
I'm from the south so I have a southern accent, although I try my best to contain it at all times.
good idea Runk. I like your accent. I didn't know Swedes also did the v/w pronunciation thing when speaking English.

don't make fun of my geeky voice

:lol: That was awesome.

If any here were even capable of comprehending my diction, I guarantee you would, if male, be both flaccid and erect at once. The sheer pain would cause you to suffer immensely, so much so in fact that your bowels would quickly void as your physical form would shake violently as it was in the midst of the throe's of death.

If you are a woman, you would probably not be that impressed because you are all mean.
You think?

I was gonna replace it with something more expressive and metal-minded like a reading of a revised short excerpt from Dickens' Great Expectations replacing certain words with all sorts of vulgarities and metal references.But it proved to me more time-consuming that I imagined, and I couldn't really make it into a hilarious coherent whole. Oh well...:lol:
So when did English become American English? If a person from Thailand is speaking English is it Thai English?

Oh I speak with an English accent :erk:

It's just a dialect. American English is kind of on it's own, the rest of the world learns British English.
I think all the dialects are great and no one should be ashamed or try to cover up their "native tongue". Though if you developed too much of say a hillbilly drawl, slang and phraseing like I have its a good idea to leave it in the closet when away from "home". I have had my own father look at me real strange and say "WHAT!"... Oops !

My sister picked up on the NC accents and terms but is still a mix of that and NY.
My first language is British English.
Second language is Polish.

But arent all the Brits also regional as well as "class" separated ?

My fathers second wife spoke "perfect" english... at least the American version, one of these finishing school types and most of the time I felt like slapping it off her lips (because she was also a snot... with nose fully in the air), perfect english is so disgusting.
Russian accent = BONER

Ananth you sound like a German except you do the w/v thing the opposite way, where you pronounce "W" in American English" as "V" - Germans and Scandinavians do it the opposite way
Krampus' voice is a lot deeper than I imagined it. No offense or anything. I don't mean like manly deep, just deeper than I thought. I should really stop typing now.