
Ah. I kinda got the idea that it was actually Dodens driving around in his car and shouting angrily from the car window to whomever he passed.
Onder - Who is Andy and why are we supposed to pee on each other?!?!!?!??!

Episteme - you sound exactly like my other friend from Perth. Can't imagine what your housemates/neighbors must have thought at 2:30 am. Welcome back btw

Runk - You definitely don't sound 15?

vihris-gari - That was amazing, definitely "driving around yelling out car windows at people" material!

DarkBliss - thanks for the Russian!
Onder wins this thread. :notworthy

Episteme: You sound more Aussie than me.

I'd put something up but I ain't gots no mic.
That's Grant, not Dodens.

I'm Andy btw. Ondra is my Czech buddy, isn't that right!? RIGHT?!

krampus, lol at your Susperia impression.