2008 Political debate thread

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Saw this on the Nevermore forums, thought I'd share it :p


"Jesus Rode a Dino-Horse" :lol:
We also can't afford to all be jobless. Toss up.

Someone told me what Wall Street was like the day of the collapse. I went there the next day to see what was up. What she said was right. Executives were there clearing out their offices and carting their stuff home in their cars; the jalopies on the block were Jaguars. They can go fuck themselves for all I care. I am so spiteful about corrupt CEOs and company chairs who lined their wallets with sweet bonuses and got kickass severance packages. I'd rather suffer financially than write those bastards a check for their fuckups. This bailout is like a financial Patriot Act. Something bad happens, and we react hastily with a bill that makes NO SENSE. We can afford to bail out Wall Street but with respect to health care, improving infrastructure and creating more jobs... oops, sorry! Can't afford that! My ass.
This bailout is like a financial Patriot Act. Something bad happens, and we react hastily with a bill that makes NO SENSE. We can afford to bail out Wall Street but with respect to health care, improving infrastructure and creating more jobs... oops, sorry! Can't afford that! My ass.
So true :( Same could be said of the money going into the black hole that is Iraq.

financial Patriot Act...that's good, can I use that? :)
Earmarks added into the bailout bill included $192 million in tax rebates for the Virgin Islands rum industry, $148 million in tax cuts for the wool industry, $100 million tax cuts to the auto racing industry, and $48 million in Hollywood tax incentives.

Fuck you people. I love me some Capt Morgans, but not this much. And holyfucking Nascar. O M F G.
Someone told me what Wall Street was like the day of the collapse. I went there the next day to see what was up. What she said was right. Executives were there clearing out their offices and carting their stuff home in their cars; the jalopies on the block were Jaguars. They can go fuck themselves for all I care. I am so spiteful about corrupt CEOs and company chairs who lined their wallets with sweet bonuses and got kickass severance packages. I'd rather suffer financially than write those bastards a check for their fuckups. This bailout is like a financial Patriot Act. Something bad happens, and we react hastily with a bill that makes NO SENSE. We can afford to bail out Wall Street but with respect to health care, improving infrastructure and creating more jobs... oops, sorry! Can't afford that! My ass.

Glad to see that sometimes we are on the same page. I'll say it once again, it has always amazed me what is legal and whats illegal in this country.

Small businesses like mine and so many others that went bust due to the outsourcing, totally leaving the country, foreign competition (labor force exploitation) and greed of big corporations (most of whom are the likes of the kind that just lost us these billions) recieved NO bailout, we were just told thats how the chips fall, not that we wanted any bailout, we just wanted to keep going but COULD NOT ! People think Im wacked when I call for the rolling of their heads but honest truth is it would not make me quiver one bit, I would gladly hold their heads up by the rootes of their hair and say "behold the head of a traitor"... and do so with a fiendish grin :heh:

We also can't afford to all be jobless. Toss up.

I'm not so sure the true contributors would be jobless and if this did happen we would FINALLY see honest hard effort made at bringing jobs back into the country and honestly steering down the path of self sufficiency, not just a political campaingn speach of sugar coated promises.

Feel free to write me in on your ballots next month if you want to send somebody to Washington who CANNOT BE BOUGHT. Or you can send me some beer.

I would but I'd rather see the votes for myself, I could do alot of damage to the good ol boys club (ivy league Union) before I was executed myself.

Beer is bloating, I like Vodka and juice... its a health drink... chugged hard after a hard days work, hammers like a 10 pound sludge and makes me feel like a giddy superman and sleep soon sets in so I can shut down the madness that roams my brain... :lol:

I'm still considering Geoff Tate as a write in, just for shits and giggles, I dont think I could vote for either of the candidates and feel any more serious about the whole thing. I voted against Bush last time around and that was the first I voted since 1980.

Could someone please talk about any independents and why the country is not stepping up for the soul purpose of NOT electing members of the political machine that continues to distract and cloud our minds so they can carry on with another 4 years worth of choke holds full of the same ol flem ?
Could someone please talk about any independents and why the country is not stepping up for the soul purpose of NOT electing members of the political machine that continues to distract and cloud our minds so they can carry on with another 4 years worth of choke holds full of the same ol flem ?

