Zod meets Megadeth

Makes sense that he chose the Eidolon guys, especially since they're 'Deth fanboys. Ever heard an Eidolon album? Heh.

But yeah, this feels more like the "Dave Mustaine Project". Throw Zod in the mix and they suddenly become Alan Parsons... :loco:
lurch70 said:
really? cool !!!

Yep, he did the arwork for their "Supernatural Addiction" and "Behind the Mourner's Veil" albums. King Fowley met my Dad at a Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror Convention and he was so impressed, he asked my Dad on the spot if he would do the cover art for his next album. I've been trying to get my Dad to create album covers exclusively in the metal scene for years now, but he keeps saying he doesn't have the time due to all of his other artwork assignments and commitments. I keep trying to tell him there's tons of money to be had in the metal cover art genre for someone as talented as he is, but I can never get through to him (I don't think he belives me). Here's his website, check it out (it's only a small sample of everything he's done) :) :

Dark One said:
Yep, he did the arwork for their "Supernatural Addiction" and "Behind the Mourner's Veil" albums. King Fowley met my Dad at a Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror Convention and he was so impressed, he asked my Dad on the spot if he would do the cover art for his next album. I've been trying to get my Dad to create album covers exclusively in the metal scene for years now, but he keeps saying he doesn't have the time due to all of his other artwork assignments and commitments. I keep trying to tell him there's tons of money to be had in the metal cover art genre for someone as talented as he is, but I can never get through to him (I don't think he belives me). Here's his website, check it out (it's only a small sample of everything he's done) :) :

The Cthulhu stuff he's done is pretty fucking awesome. Really cool stuff.
Thanks everyone, I'll definitely pass the compliments on to my Dad. I really wish he could get his "big break" - he's so unbelievably talented, but he's like the shyest guy in the world. He was voted best small press fantasy artist in America about 10 years in a row. He also came in 2nd place at the L. Ron Hubbard's Worldwide Illustrators of the Future contest in Washington D.C. a few years back. He lost out to some Russian guy and everyone at the convention thought he was robbed - that it must've been some kind of goodwill gesture towards Russia or something. He was also the artist guest of honor last year at the World Fantasy Convention. :)
So what you're saying is that your dad is a fantasy geek? :loco:

Yeah, he deserves success. I wonder how much money there is in illustrating metal album covers...? (Or at least he would earn some notoriety at least....I mean, just look at Travis Smith. Ugh, talk about overrated, but he even gets mentioned in press releases for promos as if having "Travis Smith" do the artwork somehow adds to the music.)
JayKeeley said:
So what you're saying is that your dad is a fantasy geek? :loco:

LOL, yep, and now football season is here - help!!

JayKeeley said:
Yeah, he deserves success. I wonder how much money there is in illustrating metal album covers...? (Or at least he would earn some notoriety at least....I mean, just look at Travis Smith. Ugh, talk about overrated, but he even gets mentioned in press releases for promos as if having "Travis Smith" do the artwork somehow adds to the music.)

I dunno - but I bet through word of mouth you could make some serious cash - maybe not Derek Riggs type money, but definitely enough to live comfortably. (side note, Riggs has nothing on my Dad talentwise, it's so frustrating).
JayKeeley said:
But yeah, this feels more like the "Dave Mustaine Project". Throw Zod in the mix and they suddenly become Alan Parsons... :loco:
I'd like to go on the record as saying, had I been involved with the writing of "The System has Failed", it would have been a much better CD.

General Zod said:
I'd like to go on the record as saying, had I been involved with the writing of "The System has Failed", it would have been a much better CD.


Yes, with hit singles such as "Planet Hooston", "You Will Bow Down Before Me", "Kryptonite in my Pants" and "The Phantom Zone Shuffle".
Dark One said:
(side note, Riggs has nothing on my Dad talentwise, it's so frustrating).

Riggs has nothing on my 3 year old either. I have to put his demise down to a stroke or nervous breakdown or something. From "Powerslave" to "Powerplant"...sheesh.