Album of the year . . . so far.

Did you ever get the feeling listening to the album that you were hearing parts of Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, The Clansman and Fallen Angel all over again?
So has anyone heard Crimson II yet? First impressions? I think it's ok - probably need to hear it a couple more times. Not quite as 'dynamic' as part I, and I wish Swano would make more use of his clean vocals. I really like them on this album - he uses less vibrato in his voice and so sounds less like David Coverdale.
Speaking of Edge of Sanity ...

The new UNMOORED cd Indefinite Soul-Extension(just got the promo from code666) is a fucking masterpiece. I never heard these guys, but this disc is freaking brilliant.

I cannot describe the intensity of this band without making stupid comparisons, so I won't. I hear everything from Edge of Sanity, At the Gates, Nocturnus, Burzum, Morbid Angel.

Christian, the singer has the most versatile voice (natural sounding) that I have heard in a long time.

The best part is that while the music is complex it hits you instantly and is memorable ... it just makes me want to put it in the player over and over.

There is NOT one filler track on this disc, but the last track, FINAL STATE PART III (a ballad nonetheless) is worth the price of the disc alone.

Negura is still in my top spot for the year but this record is definetelly no.2 and a scorcher.

I cannot wait till you guys pick up on this ...
Nice - I'll check that out.

lurch70 said:
The best part is that while the music is complex it hits you instantly and is memorable ... it just makes me want to put it in the player over and over.
That's the same with the latest Extol album.
lurch70 said:
The new UNMOORED cd Indefinite Soul-Extension(just got the promo from code666) is a fucking masterpiece. I never heard these guys, but this disc is freaking brilliant.
Hey lurch - how does the rest of the album compare to the mp3 sample they have at code666? The mp3 rules! I dig the clean vocals - how often are the clean vocals used throughout?
Hey lurch - how does the rest of the album compare to the mp3 sample they have at code666? The mp3 rules! I dig the clean vocals - how often are the clean vocals used throughout?
Out of the 8 tracks at least half utilize this ... the last song, FINAL STATE PART III being one that is all with clean vocals ... a brilliant ballad ... it keeps reminding me of early Metallica, Testament ballads.

The sample track is what got me hooked too, but must say there are much better tracks on the record.
lurch70 said:
Out of the 8 tracks at least half utilize this ... the last song, FINAL STATE PART III being one that is all with clean vocals ... a brilliant ballad ... it keeps reminding me of early Metallica, Testament ballads.

The sample track is what got me hooked too, but must say there are much better tracks on the record.
I've listened to just over half the Goatsblood CD, it is pretty damn good. The other night amidst a massive drinking session (aka Friday evening) I described them as free-form jazz musicians getting murdered hideously, and then their zombies come back to play death metal. Sick fucking artwork too, not gross-out stuff, just highly disturbing. Definitely a contender for top 10 status this year, but not guaranteed just yet.
NAD said:
I've listened to just over half the Goatsblood CD, it is pretty damn good. The other night amidst a massive drinking session (aka Friday evening) I described them as free-form jazz musicians getting murdered hideously, and then their zombies come back to play death metal. Sick fucking artwork too, not gross-out stuff, just highly disturbing. Definitely a contender for top 10 status this year, but not guaranteed just yet.
Yeah that's a good analogy - it's definitely the soundtrack to murder, but it's also something I'm not going to keep. It's because I would only get 1-2 listens out of it before putting it away for good - it would wear thin quickly.

Needless to say, I'm sending my copy over to Erik for review. Hopefully he might get something out of it. :cool:
I'm glad I didn't send you Aborted then, you probably wouldn't like it. I think Goatsblood is something I'll listen to a bit, just because it seems like there is a lot of stuff happening. I've been thoroughly impressed by every Willowtip release I've heard, and it's hard to beat $10 with 3 day shipping.
NAD said:
I'm glad I didn't send you Aborted then, you probably wouldn't like it.
Yeah fine. That reminds me, I must make a list of promos that I don't want. Do you want the Fleshgrind then?

I think Goatsblood is something I'll listen to a bit, just because it seems like there is a lot of stuff happening.
It's different levels of extremity. I think raw BM is probably the furthest I'll go - just because I really do hear a lot more stuff happening, although it took forever to finally appreciate the beauty of BM.

My "dilemna" is that I just don't have the time for stuff like Goatsblood. It took over a year for me to appreciate Emperor (for example), and I think it would take longer still for this kind of 'noisecore' brutality. And the thing that concerns me most is that there is just WAY too much other stuff out there that deserves more of my attention. I mean, I just bought my first Suffocation album!
...still don't have any Suffocation... :erk:

Yeah I know what you mean, and honestly I'm on a big sick and brutal metal kick right now, which is probably why I'm digging Goatsblood, Aborted, Ion Dissonance, etc. a lot. Vital Remains and the new Morbid Angel are my tamer CDs right now. :lol:

Did you ever get into Today is the Day (or plan on it)? Real similar to Goatsblood.