That's the thing, I would bet all the money in my empty wallet that these assholes try to make the public willfully ignorant. Keeping America fed with 'American Idol' and 'Survivor'. What America is easier to run: One with severely ignorant people who will vote for anyone who hates gays and hides behind the bible or one full of skeptics who question and dissect your every move, even when it is made "In your best interest" or "To save America and defeat the terrorists"?

Remember, stupid people = stupid/corrupt electorate, enlightened people = less stupid/corrupt electorate. You can't blame the politicians as look who put them there in the first place.
While I think American Idol, "pro" wrestling and reality (drama queen) programs are the epitomy of Human ignorance, I dont believe the government is behind any of that, that is something people are responsible for, supply and demand, the demand is there so everyone is cashing in and people eat it up. What the government does stand behind is a large canon of smoke screens representing the interests of corporate America when they know damn well their antics are going to bring the level of the country down. We all dance to the tune of Wallstreet investors seeking quick profits by jerking their money all over hells half acre during the course of a week/month/year. When the interests of the government should be the long term stability of its citizens jobs, retirement funds and growth of our industrial abilities, which I know we have. However, investors want quick bucks rather than looking at long term growth. I dont believe wallstreet should be set up as a quick lottery grab, like legalized gambling because they are gambling with peoples futures. Why stock values should change by the hour/day/week is beyond me, either something is needed and worth investing in, if so leave the money sit and let the industry grow, its important to the country as a whole, if its some crap shot at selling the public some total garbage that is not needed shut them down, a bad idea is a bad idea and should not be used as a measure to increase the play money of a handful of capitalistic pigs. When a person goes into a bank for a money market savings they are required to let it sit for some given period of time, 5 years, 10 years, whatever, yet the people it goes to, wallstreet investors take the same money and jerk it around as if today is the last day on planet earth. To me it really is like Vegas and as we know casinos dont loose money and most that gamble loose more than their winnings. This is what wallstreet does with the future of countries citizens as if we are all pawns to their passion, which is the dream of hitting the jackpot. Yet we all get up and go to work in the morning and little changes from day to day... until they create such a big stire down there that the shit hits the fan, yet in the REAL world nothing has changed.

Puppet masters, plain and simple and last I checked I was not made of wood and dont have my relatively short life span to be fucked with by such comparitively worthless scoundrels. I like productivity and fail to find much productivity in those that play life as if its a game and people are the tools and toys.
someone please tell me why 100 million blown away into fucking NASCAR is more important than say, space exploration, education or healthcare?

(subtext: by space exploration i'm not talking about looking for aliens, cool as that is: i'm talking about asteroid defense and scoping out possibilities for terraforming, seeing as we are fucking this rock up pretty royally. not to mention all the wonderful everyday invention spinoffs from space exploration.)

NASCAR: Raising your gas prices since 1948.
Not to mention that NASCAR is essentially "Auto Racing for Dummies".

I mean seriously, when I first ever heard someone say "In Nascar they just drive around a circle all the time" I actually thought they were joking :lol:
Not to mention that NASCAR is essentially "Auto Racing for Dummies".

I mean seriously, when I first ever heard someone say "In Nascar they just drive around a circle all the time" I actually thought they were joking :lol:

You've just never watched it with a drunk redneck from the backwoods of Louisiana before. Seriously, don't judge any American sports until you experience it next to a guy who screams "Woohhheeee", spits tobacco in the same 6 month old Coke can and actually tells his wife to "Make some goddamn Hawaiian chicken wings". Good times.

But in all honesty, fuck sports. Space/science funding all the way!:)
I can deal with Bidens mistake due to understanding that he was probably refering to his new deal and that there is footage of FDR speaking. But I get what is meant from the artical as a whole about how the liberal press fails at honesty.

I'm so with this statements of Chucks "In a so-called age of tolerance, it amazes me just how intolerant some people are of those who stand for traditional values." Everything is so fucked up in the heads of the bleeding hearts club its pathetic, they are the biggest hypocrites and apparently only have one eye. The rest of his artical is good as well, the population of this country is just so fucked up, drowning in all the tiny distractions.
For the tl;dr members of the board, I'll paraphrase:

Link 1 provides commentary on a gaffe of Biden and boo-hoos about the liberal media's lack of harping on it.

Link 2 is Chuck Norris saying that not tolerating the intolerant is intolerance in itself. How profound.
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