After the release of STYE, will anyone be going to anymore In Flames shows?

WithinTheOdyssey said:
At this point it really doesn't matter because DARK tRANQUILLITY Obviously shits on In Flames. Anders singing about the same fucking depressing shit and now sounding like Jonathan Davis in the process "oh this pain, its hurting me inside" maybe you should go listen to Stained you fucking faggott if you want emotional metal. Oh so if your capable of making different types of music your amazing? your stupider then I thought, you must like St.Anger too huh? I mean..Metallica IS capable of writing Heavy Metal and Rock right? All I have to say is, Scream Bloody Gore-Sounds of Perseverence, thats keeping your sound while still being able to surprise every album. Go Kill Yourself

R.I.P Chuck Schuldiner

...never base arguments on assumptions. For one, I never said that a band who is capable of making different types of music is necessarilly amazing. ...and I almost must congratulate you on sounding like a complete fucking douche once again - Staind and the such has emotion in it...but they also have that Bland and 'usual' sound of every other band like them on the radio. But of course, you are incapable of accepting any other understanding other than your own. Sonata Arctica, Opeth, Anathema, and Katatonia are all emotional music...But I suppose faggots listen to that kind of music. Because we all know that only bands such as Stained, Linkin Park, and Chevelle put emotion and feeling into their music...

I completely agree that Damage Done blows Reroute To Remain WAY out of the water...that album is fucking incredible. However, it makes no difference...that is a point to be argued by someone else. If you can't be mature and say "Ok dude, you're right...I'm sorry" or anything remotely close to that, I suggest you look into books such as "Suicide For Dummys".....
Haha, I am far from a "tr00" metalhead. The only form of "metal" that I cannot condone is mallcore and that's it. I dont listen to black metal and I rarely listen to death. My likes range from Power Metal (not the wizards and dragons 'oh my' school, but more in the Edguy, Wolf, and Lost Horizon vein), Melodic Hard Rock, to Progressive Metal. I'm sure some people would call me the worlds biggest poser pussy because I listen to Bonfire and Nevermore at the same time. My gripe with In Flames is that they once were great, and now they have just decided to take it safe and formulate music that will generate mass appeal because it fits the current musical trend in America at the moment. Any musician who does that is utter worthless shit in my opinion and like I said In Flames have done just that.

Daybreaker said:
Haha, I am far from a "tr00" metalhead.
my idea of a tr00 metalhead isn't someone who listens to death and black, its someone who prides themselves on thinking they are far superior to others because of their taste in less accesable music than most.

Daybreaker said:
The only form of "metal" that I cannot condone is mallcore and that's it.
describe it, please, so i can get an idea of how you think on this topic. or give legit reasons why you hate this so-called "mallcore".

Daybreaker said:
I'm sure some people would call me the worlds biggest poser pussy because I listen to Bonfire and Nevermore at the same time.
not really. do you even wanna hear my tastes?

Daybreaker said:
My gripe with In Flames is that they once were great.
thats respectable, whether or not i agree on it.

Daybreaker said:
and now they have just decided to take it safe and formulate music that will generate mass appeal because it fits the current musical trend in America at the moment..
thats quite debateable. the current musical trend in america is pop-punk/emo. the new IF, while I will admit is hardly among their best, is part of a niche IF are carving out for themselves, and until you can find me a quote of them saying something along the lines of "yeah, we are doing this music because it will sell more" then i would be forced to agree. but, sorry, no....

Daybreaker said:
Any musician who does that is utter worthless shit in my opinion
well, i let the actual music rather than suspicions or commerciability of it speak for itself first when deciding whether i like it, but if you don't want to do that, fine, just don't expect everyone to agree with you. Am I asking you to like it? absolutely not. Ask yourself, do you hate it because of the music more or the fact its more commercial than previous efforts?(IF have always been pretty commercial, btw) because you seem to care a hell of a lot more about the commercial part. if you just flat out don't like it because of the music, and the music itself rather than what you think of the band or other bands, then you have a perfectly legit reason.

Daybreaker said:
In Flames have done just that..

but thats just scratching the surface..... my problem with you is like i said, your extreme stereotyping, generalizations, and paranoia. you didn't address these issues at all, and if you have no idea what i'm talking about, ill give you a hint.....

here is a couple bands i like..... In Flames, Neurosis, Opeth, Slipknot, Sigur Ros, Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel, Mudvayne, Dissection, Meshuggah, Slayer, Cave In, Incubus, Emperor, Suffocation, Helloween, Godsmack, Iced Earth....

