
NO WAY DUDE I am from Niskayuna!

NiskEyuna... know the area well... the whole capital district really. My father was superintendent at Dburg his entire career except began as phy ed/coach and did night school at SUNY to advance himself eventually getting a masters of some sort. Me no like school and did not... not funny so I wont do a lol. But yeah, been here my whole life. Now Im further south in the "hilltowns".
THANK YOU COME AGAIN. That's how I talk.

Okay actually, not really. English is pretty much my first language despite the fact that it wasn't the only language I've been taught since I was a kid. So I have that naturalized fluent Indian accent. Which doesn't sound as bad as Russell Peters makes it out to be. Strangely, my fiends and I talk in that voice on purpose just for the lulz or to feed the stereotype in the heads of visiting foreigners.
HAHA I talk in that voice when I call my mom on the phone. I know what you mean, I talk in a fake cliche Chinese accent when I'm at home meeting random people and they buy it.

There's a sexy Indian guy working as an English teacher in my prefecture. I love listening to him talk.
I know what you mean, I talk in a fake cliche Chinese accent when I'm at home meeting random people and they buy it.

HAHA! I love how easily they buy it. I was really bored once when I had to call Boston University and I tried it. After 5 mins, the admission counsellor said "Wait, you really don't talk like that do you?".
Hahaha you know what they say about Boston University..."sucks to BU!" That's funny, did you say "Are you mocking my accent? Do not come again thank you"
Yeah, born and raised in west virginia... scottish heritage... I have a mildly southern accent from what I've been told... I do make a point to pronounce things I say correctly, though.
No she overheard me talking normally to my dad :lol: Then after a few laughs I realized that I was blowing up a lot of cash by doing so, and got down to business.

EDIT @ Krow. So you talk like grrrreounds keeporr waillie ?
My accent is Midlands, or American General. I.E. no accent, like people on TV who have generic American voices talk. Aka the right way to speak, fuckers.

With Srontgorrth's +1, I'll add another and make a +2. My mother was from Minnesota, so she kinda talks like the people on the movie Fargo. I fall into that from time to time, saying stuff like "Ooooh, Yaaaa, dats goooot froootcake!". My aunts and uncles on her side that still live up there are really bad about it.
Yeah, born and raised in west virginia... scottish heritage... I have a mildly southern accent from what I've been told... I do make a point to pronounce things I say correctly, though.

Is WV similar to Kentucky and TN? I have relatives there and they have the cutest accents. "Hi honey would you like some AH-ce in your swAY-t tAY?"
Is WV similar to Kentucky and TN? I have relatives there and they have the cutest accents. "Hi honey would you like some AH-ce in your swAY-t tAY?"

I suppose so....not as thick.. Although my voice is too low to truly allow my inner


To show through properly. And I fucking refuse to talk like that...