A Sneap Paramore cover..?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Well since everyone here is in love with Paramore (not at all a bad thing ^^), what do you think of doing a cover of one of their songs?

We can release all the raw tracks for people to mix, which would be good practice considering the quality of their production, plus that style is not often seen on here.

I can do real drums (so people can mix with bleed, etc. but I don't have tom mics, so they'll be replaced, also don't have a snare bottom mic so if necessary can sample that in). And I can get vocals done by a very good female singer. But of course if anyone else wants to do drums/vocals just post here. But guitars and bass I cannot do.

What do you think? And which song? I think Decode, such an awesome mix and an awesome song.
Pretty much any mic will do for snare bottom, but like SM57 or any cheap pencil condenser are ok. If you can borrow mics for the toms from friends it would be cool

I have no spare mics that can handle those SPLs. If anyone in Sydney wants to lend me a 57 for this it'd be much appreciated. I don't even have stands for the tom mics though, so they're pretty much out of the question. They're pretty minor though.

Is there any way to add a poll to this thread without starting a new one? Lasse? For song choice.
Whatever you pick il do bass, wouldnt mind doing Ignorance or somthing just because ive listened to everything else a gazillion times.
Gareth and I already talked about doing this some time ago, for what it's worth I'm in a paramore cover band and already know lots of the songs (we've only had like 3 rehearsals yet, don't have the full set ready)

I would do any song, really I love them all, but I could go with kryspies on Let the flames begin, an awesome track
I just got this idea, what about we do 2 covers? as in 2 completely different "teams" and do some sort of a competition? like the tone competitions but a whole "recording and mixing competition", what you say? we would chose the same song and two different teams of people will do them and we could then judge who did a better, closer to the real thing production job. We could be more than 2 teams of course, but I'm thinking cause one could be Gareth and I (and more people of course), and the other could be lead by morgoe. what say you guys?
I just got this idea, what about we do 2 covers? as in 2 completely different "teams" and do some sort of a competition? like the tone competitions but a whole "recording and mixing competition", what you say? we would chose the same song and two different teams of people will do them and we could then judge who did a better, closer to the real thing production job. We could be more than 2 teams of course, but I'm thinking cause one could be Gareth and I (and more people of course), and the other could be lead by morgoe. what say you guys?

Could do this, but I was thinking of releasing the raw tracks to the forum to mix once its all done.

Perhaps instead of teams, each person can record their DI's or whatever (if anyone else can do drums, that's awesome). Then upload all the raw tracks and people can choose which tracks they want to use ("I used Gareth's guitar DI's with Barryen's Bass DI's and Morgan's Drums and this is my result").

I think Let the Flames Begin is a good choice, and hasn't been overplayed.
Could do this, but I was thinking of releasing the raw tracks to the forum to mix once its all done.

Perhaps instead of teams, each person can record their DI's or whatever (if anyone else can do drums, that's awesome). Then upload all the raw tracks and people can choose which tracks they want to use ("I used Gareth's guitar DI's with Barryen's Bass DI's and Morgan's Drums and this is my result").

I think Let the Flames Begin is a good choice, and hasn't been overplayed.

That sounds like a good idea too, we could do that too. Well I'm all for it however it goes, and let's see how many agree on Let the Flames Begin. If not I also really love Born for This