Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

oh have written too much and i don't know from where to start to reply.

@djofull: i've seen you some years ago and i can surely say you're a good looking guy. come to italy and you will have all the women you want!!! :lol: we don't have cute tall viking blond haired guys like you here. you will be contended like a piece of bread into famine :lol:
about personality, i don't know you so well so i can have only an idea of how you can be in everyday's life, but you seem to be a nice person. i don't think there are person without qualities, we all have some, in a way or another, it's just a matter to find a person who appreciate them, who can see our good qualities and not only our imperfections. it's like to find our missing part, someone who is really complementary to us.

@defiance: i'm really sorry about your asperger. you already said you have it, but i didn't know how heavily it affected your life and relationships (from what i know there are many levels of this illness, it can be really soft or serious).
about being gay or bisexual or liking pets, i mean, when it come to these things there are no rules at all for me. the only important thing is respect. when you respect the other person, her/his will and needs, it doens't matter if is a male, a female, if younger or older. i think everybody should feel free to do what his heart or his nature tells him, and no one has the right to judge if it's wrong of not.
thanks god i'm atheist :lol:
i'm born in a very religious state where homosexuality is considered a sort of illness or pervertion, and the church doens't allow it. and italian males just horrify to hear people speak of homosexuals, and "you are homosex" is one of the worst offence you can address to a man.
fortunately i'm out from all this shit, i've grown up open minded and i'm really proud of it.
i don't know why males are so scared from this, maybe they are just scared by their feminine side? i don't know...but as i see, it works exaclty the same in all parts of the world.

You think Italia is a religious state? Come to CR, where the Opus Dei is in power. Maybe an exaggeration, but hey there are priests in the legislative assembly and the president openly encourages people to go to church.
Yeah I'm, like you said, "all out of that shit"; it's all pretty stupid to be honest, and I've escaped from all of that and have also become a very open minded person. It's funny that, at least here, a guy can't say "Ohhh he's soooo hooot" because people would stare at him, but I say "Fuck that and fuck you, I'd fuck DiCaprio" :lol:. I once wore some makeup (Goth style) in my house, and wow, you should've seen my folks: Mom was crying the entire time, almost fainted, and dad was really pissed off. Didn't expect that from him to be honest, but they threatened to kick me out :lol:. I still wear Goth style makeup every now and then anyhow, just not at home.Anyhow, it's funny, I'm more straight than bi; I think 80% of the women are see are beautiful, whilst I only like very specific men haha. Which takes me back to…
… the Asperger stuff. Yeah I really haven't been diagnosed, but it's certainly there; I've all the classic symptoms which Djöfull mentioned hahaha. Add that to a "slight" bipolarity and paranoia, well I'm pretty much insane hahahaha :lol:. Just so you know, these are all conclusions I've recently come to (recently as in the last few months), and I've learnt to live with them. Heee heee fuuunny :p . Accepting them has made me more tranquil and relaxed, to a certain point, of course.

i would disagree with that. If you want this to be true, then all those pedos will also want freedom, just like everybody else. And this is plain wrong. As long as it involves adult people in their good senses it's ok with me. When there's somebody involved who cannot speak up for themselves, like children, animals and mentally disabled it should remain a taboo.

Of course! That quote was taken out of context, but he was basically talking about homosexuality. That's why I also mentioned before the thing abut rules, you need them too; "one's freedom ends when others' freedom starts".

i think this is understood.
that's why i spoke about respect. when you're not hurting anybody (included you), then you're doing it right, no matter if with a man or a woman.
i'm not religious at all, but there's one moral principle of catholic religion which i think it's a right value to follow, humanly speaking, and it is to don't hurt anyone and don't do to other people what you don't want that people would do to you.

Indeed, see previous quote.

Phew long post, time for le petit-déjeuner.
Of course! That quote was taken out of context, but he was basically talking about homosexuality. That's why I also mentioned before the thing abut rules, you need them too; "one's freedom ends when others' freedom starts".
well it might be obvious to you, but here in the country where homo- end lesbian marriages are allowed by the state, they even had started a official political party for the pedophiles! It was all over the news here a couple of years ago.
well it might be obvious to you, but here in the country where homo- end lesbian marriages are allowed by the state, they even had started a official political party for the pedophiles! It was all over the news here a couple of years ago.

Didn't know about that, haha only three members. I'm surprised Geert Wilders isn't there, maybe he's a contributor to the party.
so you don't have asperger diagnosed. could it be that it's something else?
it sounds strange that you can detect other people's signals only when they are not addressed to you. i thought that the syndrome doesn't allow you to understand cues in general...
so you don't have asperger diagnosed. could it be that it's something else?
it sounds strange that you can detect other people's signals only when they are not addressed to you. i thought that the syndrome doesn't allow you to understand cues in general...

