Street.
Wow, what a mess. I already harassed Vince enough on his MySpace page about Happy Days tonight. I think this one is worthy of the "Fury Forum".

This is the original mess I sent to Vinnie...

"Look - I don't give a shit. I don't care how drunk I am right now, believe it or not, that doesn't even matter. If you got Wonder Woman, Farrah Faucet, and Pocahontas (Cher?) bowing down to suck your ACTION FIGURE'S DICK, YOU GOT MAD BALLS, SON!!!"

That might be worthy for the quote thread...

EDIT - I don't know why there's like an hour of silence after the clip, but... EHYYYY! Give me a break, I'm fucking wasted.
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It just got worse, that quick. If the Fonz ran into a hot space chick from the future, in cartoon form or not, he wouldn't take those dorks Richie and Ralph with him. He would fuck her all over time and space, and random Fonz-spawn someday would realize their awesome powers... like me. I obviously am nothing more than an alcohol loving, Fonz-and-space-chick... uhh... kid... who ended up being dropped off in 1983 PA for your own enjoyment.

Christ, almost forgot the video "proof"... and her name is CUPCAKE?!?!??!? Eff this shit... what the fuck...

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I like how they got Wolfgang Jack (or was it Tom Waits) to do the narration - like any kid young enough to be watching a retarded cartoon like that would have known who either of those guys are. Hell it's a wonder I know who either of them are. And I am sick and tired of people assuming that "space travel" and "time travel" are the same thing. The Starfleet Office of Intelligence won't recognize time travel as a possibility until 2159. Maybe then they can go back to the 80's and smack around the people who made shit cartoons misrepresenting the 50's.

Jeff you really need to get on a new show. Maybe you can switch gears to Mork and Mindy or Mary Tyler Moore or something.

Anyway, more Patrick Stewart because he is the man. (I don't know if anyone will get the "Q" stumble)

And this one is for Jeff since he is always talking about Star Trek Camel Toe

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I saw this movie when I was like 11 and I had no idea who Patrick Stewart was. Perhaps such subliminal references to the man at such a young age are what caused my unadulterated infatuation with him later in life.

This is a really bad example because even though he DID narrate this movie, you don't hear his voice at all in the trailer. I couldn't find any other clips from the movie though so just enjoy the pretty sea mammals and shut it.

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this panda gets scared


Naturally, the Japanese have to put a twist on it
