
Well here's one of the apparent highlights from last year in case you missed it:

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That's ME saying "Isn't this Soulside Journey?"! And saying the very direct and straight "Yes." And me headbanging. AND "Nice he fuckin' picked up the slow part!"


In addition, I think Grant and co. can attest to me being one of the most outgoing, talkative, enthusiastic people in our little MDF group. Whether that's good or bad is I guess entirely up to who I am around (I'm sure all the quiet, serious UMers hate that I am pretty hyper and excitable, or at least find it irritating...fine with me!).
What was so win about my snow speech? How much of a loser I sound like?

You sound like someone from System Shock 2. At the moment I can't decide whether it's the biologist describing the interior of The Many prior to being digested painfully, or the lisping brainwashed administrative guy rambling on about the beauty of The Many's societal effects on mankind, but you're definitely one of them.
You sound like someone from System Shock 2. At the moment I can't decide whether it's the biologist describing the interior of The Many prior to being digested painfully, or the lisping brainwashed administrative guy rambling on about the beauty of The Many's societal effects on mankind, but you're definitely one of them.

Wow, never would have thought of that comparison. That's awesome. :lol:
I don't hear a sound.:erk:
Winamp gives the "bad sound driver" error.

Did you encode it in some special way?
I used an anti-Semitic encoder.


Joe, you sound nothing like I would've figured...awesome!

I remember when I first posted a picture people mentioned surprise that I wasn't fat with a gross beard from living in a man-cave in my mom's basement, so I'll assume that means you're surprised that I didn't sound like an obese nerd either. Also I have to say it's not a great example of my voice, since I get self conscious talking into a mic and speak differently than in conversation, but yeah.