Nah, I'm pretty sure it is; my psychiatrist did agree with haha. I guess I haven't been diagnosed because I've never done an "Asperger Test", if there's such a thing. It may seem strange but it's because I studied non-verbal communication, as in, at the Uni.
omg that sounds exactly like me!! :eek: if i was single and a couple of years younger i would so totally make advances :p:blush: i mean i don't know you in real life but the way you describe yourself it seems that we are on the same wave length. Besides you seem very intelligent which is also a must in my book :lol:;).
Wowaweewa, thanx. Cool. :Spin: Nice to hear that ehm.. misery loves company.
I guess I'm of average intelligence. I don't have degrees and have a few failed attempts at uni. But sometimes I feel like I'm smarter than many people, perhaps I'm deluding myself to make me feel better :rolleyes:
@djofull: i've seen you some years ago and i can surely say you're a good looking guy. come to italy and you will have all the women you want!!! we don't have cute tall viking blond haired guys like you here. you will be contended like a piece of bread into famine
Argh, Molte grazie. You grrrlz are leading me into tempting thoughts and frustration. Hehe.. But also boosting my self esteem.

Yeah we met for a good 5 minutes, haha. Too bad we couldn't chat a bit more.
don't hurt anyone and don't do to other people what you don't want that people would do to you.
That is a valid point when it comes to really hurting, irritating, damaging. But how broad should the definition be? People like different things. Maybe I'd like my shoulder to be massaged and not you. :loco:

@Defiance + others interested.
Take this test about authentic and fake smiles.
I got one wrong answer.
Djöfull;9748854 said:
Wowaweewa, thanx. Cool. :Spin: Nice to hear that ehm.. misery loves company.
I guess I'm of average intelligence. I don't have degrees and have a few failed attempts at uni. But sometimes I feel like I'm smarter than many people, perhaps I'm deluding myself to make me feel better :rolleyes:
Argh, Molte grazie. You grrrlz are leading me into tempting thoughts and frustration. Hehe.. But also boosting my self esteem.

Yeah we met for a good 5 minutes, haha. Too bad we couldn't chat a bit more.

That is a valid point when it comes to really hurting, irritating, damaging. But how broad should the definition be? People like different things. Maybe I'd like my shoulder to be massaged and not you. :loco:

@Defiance + others interested.
Take this test about authentic and fake smiles.
I got one wrong answer.

Haha "Misery's Crown" (DT). Failed attempts at Uni? Care to explain? You know, it sometimes happen that you just don't feel part of a place, or that it just doesn't work for you. For example, I live in CR, was born and raised here, but I feel more Canadian and European than anything. I really feel like a foreigner here, and that's not nice :( (I wish some CRns would understand that, but most of them are very close-minded and have a weird sense of nationalism). Anyhow, what I'm saying is that maybe you should go somewhere else for a while, apparently Italia is the place haha.

Yeah, it all comes to, I believe, that freedom can't be defined, since it's a subjective and sometimes collective notion that varies a lot.

Yay I got 10/20!!! More than I expected haha. Thanks for posting, I forgot to ask you to put the link.
Djöfull;9748854 said:
Wowaweewa, thanx. Cool. :Spin: Nice to hear that ehm.. misery loves company.
I guess I'm of average intelligence. I don't have degrees and have a few failed attempts at uni. But sometimes I feel like I'm smarter than many people, perhaps I'm deluding myself to make me feel better :rolleyes:

degrees have nothing to do with your intelligence. I much more believe in IQ as a measure than in how high educated a person is. As an example, both my ex-husband and my bf never got any degrees nor studied in unis. The former finished some professional school, the latter didn't even finish high school. They are both really smart guys with 135 and 141 IQ. Education has more to do with what you want to do with your life and what are your personal values. A lot of people study only to have better chances on the job market and to get a higher salary (not talking about people like Defiance here who just love to study for the fun of it :p). If money is not your highest priority in life you might just as well not waste your life on studying if that's just not your thing. In my book it doesn't mean that you can't be very intelligent at all.

