2014* - new and upcoming albums

Not sure if anyone has mentioned Quantum Fantay's Terragaia yet. Psychedelic/prog rock in the vein on Ozric Tentacles. Not bad.

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Anyone like the new Devin Townsend album? It's different, but I like it. It has a really nice chill vibe to it
Hmm yeah i say we start a petition to get michael pinnella to make another album

man this album is good, it's way better than SX's stuff

Opeths new single. I like it! Sounds a little heavier than Heritage but not overly heavy. Looks promising!
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I didnt notice the drumming untilyou brought it up but yeah... now I cant not notice it. :/ As for reast of it the only thing im not big on is the solo. Opeth shouldnt play fast shreddy ish solos. It doesnt fit them.

* I listened to it once before posting it so I was overhyped.
I'm not sure what to think of Opeth these days. Heritage wasn't bad, but it just didn't draw me in to give it more than a few listens (forgettable is probably the word). This is a bit on the same lines. I like the 'chorus' melody, but I don't get an emotional connection to the song otherwise.
It doesn't get me as excited as The Devil's Orchard did when they released that as a build-up to Heritage, but a good song nonetheless. Somehow I dread the prospect of it being played over and over again on the radio once the album inevitably tops the charts around where I live.

Still yet to hear Casualties of Cool but will comment on it once I get around to it.
It doesn't get me as excited as The Devil's Orchard did when they released that as a build-up to Heritage, but a good song nonetheless. Somehow I dread the prospect of it being played over and over again on the radio once the album inevitably tops the charts around where I live.

Still yet to hear Casualties of Cool but will comment on it once I get around to it.

Could it be? Are we witnessing the birth of Bropeth? :kickass:
New Anathema is good. A few weaker songs, but nothing bad. I expect it to grow on me just like all other Anathema.
Casualties of Cool is... cool. Very chillax.
New Mostly Autumn is... alright... I think. I've only heard a little. Sounds like there's a lot of instrumental stuff on it.

Two albums I decided to check out because they had good votes on progarchives:

Dream the Electric Sleep - Heretics
Great! Fresh and different. Never gave it a very detailed listen, but 'Elizabeth' and 'Utopic' are two fantastic songs.
Pervy Perkin - Ink
This album is 2 hours 17 minutes long... That in itself is incredibly prog. Not very good tho. Horrible vocalist. Maybe it's one of those musician's albums that only guitar-wankers can enjoy. Not that I could spot any particularly impressive guitar-wankery.

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