2007 - the best albums






They are evil and brutal because Metalblade told them to look more metal!!1111

I don't believe any band will just decide to play some style of music just to get fame and money. There's always a liking for the style you play, maybe you add some ingredients because it's popular, because you hear it a lot and get influenced by it. But it's never like, OK, let's see what's in the charts and let's play that.

Anyway, back on topic, I need to re-arrange my top list, Shining and Paradise Lost have traded places.

1. Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet
2. Shining - V: Halmstad
3. Paradise Lost - In Requiem
4. Blackfield - Blackfield II
5. Audrey Horne - Le Fol

The new Anouk album (Dutch female rock singer) is also pretty good I have to say, might be my #6.
I don't believe any band will just decide to play some style of music just to get fame and money. There's always a liking for the style you play, maybe you add some ingredients because it's popular, because you hear it a lot and get influenced by it. But it's never like, OK, let's see what's in the charts and let's play that.

I used to think the same thing, but I'm sorry to say that time has shown me just how low people can sink. People lie, cheat, and steal, so that they can make money. let's face it, you're on the road, nobody's coming to your shows, you're dirt poor. You get sick of it after a while.
MadT you're usually on the ball, but as they say, that was some mad naive shit right there. I personally know tons of bands who do shit only to get popular.

I definitely belieeve just about everryone pas music foe chicks or money. just like living life

I can't fault anyone for this, but it can't be the driving factor.
Well, I don't believe it's that simple. For instance Job For A Cowboy, they had been listening and playing rock/metal music before and probably like that music too, they maybe have adapted their style to become more popular (...), but it's not like, totally random if you know what I mean. But then, I don't even know this band. From what I heard the guys can play their instruments though.

But then, I guess there are indeed bands/artists who play a particular style of music just to score. Still, it also is a talent to come up with something that is liked by many people.
I just heard the new Sieges Even and it's pretty amazing. I forgot to add Therion and Riverside before. Riverside is possibly in my top 5 for the year.
LISTEN TO IT! I'll admit the lyrics are the best part haha.

Darkness is living in me
Helping me see
Be all I can be
Whole, Hey! Ho!
We are Satan's people

I love it like you love Jesus
It does the same thing to my soul
Hey! Ho!
I got a life-long love for
The occult...tlucco ehT
Also I don't know when being able to play got mistaken for true talent. As we see any dipwad can shred if he sits there long enough, but that doesn't mean he can write a song worth a darn.

That has always been my problem with the guitar virtuosos such as Vai or Satriani. Yes, you can shred, but can you write just one good riff? Where is the soul in your music? I will say that occasionally a death metal band does not really have too much melody or "hooks" in their music (although I love the ones that do such as Edge Of Sanity, who were amazing) and that I can still enjoy it. Sometimes a band just has an interesting approach although it may be devoid of melody.
I agree so much on the so called "virtuosos"...sure they can shred and move all over the place on the guitar...but is there passion, meaning, feel behind it? I hate when people shred just to shred...LOOK WHAT I CAN DO MAN!!!!! WANK! WANK! WANK!
I actually went to buy an Yngwie Malmsteen dvd a few years back thinking It would help me mostly with lead guitar type stuff....and the dvd is basically just Yngwie Malmsteen saying "look what I can do" and going through a million scales/modes and all this technical stuff and it bored me half to death...I havn't watched it since :heh: But yeah I would choose the feeling of the music over how technical it is anyday.
Gotta disagree again man. I think the masses are pretty spoon fed on what they listen to, and don't go exactly searching too hard or know what's good in the first place. Then I also think a lot of people just act like they like bands for image purposes especially the little kids who make up the majority of their fan base.

Thats just my opinion.

I was reading a arch enemy interview(don't ask me why) angela said something I found to be really true. She said something about how all these bands like job for a cowboy(exact band she used) can really play their instruments, but you can only listen to one of their tuneless songs before you get bored, and ask yourself, "where's the hook?"

Also I don't know when being able to play got mistaken for true talent. As we see any dipwad can shred if he sits there long enough, but that doesn't mean he can write a song worth a darn.

edit: Again I think it's that simple since people will do anything to get big. I've first hand talked to bands who admit to just playing for the crowd. So you saying that it's not that simple is mind boggling when people will admit to doing just what you say they don't do. It's not exactly something a person would admit to just to sound cool.
I think in essence we agree Adam, seriously. It's just a matter of phrasing.
more or less like this atm

1. Radiohead - In Rainbows (2cd)
2. Shining - V: Halmstad
3. Ulver - Shadows of the Sun
4. Phideaux - Doomsday Afternoon
5. Efterklang - Parades
6. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
7. DHG - Supervillain Outcast
8. Iron & Wine – The Shepherd’s Dog
9. Black Bonzo - Sound of the Apocalypse
10. Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde