2013 - new and upcoming albums

Vallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering
The best black(ish) metal album made in a decade. On par (or better) than Emperor's best stuff.

Vocals sound a bit mediocre but otherwise that stuff is pretty damn good.

Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing
His best solo album. I initially thought Grace For Drowning was better but I changed my mind.

I would have to disagree. Grace for Drowning is definitely better, and based on the two songs I've heard off of Insurgentes that one could easily be as well.

The new Exivious is now out....

Will have to get.
Just found this. Absolutely amazing stuff.

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I was listening to this at lunch and liked the 1st two songs...
http://www.progstreaming.com/_wb/pages/play-album.php?activeAlbum=00573 - SchizofrantiK - The Knight On The Shark


Top 10 for worst album cover ever.
Cynic is for scrubs

Anyone who likes Cynic has not heard the hard shit

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^--- The only Sieges Even album I own as of now is Paramount, and as good as that is it doesn't do as much for me as Cynic's stuff does. I realize you probably hold Steps in a much higher regard than Paramount but it's the closest point of reference I have right now. Also, the idea of giving up cosmic beauty for hard shit doesn't compute with me. Why can't I have both?
Call me a "scrub" then with big issues since I have most of the Sieges Even cds but I only visit the Wolfgang Zenk stuff of thiers.....

The Panzerballet is also very good and we are lucky in NJ since they play locally every once in a while!