
Krampus' voice is a lot deeper than I imagined it. No offense or anything. I don't mean like manly deep, just deeper than I thought. I should really stop typing now.

It's ok, I definitely sound like a thirteen year old boy. I've always had a deep voice and it's pretty unattractive, but if I smoke an entire pack in one night, go for more than 2 hours of karaoke or get sick it gets all raw and I like it that way.
Oh oh if you speak anything non-English record yourself speaking in that too! I will totally record myself talking about bullshit in Japanese and you can all make fun of how stupid it sounds.
I have been told I speak like a Canadian, idk.

My Spanish teacher is from Michigan and he talks the same way and said people think his accent is Canadian at times.:lol:
You must sound like a Yankeeee then son.:)
My I's can go either way, nasally or normal, I learned how to change dialects by being a Communications major, it improves your voice and language. But I'm sure I still sound like someone from Tennessee, just not as stereotypical and more likely to use the schaw sound in a lot of my words.
gimme something to say and i'll record it because just talking into my mic saying random shit makes me feel dumb
Ananth you sound like a German except you do the w/v thing the opposite way, where you pronounce "W" in American English" as "V" - Germans and Scandinavians do it the opposite way

My english teacher in the second grade told me the difference but I guess it was never fully assimilated.
vihris - you sound bored with the world and hateful

Mort Divine - you sound like a very normal American dude, not particularly Canadian
Vihris's snow post and WAIF's impression of JGMetalhead = pure win :lol:
What he said :lol:

Impression of JGMetalhead is pure fucking win :lol: Dude you should've added the interchangeability bit. Nevertheless, it was sweet! hahahahah.