2008 Political debate thread

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Obama's tax plan creates a class war in the States, and that won't be a pretty thing.
Was there a class war in the 90s? I don't recall one. AFAIK, Obama's tax raise on the upper class would be a result of repealing the Bush tax cuts on that group, thereby instating the same tax rate they had under Clinton (you know, when the economy was doing great :))
Yeah. I'm all for fairness. And fairness means some taking away from the upper class, as it currently stands. Of course they're going to cry like little bitches about it.
Yeah. I'm all for fairness. And fairness means some taking away from the upper class, as it currently stands. Of course they're going to cry like little bitches about it.

Well, if someone told me it wasn't fair that I had worked hard to amass the guitar skills that I have so I didn't get a gig in favor of a guitarist who was less of a player than me and less qualified for the gig just because it wasn't "fair" to him, I'd bitch too.

Sorry if thats not a good enough analogy for you, but its the same analogy that made me stop being a pussy liberal and start respecting the fact that maybe the same love and passion I could have for music someone could have for say, managing a company.

"Fairness" is fucking bullshit.
You might have missed what I wrote on the previous page dude. Using your example, since you worked your ass off, you are in every right entitled to get that gig. Now, if Herman Li popped on over and tried the same argument, I'd tell him to STFU. The guys I'm talking about are the Herman Li's of economic and business fields, and they looooove McCain because like IcedDog said, he's not about to undo Bush's cheating speed metal magic any time soon.
Was there a class war in the 90s? I don't recall one. AFAIK, Obama's tax raise on the upper class would be a result of repealing the Bush tax cuts on that group, thereby instating the same tax rate they had under Clinton (you know, when the economy was doing great :))

No, there was no class war in the '90's because Clinton's plan did not take from upper classes to give to other, lower classes. That will create a huge class war.

And Clinton benefited from the Internet boom, clear and easy. The economy was a mess when he left which was part of why the Republicans won. Wall Street was in a big nose dive. And, after two years of a Dem Congress, where are we? And we want to promulgate the Dem platform and their "plans"? Hell no!
Fuck it. I'm voting third party. I know it's a "wasted vote", but I look at it as supporting ideas other than dem or gop in hopes that other people will follow suit and vote for who they ACTUALLY want to be president, then in 20-30 years there may be another viable option.

Yep, fuck your two party system. I'm going to vote for who i want to be president so I can sleep at night.
it sucks because i am taking away a vote from the direct opposition to he whom i don't want to be president, but after a lot of thought, i don't want either to be president haha. so, i'm looking at it as investing in my future and the future of the country rather than "wasting a vote" right now.

I have seen a lot of my local seattle friends do the same... i hope other people consider this option and realize that while it will mean a number of years with someone you don't want in office more than likely, that's no different than picking the lesser of two evils.
I voted Obama. I liked McCain circa 2000 when he actually did his own thing sanz the overriding GOP influence on his campaign; that and Sarah Palin scares the living shit out of me. I'd rather leave the oval office vacant than have her in there for any length of time.
Simply because the media has painter her as such, or you have something else you're afraid of?

Probably as afraid of Palin you are I am of Obama, and he's at the top of the ticket. We're going to be paying for those programs long, long, long after he's out of office.
Simply because the media has painter her as such, or you have something else you're afraid of?

Probably as afraid of Palin you are I am of Obama, and he's at the top of the ticket. We're going to be paying for those programs long, long, long after he's out of office.

Her extreme religious views, her social policies, the way in which she has consistently mispoken/misunderstood the duties of her office and even the first amendment; she strikes me as being something like Dick Cheney in a skirt sanz any of the man's experience. Also, she went to five colleges to get a journalism degree and can't name a single newspaper she reads/follows?

Edit: That and Republicans claiming to be fiscally responsible given the deficit/surplus trends of the last several administrations is a bit hard to swallow.
Fuck it. I'm voting third party.
Yep, fuck your two party system. I'm going to vote for who i want to be president so I can sleep at night.

I applaud your decision...hey I voted for Ross Perot back when. I know he was semi-looney but he had some great ideas & l didn't like the other choices...particularly Clinton.

I'm not happy with the 2 party system either & I'm on the fence simply because I'm a fan of Bob Barr. But, I cannot sit idlely by and watch BHO take this...so my vote will be primarily against him getting the job...he's not qualified & everything he wants to do worries me alot. And gaffemiester Biden is an idiot...worse than Dan Quayle.
Simply because the media has painter her as such, or you have something else you're afraid of?

Probably as afraid of Palin you are I am of Obama, and he's at the top of the ticket. We're going to be paying for those programs long, long, long after he's out of office.
I can understand how the extreme conservatives would fear Obama's liberalism. What I can't understand is how anyone could approve of the absolute ignorant blathering of Sarah Palin.
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