YouTube Vids

lol. Kas VS Diner

Christ, let's fucking film it and get a new show on G4. We can be the opening act for Pumphrey. Instead of having a hot nurse to take care of wounds, we can have Chuck be there to hold my hair back when I puke from eating too much.

Also, I bet that I can out eat that fat ass on Man vs. Food. Fuck him. Wow, I'm hostile tonight.

Next time I'll eat 3 waffles.
I don't know man...... I would put money on you VS any one of us for sure........ but the dude on the show I'm not so sure you could beat him, no offense. It's not just the quantity of food we are talking about here, but the actual shit he eats. You saw those nuclear chicken wings man. I would probably cry just being in the same room as those things.
I'm sorry but if cooking the food requires the chef to put on a gas mask....... I don't think there is any problem avoiding the meal hahaha.

Anyway..... back to the youtubeness

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fucking assholes hahaha

I take it they were opening for someone else? I would love to be a part of a crowd that pissed Nickelback off so bad they walked off stage.

Oh an BTW, CHAD - Axl called.................. you know where I'm going with that.
He also got hit in the head right before he says see ya. On top of that, the drummer holds up the horns. Who the fuck does he think he is?

the horns have been gay for years now. every faggot doing a tailspin on their scooters have been doing it for awhile.