Djöfull;9748854 said:
Yeah we met for a good 5 minutes, haha. Too bad we couldn't chat a bit more.
what, did you guys ever meet in rl? :eek:
degrees have nothing to do with your intelligence. I much more believe in IQ as a measure than in how high educated a person is. As an example, both my ex-husband and my bf never got any degrees nor studied in unis. The former finished some professional school, the latter didn't even finish high school. They are both really smart guys with 135 and 141 IQ. Education has more to do with what you want to do with your life and what are your personal values. A lot of people study only to have better chances on the job market and to get a higher salary (not talking about people like Defiance here who just love to study for the fun of it :p). If money is not your highest priority in life you might just as well not waste your life on studying if that's just not your thing. In my book it doesn't mean that you can't be very intelligent at all.

what, did you guys ever meet in rl? :eek:

For certain! Degrees rarely are a reflection of a person's intelligence; I've met taxi drivers that are smarter than most people haha.

Yes, studying is fuuuuuuun! I don't understand why people don't want to learn more about anything/everything. Ah, such intellectual stagnation!

And it's true, a lot of people just go to college to get a job later; a meaningless one probably, and that's sad IMO.
Failed attempts at Uni? Care to explain? You know, it sometimes happen that you just don't feel part of a place, or that it just doesn't work for you.
I go to study something because I have the idea that it's interesting, like spanish, nursing and more stuff.. and when I'm about a third or almost halfinto the studies I just lose interest or can't go on because of second thoughts, meaninglessness, negativity or my own limitations.
Anyhow, what I'm saying is that maybe you should go somewhere else for a while, apparently Italia is the place haha.
I love to travel and I believe it's healthy to extend the horizon. But I don't know. I'm kind of too used to my comfort zone and family(they need support after my father died about a year ago), habits. But who knows about later life. Would be cool to live at least one year somewhere.. but then there is the trouble of jobs, places to stay, bureaucracy that I have no experience and knowledge of. I like most European countries, they seem more open minded and not too much of this small town, conformity feel that can be bothersome.

degrees have nothing to do with your intelligence. I much more believe in IQ as a measure than in how high educated a person is. As an example, both my ex-husband and my bf never got any degrees nor studied in unis. The former finished some professional school, the latter didn't even finish high school. They are both really smart guys with 135 and 141 IQ. Education has more to do with what you want to do with your life and what are your personal values. A lot of people study only to have better chances on the job market and to get a higher salary (not talking about people like Defiance here who just love to study for the fun of it :p). If money is not your highest priority in life you might just as well not waste your life on studying if that's just not your thing. In my book it doesn't mean that you can't be very intelligent at all.
Ahh.. I was thinking of having my IQ tested so that I don't have to convince myself that I am a nincompoop.
Of course there is some correlation between IQ and academic performance, however perseverence and hard work also comes into it. Maybe people reckon that's intelligence too; to never give up and give it your best. Of course education should reflect your values or interest but sometimes your interest really doesn't give you money..

There seems to be an obsession and snobbery around status and money here. I can understand it to an extent; when it comes to hard work and expertise.

Money is according to happiness studies good to some extent but once it gets to a level where all your basic needs and some possibilities can be fulfilled, you're just as likely to be happy as the richest bunch
what, did you guys ever meet in rl? :eek:

At Gods of metal 2008 only for a short while. It can be strange meeting in meat world after chatting with a person on the internet. You can't talk so smoothly... Awkward silences.... - Hot weather huh? *cough* :lol:
Defiance said:
Yes, studying is fuuuuuuun! I don't understand why people don't want to learn more about anything/everything. Ah, such intellectual stagnation!
I like studying when I hold the stearing wheel. But it's kind of aimed in many directions. I feel as if school/ teachers shove books down my throat. I'm sorry that I feel this way.. but mehh... maybe I'll find something in the future..

I like people that have some sense of curiosity and don't take social influences, institutions or a hearsay as a holy guidence. Possess critical thinking skillz, nigga!

How the fuck do I quote more than one people here in one post? :/
Djöfull;9748989 said:
Ahh.. I was thinking of having my IQ tested so that I don't have to convince myself that I am a nincompoop.
you don't know your IQ? there are plenty of free IQ tests online, i did one like 8 years ago... Actually i need to redo it, maybe it went up since i learned another language and got a degree in the meantime.... or it went down since i'm getting older and haven't read books in years :lol:

@defiance: do you know your IQ? something around 180? :p:D

i did that test with fake smiles - bah, got 7 wrong! :bah: and here was i thinking i could read almost anybody like a book...
Djöfull;9748989 said:
At Gods of metal 2008 only for a short while. It can be strange meeting in meat world after chatting with a person on the internet. You can't talk so smoothly... :lol:
tell me about it! i guess i met more than half of all my boyfriends on the netz and have a rich history of online dating :lol:
you don't know your IQ? there are plenty of free IQ tests online, i did one like 8 years ago..
Didn't realize they have free tests and whole tests on teh intorwebz... I'll try to remind my alzheimer light brain to take it.

