Alcoholics Anonymous Thread

Hey, I felt like getting plastered. What else do you do when you get a 33 oz bottle of Doers for free? Damn.

The last time I got really plastered woke up with a black eye and don't know what happened. I think I went outside and feel into something. I had cuts,etc.. besides having a black eye


I found it kinda funny and my parents were really fucking ticked off at me.
I actually like the taste of beer.


To add to that: I actually like the taste of Natural Light, which is why I buy it by the case.

Add to the fact that I am a poor college graduate and it is a cheap beer and voila!

Stella Artois is damn good as well.

On to some stories:

Sophomore year in college: Had 6 beers before going to the bar, blacked out around 11 PM? and ended up stumbling in front of a residence hall and lying there for an undetermined amount of time. I vaguely remember someone helping me off the ground. Next thing I remember I wake up in my dorm room with puke all over my bed sheets. I'm guessing I had around 15 beers that night (I'm a big lightweight but don't look like it)

April of this year: Went to a bar, went back to my friend's apartment and proceeded to drink much more than usual. Black out and wake up in my car with the engine running (did not drive it though, I just fell asleep in the driver's seat).
and I don't care for getting drunk, so I don't bother drinking. Plus all of the beer I've tasted has been shit.

Same here. The only alcoholic beverage I have liked was a glass of this $100 wine my parents bought at a really nice Italian restaurant. It was pretty good and supplemented my meal well, but it still wasn't good enough to just sit in front of the computer and drink.
I went on holiday to Minorca 3 years ago. One night I went to a restaurant with a mate of mine and started drinking sangria and smoking weed (it's spain, you can do what you fuckin like). After aproximately 6 litres we couldn't even see the guys on the table right in front of us. I don't remember why, we started smashing glasses on the floor and sticking knives on the table. We got kicked out.

We got in the car to drive to a disco but along the way we saw a police car flashing the lights at us. We were so pissed we just started givin em V signs and wiggling the car all around the place until we crashed it into a field. We got out of the car and started running. I collapsed and woke up in the morning surrounded by cow dung and puke all over me and completely sunburnt. My mate had only made it for a few feet and was sleeping under an old truck.

It was fun.

:lol: Best story yet.

Last time I got pissed was before (and during) a Slayer concert. Myself and 3 mates rocked up at the city a few hours before the doors opened, acquired much grog, and found this sweet spot a top a hill next to a driving range with an awesome view of Sydney. Downed a 6 pack of OP rum myself (roughly 12-13 drinks), mooned the golfers, and eventually found our way to the venue. While waiting we took swigs from my mates camel back which just happened to be full of vodka. :goggly: Feeling particularly good, the suckiness of Mastodon didn't get to me quite as much (they were still pretty horrible though).

Finally, FUCKING SLAYER! Was stumbling around the pit for the entirety of their set. Only leaving at one point via croud surfing to do up my shoe laces. I'm sure I would've lost one otherwise.

Overall, pretty excellent night. :rock: :kickass:

EDIT: And for the record, I love the taste of rum. Although the most awesome spirits ever would have to be Sambuca. And beer tastes like shit!
Two summers ago I camped overnight on my uncle's boat on Lake Erie near Buffalo. I made good on his bottle of spiced rum, and way too much of it. When it seemed I was about to pass out I decided to below and go to sleep. Just as a lay down I puked all over the floor of the hull (it's a catamaran with live-in hulls). Luckily my uncle was sleeping in the other hull. So there I am drunk as fuck taking paper towels and scooping up my vomit and tossing it overboard, and spraying a ton of windex. I got most of it but it still stunk in the morning. I told my uncle I must have gotten food poisoning from the dinner he cooked last night. He appeared to believe me, though I have my suspicions. The sail back home was not pleasant.
Haha, no worries mate, I'll admit to never having drunk VB before, that must make me pretty un-Australian.

You're not missing out on anything there. All Carlton United Breweries beers are awful.

Does anybody actually drink beer because they like it and in moderation? You know, say, like you would normally drink something? I mean, you rarely hear of people binging on a 12 pack of coke, or chugging a gallon of water. So clearly most people drink to get drunk, and not because it's a good beverage. You don't normally take in that much liquid...and I don't care for getting drunk, so I don't bother drinking. Plus all of the beer I've tasted has been shit.

I often drink a couple of beers with dinner and leave it at that. Beer is an acquired taste, when I was in my teens and early twenties I didn't like it much and only drank it to get hammered. Now I've learned to appreciate good beer over rubbish, I drink it for the taste, and the nice feeling when I only drink a couple. I still like to get hammered every now and again though.

I've also got into wine in the last 4-5 years or so, it took me ages to acquire the taste for it though. I still haven't gotten into white wine that much. Red is best. A nice Shiraz or Pinot Noir with a good meal at a decent restaurant is tops.
You can't drink hard liquor on its own for pleasure. It's fucking throatshredding.

The only stuff I drink cos I like it are mojitos, martini+lemon, etc etc...
Atleast you know that when your throat burns like hell it's going to do something. That's why I like liquor.
You can't drink hard liquor on its own for pleasure. It's fucking throatshredding.

What the hell? Of course you can! A few nights back I was watching Blood Diamond with my Dad and we both sat back, relaxed, and had one glass each of some old as fuck whiskey! And it was most tasty (I would never waste something that expensive by getting wasted off it).
I know people generally don't seem to like natural ice. I just popped one open. I usually just chug 1,2 to get me into the mood and get fucked up.
NO that makes you smart,

obviosly i dislike VB, go tooheys or coopers (coopers pale ale if u feel like chewing your beer)

Haha, thanks. If I want cheap beer, I usually just go with Emu Bitter or Swan Draft. But for the most part I usually drink James Squires, Boags, Coopers, Gage Roads etc etc. Also, Little Creatures is a good Western Australian brewery.