2013 - new and upcoming albums

^--- The only Sieges Even album I own as of now is Paramount, and as good as that is it doesn't do as much for me as Cynic's stuff does. I realize you probably hold Steps in a much higher regard than Paramount but it's the closest point of reference I have right now. Also, the idea of giving up cosmic beauty for hard shit doesn't compute with me. Why can't I have both?

b/c steps is a timeless work of transcendent beauty

when all the world is trashed, the steps cd will be sitting among the ashes, the aliens will find it and weep
never listened to earlier sieges even but that song above sounds as if peter hammill had teamed up with fates warning, but probably not as good as that would have been. sounds too disjointed. "dubidodo" *pause* "dobobobo" *pause* "drumidrumidrum". too "techy" and I don't find it particularly impressive. the prog rock equivalent of having too many drops in a trance song (not that I would ever listen to trance). for "musician's music" I prefer gentle giant or something.
I keep on listening Subsignal's "Paraiso" and never get tired of it,and I repeat that if you enjoyed "paramount","The art of navigating...." and the other subsignal stuff,this will not disappoint you ,along to Haken for me is the best record of the year
never listened to earlier sieges even but that song above sounds as if peter hammill had teamed up with fates warning, but probably not as good as that would have been. sounds too disjointed. "dubidodo" *pause* "dobobobo" *pause* "drumidrumidrum". too "techy" and I don't find it particularly impressive. the prog rock equivalent of having too many drops in a trance song (not that I would ever listen to trance). for "musician's music" I prefer gentle giant or something.

I had to sign up on some wonky russian torrent site to get a listen of it, so I dunno... :P
Streams man, streams! :P

Thanks! This is really good. They need some polish but the potential is definitely there. More prog than most "prog". It's nice to hear something like this in a sea of Ayreons.

Not bad. I dunno what I have against French bands. Most of them anyway.

Just found this. Absolutely amazing stuff.

I don't know how I feel about this. Rides the line of "prog" that is meh. But escapes its cage at moments.
I keep on listening Subsignal's "Paraiso" and never get tired of it,and I repeat that if you enjoyed "paramount","The art of navigating...." and the other subsignal stuff,this will not disappoint you ,along to Haken for me is the best record of the year
Subsignal is nice, but far too polished and pleasant for my tastes, They lack this "angular" rhythmic quality that Sieges Even used to have.
Subsignal is nice, but far too polished and pleasant for my tastes, They lack this "angular" rhythmic quality that Sieges Even used to have.

A million times this. They're starting to get annoying - like a late 70's/early 80's AOR band with loudness war production.
I'm also passing on the new Subsignals for the same reason Stormbringer states....

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I also can't start a new thread....
Any help would be appreciated...
Circle of Illusion's debut "Jeremias" is one of the greatest releases of 2013. It is sth like rock opera, with great and dynamic drumming, intense and sophisticated compositions and driving vocals.

Sorizon - "Somnus" is also a very good release, with a flawless sound (compared to their debut), great clean vocals, both melodic and screaming; even thrashy; i didn't like the screams and brutals that much. Anyway, a great album overall.

Aside from the two, i liked Thought Chamber's sophomore, Keldian's "Outbound" a lot too. Thought Chamber is a great example of massively melodic and technical progressive metal, and Keldian is a band that creates emotive and spiritual atmosphere. Both bands haven't disappoint me with their 2013 releases.

I heard Vallendusk from here, and liked it (thanks btw). Saille - Ritu is also a cool BM release of this year.
last Epysode's "Fantasmagoria" is out with special guests Lepond and DGM'sguitar player SImone Mularoni,very SX and Evergrey style