I really surprised myself in the smiley test since I was unsure at least 5 times. I guess I can read people's inner state by outer expressions well. And that is why I dislike* people, double crossing whores of Babylon... . [sigh] :lol:

*( was gonna write hate but I'm not troo evolkvlt, i try to see the positive side of people also and grin and bear their annoying aspects, sweetdude style)
Djöfull;9748989 said:
I go to study something because I have the idea that it's interesting, like Spanish, nursing and more stuff.. and when I'm about a third or almost halfinto the studies I just lose interest or can't go on because of second thoughts, meaninglessness, negativity or my own limitations.

And it's interesting that you leave studies halfway through because you do the same with books. I guess it's either (1) you can't concentrate too much on something or (2) you get bored of it easily because you feel you're not getting any intellectual gain from it. Which is what happens to me, and I'm sure what happens to you too. Nursing is really cool, I'd like to study that; although I'm too clumsy… better not, I'd might end up killing someone haha.
So you studied Spanish? If you want to practice your castellano just let me know :) .

Djöfull;9748989 said:
I love to travel and I believe it's healthy to extend the horizon. But I don't know. I'm kind of too used to my comfort zone and family(they need support after my father died about a year ago), habits. But who knows about later life. Would be cool to live at least one year somewhere.. but then there is the trouble of jobs, places to stay, bureaucracy that I have no experience and knowledge of. I like most European countries, they seem more open minded and not too much of this small town, conformity feel that can be bothersome.

Sorry to hear about your father, deepest regards. My dad has been quite nervous lately because the test to see if he has colon cancer is coming up; I've never seen him like that and it makes me sad :( . Yeah, I guess you could go to Italia (or CR) in a couple of years. Conformity sucks, like Samael says: Blesses are the travellers, those who belong to nowhere.

Djöfull;9748989 said:
Ahh.. I was thinking of having my IQ tested so that I don't have to convince myself that I am a nincompoop.
Of course there is some correlation between IQ and academic performance, however perseverence and hard work also comes into it. Maybe people reckon that's intelligence too; to never give up and give it your best. Of course education should reflect your values or interest but sometimes your interest really doesn't give you money..

You can do that on the net, but I'm not 100% pro-tests because of the so-called "Affective Filter" (writing an article on that, actually). Tell me about it, teaching has to be one of the worst-paid jobs in many countries (including CR); thank god I studied translation.

Djöfull;9748989 said:
There seems to be an obsession and snobbery around status and money here. I can understand it to an extent; when it comes to hard work and expertise.

Money is according to happiness studies good to some extent but once it gets to a level where all your basic needs and some possibilities can be fulfilled, you're just as likely to be happy as the richest bunch

At Gods of metal 2008 only for a short while. It can be strange meeting in meat world after chatting with a person on the internet. You can't talk so smoothly... Awkward silences.... - Hot weather huh? *cough* :lol:

Interesting! It's pretty similar to DE, where people are rather frustrated when they retire if they don't have lots of money; definitely something to do with status.

Djöfull;9748997 said:
Defiance said:
I like studying when I hold the steering wheel. But it's kind of aimed in many directions. I feel as if school/ teachers shove books down my throat. I'm sorry that I feel this way.. but mehh... maybe I'll find something in the future..

I like people that have some sense of curiosity and don't take social influences, institutions or a hearsay as a holy guidence. Possess critical thinking skillz, nigga!

How the fuck do I quote more than one people here in one post? :/

Why doesn't anyone have a spelling checker? Jeez :p . Although I admit I've lots of fun looking at everyone's typos haha. It's good that teachers recommend you books to read, but I guess that no extreme is good. In this case lots of books would probably lead to frustration/burn-out on a certain topic.

Haha wassup with that writing biatch?

you don't know your IQ? there are plenty of free IQ tests online, i did one like 8 years ago... Actually i need to redo it, maybe it went up since i learned another language and got a degree in the meantime.... or it went down since i'm getting older and haven't read books in years :lol:

@defiance: do you know your IQ? something around 180? :p:D

i did that test with fake smiles - bah, got 7 wrong! :bah: and here was i thinking i could read almost anybody like a book...

tell me about it! i guess i met more than half of all my boyfriends on the netz and have a rich history of online dating :lol:

Yeah I did mine some years ago, I think it was around 140; not sure and not sure if I care, as I don't fully believe in those tests. What did you study? Tsk tsk read more books! Just read anything you like, whether it's Sci-fi or porn :p .
Oh well seven wrong is better than ten I guess.
Wow but isn't on-line dating kind of risky? As in, you meet a serial killer thing?

