2008 Political debate thread

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Did you guys know that McCain is in favor of repealing the Jones Act?

http://www.bridgedeck.org/WhatsNew/maritime issues - candidates.pdf

The Jones act basically says that all domestic trade has to be done by Americans on American flagged ships made in America out of American raw materials. Has anyone ever been on a ferry? On a boat tour of any sort, whether it be in Annapolis, The Everglades, or Ellis Island? It's no coincidence that you never see Mexicans working on the docks or out on deck (Side note: cruise ships are a different story as they are often flagged under other countries). If this law were to be repealed, shit would hit the fan. We'd be whoring ourselves out to the lowest bidder and ANY country could jeopardize our security. The only remotely logical argument against the Jones Act is that it's expensive. My argument is so what? If it helps create jobs and improve our industries then I would gladly pay more for domestic goods. Talk about country first. But I guess that since everyone is in favor of it, and McCain is against it that makes him a maverick or something.
But I guess that since everyone is in favor of it, and McCain is against it that makes him a maverick or something.
Haha, McCain the good maverick, or McCain the bad maverick? I'll take my chances with Obama plz thx :)

If it helps create jobs and improve our industries then I would gladly pay more for domestic goods.
Yep. Reminds me of Walmart...sure they have cheap prices, but at what cost? (if that makes any sense :D)
If we're going to do this the pop culture way... I recall Maverick being a tool. Goose was way cooler.

By the way, to everyone (anyone?) who was gung ho for that bullshit bailout bill: Dow Jones drops below 10k today. Wahoo!
What really blows my mind is I'm expecting the fallout from this to go as follows:

1. Corporations take advantage of citizens who are less than educated.
2. Dumb gullible people (education system anyone?) fall for it and get hooked.
3. Corps make big money.
4. ...But dumb people can't pay up.
5. Oh shit, Corps going bankrupt. But CEOs still rich. Can't afford 2nd Rolls. PLZ Help Feds?
6. Feds dump money into corps. Corps say thank you for the new ride. Feds pat their backs and say good job for fixing a market crisis.
7. Market analysts and middle schoolers apply supply and demand. Lots of new supply = less demand. Prices fall.
8. Everyone goes oh shit again.
9. (This is where we're at as of 10/6/08) Feds go OH NO teh market! And dump more money into the sinking bank empires.
10. The average Joe scratches his head and wonders why he's suddenly paying a lot more taxes and seeing no return in goods or services.
Is "Average Joe" related to "Joe Sixpack"...I'll bet they at least hang out.

Seems more or less, unfortunately, like an accurate rundown there Ken. At least the govt passed a rescue bill, because a bailout would've been unacceptable ;)
What about Belgian Joe? And that Arrogant Bastard, Joe?

Then you also have your Noble Joe, and Stout Joe who hangs out with Richard Simmons. Don't forget Porter Joe down on the docks. But, that could be a dying breed from what Yas was saying earlier...

Abbey Joe can be found at the monastery. I think his vote shouldn't be excluded.

We should maybe fear Imperial Russian Stout Joe at the moment. He seems a little shady and imperialistic.

Some of you may remember that clown Joe from high school. He was a real Weiss guy. I hear he's a big political strategist these days.

And, the traditionalist, Partigyle Joe, may actually get off his duff and vote this year. And the snooty Joe Barley Wine talks a big game, but doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about.

Eh, whatever.
Of course the markets are failing, they have lived on a false pretence of people spending money on things that are not needed to live, or overpriced housing... then while doing so they ran the price of crude so high people are straining to pay bills and still have money to drive to work and heat their houses... then think about the expence businesses have whether they simply use energy for HAVC or especially those that rely on diesel and other energy to produce... so there goes any chances of decent pay raises any time in the near or distant future... then lets think about the schools, that need to be heated and the buses that need to run, so I wonder what everyones school budget will look like next time its up... or the other municipalities... but remember OUR government doesnt raise taxes... yarite... so like OMG... how did all this come to be.

At least those that cashed in big time, robbing our piggy banks while we slept, will not be hurt too badly

So... so long as the gays get to have marraige licences, and immigrants arent frowned on... what do we care
Its easy to be a democrat, you take things as people say and think about what would be best your yourself rather than the country. VOTE MCCAIN!!!

here comes the hatred...
Its easy to be a democrat, you take things as people say and think about what would be best your yourself rather than the country. VOTE MCCAIN!!!

here comes the hatred...

O...k.... Care to elaborate on "take things as people say" and "what would be best your yourself"? Don't point the party finger at me, I despise both dung piles. However, your claims are questionable.

As soon as it started talking about Mccain/Obama I automatically knew it was a commercial. The first couple minutes of it were enlightening, but I feel as if the education trip was stepped on by the commercialism of Mccain.

Oh yeah, I'm not voting.. I didn't register and don't want to. To me, and most of my people, we are thankful that the Bush Admin. got Saddam Hussein out of Iraq, but obviously it fucked America up a lot more than helped the people of the Middle East. So I don't think that badly of Bush, and am quite annoyed by all the negative publicity he gets. A lot of people think that the whole Country is run by the President so when something goes wrong they automatically point their fingers at the President. I think its completely disrespectful that hes made fun of so often in the media.

And these damn commericals.. damn dude.. there is a lot of shit talking on these commericals and its disgusting. I really am disgusted by negative ad commericals.

You know how we do it in Kuwait to vote for members of parliment? They make giant banners and put them all along the sides of the road! Huge banners that have the dudes name on it and then all his policies right under it. Seriously, the sides of the road get FULL from all the canidates' banners. Then, our family gets payed by the highest bidding canidate and we vote for him, ahahahah. I'm serious btw. In 2006 Our whole family got around $1500 for voting for this one guy called Bin Salam Abdullah Othman. Thats how they do it in Kuwait, buy people off! Obviously we checked out the guy first and realized that what he stands for was in good value.

My sister is voting for Obama, so I guess I'm on his side? Idk lol. I want to see how the world will be like with a Black President (no racism intended).
I want to know what McCain has to say about this financial shitstorm that he was incredibly in favor of last week. Yes, I'm aware that Obama voted for it too. I have heard silence from McCain after the stock market dive however. It was he who demanded that both candidates suspend their campaigns to focus on the issue and get the damned bill passed. Lot of good that bill did eh?

Edit: oh, and probably one of the best reasons not to vote for McCain: Even if you love the guy and all his policies, if he dies or becomes ill in office, you've got Sarah Palin running the country. Even the most hardline McCain fans will probably agree with me that this is something to cringe about.
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