Awesome, yesterday I headbanged into a glass bottle and got a cut above my eye. I look forward to looking like a scarred supervillain.
Awesome, yesterday I headbanged into a glass bottle and got a cut above my eye. I look forward to looking like a scarred supervillain.
so..the question is:
are the two thing connected? girls and fever?
did they infect you with some unknow virus???![]()
ahahahaI dunno what happens anymore, it's like a Lynch movie or something.
Here's a story: Past friday I went to a brutal slam death gig, where I danced with 2 girls, spanking them and all that stuff. Great night. At sunday I had the flu until today when it made me delirious, so I went to the hospital and they gave me a shot of an unknown shit, left me doped AND still delirious.
i've entered the world of lcd megascreens and blueray dvds.
now i don't need a social life anymore!
it's fucking amazing, i still had an old flat tv, now it's totally different.
i've watched beowulf (the cartoon) and it's unbelievable how definite and detailed it is, you can count every single hair of the characters, a totally new dimention!
yeah i know i'm late![]()
Welcome to the club!D
Seriously, I'm expanding my social networks thanx to blu-ray, giant lcds and home theaters. Now I can watch/play too many things that I need to control myself to get some sleep and stop partying (not just where I live, also going to friends/relatives houses to exchange material and partying hard)
Lefay, you MUST watch Sin City on Blu-ray. It's simply stunning.
Behemoth frontman and lead guitarist Nergal's illness has been confirmed to be leukemia. According to the Polish celebrity news site TVP, the disease has advanced to the point where chemotherapy can no longer be an effective treatment and can only be cured through a bone marrow transplant.
Within the country of Poland, there are only 100,000 donors out of a population of 38,192,000. Nergal's fiance Doda has already donated her bone marrow but it's unknown if her bone marrow will provide a DNA match.
Other Polish artists are currently organizing concerts to help raise awareness of Nergal's condition although no artists or concert dates have as yet been announced.
Nergal is currently undergoing a multi-stage, months-long treatment at Gdansk Medical University Hospital and all Behemoth tour dates indefinitely canceled for the foreseeable future.
That's crap, I was just beginning to like them... Where did you find this news?
have someone already read the news on the borknagar's forum?
i'm sorry for you guys....defiance, allfader condolescences....borknagar have cancelled the south american tour![]()
I knew it a couple hours ago. What can I say? SA producers sucks ass, that has always been like that and it'll remain the same forever. Instead bringing some shitty thrash bands over and over, they could have made the effort of making things well at least 1 on their shitty lives for a worthy band. Tons of my fav bands has cancelled gigs here for production issues (Rotting Christ has cancelled twice for the same reason!, I'm nor sure of they will finally land here or not). Some others got tired and don't come here anymore. I'm fucking sad and pissed off, but there's nothing to do about it.
Fuck southamerican producers!