what do you think of me?
There was in interview where one of the In Flames guys said he hoped to reach a bigger audience with the new material back when R2R was in the making. That's essentially saying they changed to sell more.
asphyXy said:
There was in interview where one of the In Flames guys said he hoped to reach a bigger audience with the new material back when R2R was in the making. That's essentially saying they changed to sell more.
1. find me this interview so i can take this post a little more seriously.
2. bands are always gonna say "they hope to reach a bigger audience".... metal is on the rise, so it gets a lot of bands hoping. take Opeth for example.... their newest material D1, BWP, is no more accesable than their older.... but of course whenever asked or interviewed about their growing popularity or such a question, they are going to respond as such.... they hope their music gets a bigger audience, etc etc.... apply to any band. it does not necessarily have to do with the actual music itself. as for accesability, the "catchiest" In Flames song ever is Jotun, hands down. y'know, maybe on the whole, later IF is more "accesable" than older, but really not that much.... In Flames have always been one of the most accesable metal bands around.
asphyXy said:
There was in interview where one of the In Flames guys said he hoped to reach a bigger audience with the new material back when R2R was in the making. That's essentially saying they changed to sell more.
I see where you're heading at, but no, wanting to reach a bigger audience is not essentially or un-essentially saying they changed to sell more.
I'll definitely be going to see In Flames again if I get the chance. The last time I saw them, which was Wacken last summer, they were absolutely incredible. But please, if you don't like their new material then don't go, it means more people who do appreciate their music will be able to see them. Don't go if you don't like 'em anymore, it does stand to reason. Although it's funny to see threads like this popping up before the SINGLE is even released.
SunlapseVertigo said:
it does not necessarily have to do with the actual music itself. as for accesability, the "catchiest" In Flames song ever is Jotun, hands down.
given its a catchy song, thats obviously subjective. Only for the Weak, Cloud Connected, Free Fall, Trigger, Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story, I 'd say are all much more catchy, but than of course thats just my opinion.

Agreed with you however on the "we want to reach bigger audiences" deal. It doesn't necesarrily mean that they are purposely changing their sound, more often than not it means they simply want more people to hear their music, as any musician would.
Final_Vision said:
given its a catchy song, thats obviously subjective. Only for the Weak, Cloud Connected, Free Fall, Trigger, Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story, I 'd say are all much more catchy, but than of course thats just my opinion.
its that riff, man, the riff. Jotun was the first song i ever heard by them, and i don't think i checked out another song by them the whole rest of the day because i was constantly playing that song over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. in my opinion, Jotun is the catchiest song I have ever heard.
That yeah theres that lead riff in the verse the runs through the song, definitly a catchy fuckin riff. Like I said, its a catchy song! :p
What, you mean like 1:00 into Jotun. The midtempo riff? I love that riff.

The main riff with the double bass is a little bland, methinks.

I say Artifacts is more catchy. It really is subjective.
You could have tried to sound like a bigger ignorant fuck, but I think you would have some trouble doing so...

If you didn't realize, I made it clear that I have listened to In Flames for quite some time, and have also followed the metal scene for quite some time. Even if I were a "new" In Flames fan, I would still have their albums, their interviews, their bootlegs, their history, etc. at would make no difference. You are no better than the next guy simply because you were a fan of them back in the day and he was not. Get your head out of your ass, dumb fuck.....

In Flames was capable of fantastic melodic Death Metal back in their Whoracle days...and now, they are capable of making emotional, atmospheric metal. If you don't like it, then just shut your fucking mouth and don't worry about it...

...oh, and just because you may not be able to comprehend a logic other than your own - Dark Tranquility by NO means kept their obviously are a "NEW" Dark Tranquility fan...listen to Skydancer, then listen to Projector, then listen to Damage Done.........yeah, same sound ...ass fuck

This must be the most stupid thing I ever saw. Hey are you scared that people dont like in flames??? Thats why you call everybody that dont like it assfuck and things like that??? I'll explain this for you. Dark tranquillity have change ( evolved) but staid with some great music..damage done is great and so is projector. In flames HAD incredible music and now do some music. NOthing that will make you feel good cause its made for the money. And its maid for fans like you...for fans that worship it but dont understand much about the story behing in flames. Not all are like this but you seem to be. So next time you want to call someone an assfuck well look at yourself before cause you dont seem to understand that IF dont care for you they want THE MONEY. And that dark tranquillity still cares for you so they do GOOD music.
Listen, Monsieur...Had you read the rest of the thread, maybe you'd have figured out that I am not defending the new music simply because I am a desperate fan. You didn't bring up a point that hasn't been brought up and argued fact, I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make, so I'm not going to bother....
I would love to go see In Flames again if they actually change the setlist. How about some DIFFERENT old songs? Not Gyroscope, Episode 666, Colony, Behind Space, Bullet Ride, Only for the Weak, Pinball Map, etc.... SOMETHING DIFFERENT!! like Swim, JOTUN, Dead Eternity, Zombie Inc or Food for the Gods.