Albums that have NOT grown on you?

Carcassian said:
Emperor - Entire discography - Objectively, I can cross off a mental tick list of things that are present I should like, but in practice, their stuff just leaves me utterly cold, and not in a BM necro/grim kinda way.

Morbid Angel - Pre DOMINATION - Again, the tick list works, but I don't find the vast majority of their earlier stuff very interesting at all. Ive tried and tried, and indeed, tried, but it just won't "click" into place.

Darkthrone (all) - So, I read the praise heaped on them, resolutely keep trying to spin their discs (some for over a decade, now), and I still can't hear anything that places them in such reverance. Utter boring shit, imo.

OK you are way off on every choice here.
Emperor is great, first two especially. The first three Morbid Angel's are utter classics and Darkthrone's early black metal albums are classics. Weird.
Pre-Domination Morbid Angel is some of the best death metal if not period. Domination and FFTTF are great also.
Carcassian said:
Emperor - Entire discography - Objectively, I can cross off a mental tick list of things that are present I should like, but in practice, their stuff just leaves me utterly cold, and not in a BM necro/grim kinda way.

Morbid Angel - Pre DOMINATION - Again, the tick list works, but I don't find the vast majority of their earlier stuff very interesting at all. Ive tried and tried, and indeed, tried, but it just won't "click" into place.

Darkthrone (all) - So, I read the praise heaped on them, resolutely keep trying to spin their discs (some for over a decade, now), and I still can't hear anything that places them in such reverance. Utter boring shit, imo.

I can agree with Darkthrone. There really isn't anything special about them whatsoever. I love Emperor and Morbid Angel though.
Thoth-Amon said:
OK you are way off on every choice here.
Emperor is great, first two especially. The first three Morbid Angel's are utter classics and Darkthrone's early black metal albums are classics. Weird.

No, I'm not "way off" with every choice. The topic suggests you post on bands/albums that don't do it for you - I assume that I know my own opinions better than you ?
Carcassian said:
No, I'm not "way off" with every choice. The topic suggests you post on bands/albums that don't do it for you - I assume that I know my own opinions better than you ?
Valid. Let me re-phrase: how can you possibly NOT like these.
Yeah I am like that too; I don't really like Carcass, etc. but I like newer bands who do "Carcass worship"...I'm just a new-school metalhead...
I wouldn't agree to that...I like PLENTY of old old thrash and stuff...I just don't really like "legendary" bands because a lot of modern bands just do it better. I can't say that about thrash really, though.
Thoth-Amon said:
Valid. Let me re-phrase: how can you possibly NOT like these.

OK mate, let me ellucidate.

Morbid Angel - Pre domination - songs were too vague, undirected and a bit boring to be honest. Theres the odd good track, and in terms of influence, I know that theyre very important - however, their music never really hooked me. I prefer the non-David Vincent stuff, and I think that both Formulas and Gateways are amazing albums. I don't like Heretic much though.

Emperor - The big "so what?" of the more accesible black metal albums. Yeah, so they added some parping trumpet samples and warbled on about myths. Their discordant tending to semi-melodic shtick got really tired, really quick. They also couldn't carry a hook in a bucket. I don't like Black Metal much at all, to be honest, and (perhaps tellingly) I would much rather listen to Cradle of Filth from the same period than to Emperor. They have a good tune or two, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. I find them rather dull.

Darkthrone - If I wanted to hear a punk band record in a tin shed next to my house, while someone shrieks rather banal lyrics over the top, I'm sure I could arrange it. Shit production is shit production, necro or not. Punk riffs are punk riffs, not grim tr00ness. I'm rather fond of Darkthrone in their interviews, and I almost get the impression that they are laughing along at everyone buying their half-baked nonsense. Whether in pseudo punk mode or Celtic Frost loving mode, I find them equally yawnsome.
- Various Cathedral and Amorphis songs (when they're good - they're great, when they're not - they'
- Early Carcass
- Mastodons 'Call of the Mastodon'
- Morbid Angels 'Alters of Madness'
- Various Acid Bath tracks
- 'Show No Mercy'
- alot of power and black metal