AcmeBargig Headcase 1.54 Retail Release

Yes six copies of head case suite would definitely be taxing on a system. So, the idea then for later is to be able to make use of SIMD and run multiple copies for the CPU cost of one. That would also cut down on memory usage as well by 75%. So where you had to have 4 copies running, now you would only need one.

The barrier to this however is the DAW and whether it will support routing of this type. You would have to be able to send a mono track to any one of four inputs on the stereo grack that contains the quad processor (preampus, head case, whatever).

It would be like this. You would have one stereo track, and that stereo track would hold the quad processing software. This woould be a quad version of head case or preapmus, whatever. you would then have four mono tracks and their output would be routed to the stereo track. The quad processor would have 4 inouts and all you do is select which input comes from what track from there. All panning and level setting bwetween the guitar tracks would be done from there..
This is not a new idea by any stretch, in fact its just an extension of what people are already doing with stereo routing. Anyways, the only DAW i know that supports this type of routing is Reaper..