
Yea, let's establish an intergalactic prison on Jupiter and ship all malfunctioning PCs there. Separated from their mother base, all peripheral equipment will slowly rust and decay... Hopefully, wireless mice and keyboards do first cos they are a plague.
Obviously. The planet will be renamed accordingly.

How completely unpatriotic of me to get a kick out of all these racial jokes. But then, I'm only half-Jewish...
Hahahahaha I'm still laughing my ass off. It's ridiculous when you hear the serious voice reading out the 'interchangeability of thought occurs'.

EDIT - @ WAIF - Dude, does your voice always sound so broken?
I might post a clip of my voice if I ever get around to it.

I live on the west coast of Canada and I always have great difficulty trying to explain to others what type of accent I have. Maybe it's just because I live here but to me, it's only people on the east coast that seem to have distinct accents.

For those of you who are familiar west coast accents, how would you guys describe them?
That sounds exactly the same, except a lot more hysterical :lol:

And finally, you're speaking in your own language. How long have you been speaking Japanese?
Couldn't think of anything creative so I was cursing in Kannada.

EDIT- [Alex is it?] Darkbliss' post still has me ROFLMAO-ing :lol:
That ought to win the epic moment of the year award.
Awesome Japanese, krampus.Sounds like complete gibberish to me save for the coincidental familiarity with Hebrew here and there( ma ze= what is[this] in Hebrew )

Your speech makes me want to listen to Koenjihyakkei again.:kickass: