2008 Political debate thread

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I never buy anything without money in the bank to support it. I use my credit card 24/7, but I pay it before the due date so I accrue no interest. Free points on swag, no negatives. I always make sure that the account is in the black. When I apply for a house loan, I can only imagine the banks salivating. It seems simple enough: No money = don't spend. But I guess situations call for special measures. Still, common sense judgment should be applied.
Would banks frown on someone like me who has a couple credit cards, but almost never uses them? On one hand, I don't have much of a credit history (other than paying back studen loans)...but on the other hand I have the cards and don't abuse them. Which angle carries more weight as far as credit score goes...hmz
Good question. I've asked banks this myself and they don't like people knowing. Credit is supposed to be a mystery. WHICH MIGHT BE PART OF THIS CRISIS. People don't understand how the system works so they unknowingly fuck up.

I'm under the impression that you build credit by buying a shitload of stuff, especially big ticket items, and manage to make payments before time or on time. Not buying anything doesn't give you bad credit- but it doesn't give you any credit at all! They don't know how diligent you are if there's no payment record for them to judge you by.

EDIT: Likewise if they see you paying off one card with another, and calling those debt assholes about consolidating payments, missing payments... they'll start saying hmmm and scratching their beards disapprovingly.
yes, Ken is right about credit. I dont have a dredit card and never have. Around 2002 we wanted to buy our first semi expensive used car under loan ($10,000 - '97 Olds LSS, one sweet luxury performance car). I had previously for years bought our cars cash, the house mortgage didnt count due to the story I just told about it and I had my business loans paid off probably 7-8 years earlier. I had 0 credit, I could not get a loan, so my sig-other had to coesign, however the loan was put in her name so I still established NO credit though they were always my checks that paid off the loan... around 13,000 said and done. So I guess I dont need to say what I think of motherfucking money lending motherfuckers.... lol. I have never faultered on anything, yet that doesnt count... so dont tell me these people dont want people to borrow money, live a life of credit and interest. My sig other had credit due to her takeing out a loan, without my knowledge and paying it off on time. When she told me about it, after it was paid off, she said she did it for the soul purpose of establishing credit because she knew about these things and also knew I did not care to play the game of the "real" world and that in the end she would wind up on her own, one way or the other.

There once was a time when people didn't buy stuff with others' money. Then came 1971.

Please dont do this, tell me what happened in '71

Well I have two college (bachelors) degrees (yes, I'm a glutton for punishment)...and I'm willing to do my part, so which selfish rich asshole do want me to target?

I dont have names, I just know the type, starting on wallstreet would be a great start but many of them are just puppets as well. Any CEO's that off shored our jobs, any politicians that decided NAFTA and IFTA were the tits and in the best interest of the American people. Yep, I can still hear that "sucking sound" Mr. Peroit warned about (sorry I dont know how to spell his name) but please try to tell me he was wrong... I'm in the mood for a good pissing match... lol
And to that end, Matt makes good points too. Less regulation is right, but the oversight from Congress has failed - perhaps we can add regulation to the oversight. :lol:

Lack of regulation is what has given companies like Exxon Mobile absurdly grotesque windfall profits. Lack of regulation is what has given the economically elite tax cuts of up to 90%, while the middle class is left to shoulder the load. Lack of regulation has left 47 million Americans without health care, as well as swaths of homeless and unemployed. Facts stand that people will screw you if they get the chance.

inb4: who the fuck are you? yeah ok, i was surfing :lol:
I'm pretty much in agreement with what Ken said. One bailout may well lead to another , then another, then another. There needs to come a point where the financial system plays its cards with a bit more caution. Boom and bust is part of the make-up of our financial systems, with bigger booms come bigger busts. Lessons need to be learned here and bailouts might not encourage finance to be more cautious. Always risks involved though obviously...
Re: The bailout, I'm against it. We can afford $700B to pay for the fuckups of the greedy but we can't afford something as necessary and fundamental as health care? Give me a fucking break.

What were everyone's thoughts on the VP debate last night?
What were everyone's thoughts on the VP debate last night?
Palin did better than many people thought, in other words, it wasn't a complete trainwreck. However, she didn't answer the moderator's questions on numerous occasions...which is because she either didn't have an answer, or it was woefully short/inadequate/lacking in any detail...while she would then roll off into some irrelevant prepared talking point. And her constant use of folky colloquialisms wanted to make me barf...but I'm certain many people loved that stuff.

Biden on the the hand was very impressive...he was relaxed, friendly, and in total command of the facts/details that people care about (or at least SHOULD care about)...no complaints from his side. But I don't think this debate changed many votes.
Apparently they have bought votes to pass the bill by those origionally against it by offering money to their districts, so now we are looking at far more than $700b in borrowed money to pay interest on as tax payers. Just to bail out the wealthy so they dont have to scratch around to find some spare change. Legalized larceny at its finest. So hows everyones Chinese ?
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