2008 Political debate thread

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Not healthcare (although I don't agree its a human right) but moreso this stuff:


Do you actually buy that piece? It reads like garbage. Sounds like more of a hit piece against Noam Chomsky than Obama who I'm pretty sure isn't affiliated with the campaign nor supports hims. And what "staff full of Marxists?" Ooo, his blogger is a socialist. Scary!

The fact is both campaigns are going to attract people outside the mainstream of American politics. Perhaps you should look at the credentials of his economic advisers instead of the kid in the new media department to determine Obama's economic policy.
No WMDs? Bullshit...just ask the Kurds about that and they'll tell you what Saddam used to kill hundreds of thousands. WMDs are not just nuclear weapons.

But of course we removed 550 metric tons of yellow cake uranium...a little bit of what you need to build nukes.


That's enough probable cause for me.

We should have fucked up Iran immediately after we did Iraq...but we hesitated & now we can't because they're buddy buddy with Russia. We dropped the ball on that one...too bad.

'WMDs' as we were sold the Iraq war were long range missiles able to be deployed in 45 minutes and reach our noble countries yadda yadda. If you read anything written by the weapons inspectors themselves you would realise that Iraq was a long loooooonnnng way from being able to create anything like a nuclear weapon, let alone possessing anything remotely resembling a delivery system - the weapons inspectors were laughing thier asses off when they were monitoring the testing of the al samoud missile systems - it was more likely to come down on their own heads then get anywhere near another country. As for the Kurds, damn right Hussein got stuck into them, and no prizes for guessing which countries were supplying him with weapons and conveniently looking the other way while these atrocities were going on. But hey... we're the good guys right?... can't be us! If we set up tin-pot dictators in the Middle East and elsewhere to service our needs against other perceived enemies, and stand by while they cause mayhem and misery, we really have no cause for complaint if one of them turns round and bites us in the ass. Nobody in the US would have given a shit if Hussein hadn't exceeded his mandate and gone into Kuwait. Wake up, fellas.

Awesome post Acension. I was going to bring up the Kurds as soon as I read that. Sometimes people get too into the fashionable "Hate Bush" bandwagon without checking out all the facts.:)

Facts eh? I'm not seeing too many of those from the pro-Bush camp. Facts are stupid things, according to the retard-in-chief himself, I seem to remember. Have a look at the death toll, the increase in illnesses caused by munitions, the declne in education, basic standards of living in Iraq, the money spent by US taxpayers to fund this travesty of a war (imagine the difference that cash could make in your own country!!), oh yeah... and the profits made by the companies invested in by the big guys in government.
Grim reading. I don't know what your media are feeding you, but I wouldn't expect it to be particularly close to reality - ours is bad enough....
Do you actually buy that piece? It reads like garbage. Sounds like more of a hit piece against Noam Chomsky than Obama who I'm pretty sure isn't affiliated with the campaign nor supports hims. And what "staff full of Marxists?" Ooo, his blogger is a socialist. Scary!

The fact is both campaigns are going to attract people outside the mainstream of American politics. Perhaps you should look at the credentials of his economic advisers instead of the kid in the new media department to determine Obama's economic policy.

Dude, its a fact that the man Obama credits as his "mentor" in his biography, Frank Marshall Davis, was an outspoken marxist and member of the Communist Party in the US. Obama himself says this man was like a father to him, and gave him career advice. Why should I feel comfortable about that? Not to mention that Obama is extremely religious. Granted so is Palin, and yea a lot of the shit I've read about what she's said scares me, but I'm having to weigh what I think is really going to have the least negative impact on this country. I hate the republicans and the democrats both, but I'm thinking at least if theres a republican in the white house, coupled with a democratic majority in the senate and house, theres less chance much of anything will get done.

No matter who is elected, nothing is going to get better, so I can only hope for the worsening process to slow.
I still find it interesting that Obama makes much stronger faith-based comments that are rarely called into attention, but a simple prayer request from a Republican candidate plasters headlines.

"An instrument of God's will..."

I don't see how people sweep these such comments under the carpet when they come from a Democratic politico but jump all over anything from the Republican side.
I agree on that; I guess people just think that the implications are more severe coming from the Republicans - ie, that they will be excuses for more wars. Not saying that's what I think or that's the truth, but the vast uneducated majority sees it this way.
I still find it interesting that Obama makes much stronger faith-based comments that are rarely called into attention, but a simple prayer request from a Republican candidate plasters headlines.

"An instrument of God's will..."

I don't see how people sweep these such comments under the carpet when they come from a Democratic politico but jump all over anything from the Republican side.

That's why I made the comment earlier in this thread that I didn't want to vote. Barack's comments (And the star worship he has received) have completely driven me away from the Democrats. I'm not saying he will be a bad president, but it's those kinds of things that make me loose respect for a person. Prior to being nominated, he made a few speeches (I can find them on youtube if you want me to) about how he wants to see people from all different religious background work together. Now he panders and changes this stance to fit the views of the largest voting demographic. Turning down atheist/agnostic representation at the DNC was like a kick in the fucking nuts. Until a move is made to open a door to the non religious I will actually never vote for another democrat. This also goes to a larger extent with the republicans. This may sound trivial, but to be honest I'm now completely fed up with politicians who marginalize people who also hold my view. Atheists are the last group of people in America where it is completely acceptable to openly discriminate against.
Because not voting tells future candidates, that you might like, to ignore your demographic because you are not interested in voting. You ARE aware that you can write in what you want, yes? This whole "A or B" mentality is all an illusion.
Well... to be honest.. I like him because he supports the decriminalization of marijuana. :lol: Anyone who is smart enough to know that weed shouldn't be illegal is ok in my book.


I'm amazed at actually how many people have said that recently. Is weed really that important? It's a plant that makes you really hungry and see strange colors when you close your eyes, why would someone vote for a candidate because of that? I would think the larger issues would be what sells someone on a candidate, but....
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