Djöfull;9749070 said:
Didn't realize they have free tests and whole tests on teh intorwebz... I'll try to remind my alzheimer light brain to take it.

I really surprised myself in the smiley test since I was unsure at least 5 times. I guess I can read people's inner state by outer expressions well. And that is why I dislike* people, double crossing whores of Babylon... . [sigh] :lol:

*( was gonna write hate but I'm not troo evolkvlt, i try to see the positive side of people also and grin and bear their annoying aspects, sweetdude style)

Maybe you should study (non-verbal) communication or something like that, dunno just came to mein Kopf (head).

See, I quoted everyone in one post! That's what happens when you have 7K+ posts haha (kind of sad, I guess hehehe). I just open the quote on a separate tab, reply to it and c/v it on one post. To divide one previous quote into several simply copy the "quoting codes", e.g. in this case they were

(obviously in [squared parenthesis]). So just c/v in the way in which you want to divide the quote :) .

Edit: Longest post I've ever written?
i got 16 out of 20, which is not bad. my confidence about this test was really low before doing it.
which thing did you say is more important to detect a fake or true smile? i said the eyes.

i once did a IQ test on internet, i got quite high score, i don't remember exactly but it was something around 156/160, but i don't know how much reliable are those texts, because the style of the questions can be really different from text to text and i can get an high score in one and a lower score in another, but my intelligence isn't changed in the meanwhile. furthermore i don't feel very at ease doing those texts because i don't think i have a logic oriented intelligence, and this is what mostly those texts measure. there are different types of intelligence, so i feel these texts are really limited. for example i'm more inclined toward arts than math, even if i've done a scientific high school, and those texts doesn't have nothing to do with art.
Djöfull;9748997 said:
How the fuck do I quote more than one people here in one post? :/
use that button with "+ next to the button Quote. When you click on it it turns red, that means this post will be quoted. Then you click that same button under each post you want to quote, and in the last post you click the usual Quote button. That way they all will be quoted in your post in the order you clicked the red buttons.

Djöfull;9749070 said:
*( was gonna write hate but I'm not troo evolkvlt, i try to see the positive side of people also and grin and bear their annoying aspects, sweetdude style)
:lol::lol::lol: if you were studying nursing then you really are a sweet and caring dude :p

Why doesn't anyone have a spelling checker? Jeez :p . Although I admit I've lots of fun looking at everyone's typos haha.
like you never have them yourself! :p you often forget to type a word or type it twice, but ok those typos are not detectable by the spelling checker...
Yeah I did mine some years ago, I think it was around 140; not sure and not sure if I care, as I don't fully believe in those tests. What did you study? Tsk tsk read more books! Just read anything you like, whether it's Sci-fi or porn :p .
i read about 1,5 book a year when i'm on vacation but that is mostly fantasy, you don't learn anything from it, it's pure entertainment. I don't count that as serious reading books

Wow but isn't on-line dating kind of risky? As in, you meet a serial killer thing?
:lol::lol::lol: i probably have 101 phobias, but this was certainly not one of them! :D Before i went on a date with anyone we first had been chatting for at least a week, with webcams and such. I used to have 2-3 dates in a week, that was surely tons of fun! :tickled:

See, I quoted everyone in one post! That's what happens when you have 7K+ posts haha (kind of sad, I guess hehehe). I just open the quote on a separate tab, reply to it and c/v it on one post.
it can be done much simpler, see above ^ :p

i once did a IQ test on internet, i got quite high score, i don't remember exactly but it was something around 156/160, but i don't know how much reliable are those texts, because the style of the questions can be really different from text to text and i can get an high score in one and a lower score in another, but my intelligence isn't changed in the meanwhile. furthermore i don't feel very at ease doing those texts because i don't think i have a logic oriented intelligence, and this is what mostly those texts measure. there are different types of intelligence, so i feel these texts are really limited. for example i'm more inclined toward arts than math, even if i've done a scientific high school, and those texts doesn't have nothing to do with art.
a good IQ test will test all kind of things, not only logics. The one i did consisted of 4 parts that were all mixed together: logics, linguistics, and something else i don't remember. That's why it is important that you take such test in your own mother tongue, then the result will be most accurate. I took mine in english so the score was probably lower because i wasn't sure about some english proverbs in the linguistic parts...
use that button with "+ next to the button Quote. When you click on it it turns red, that means this post will be quoted. Then you click that same button under each post you want to quote, and in the last post you click the usual Quote button. That way they all will be quoted in your post in the order you clicked the red buttons.

:lol::lol::lol: if you were studying nursing then you really are a sweet and caring dude :p

like you never have them yourself! :p you often forget to type a word or type it twice, but ok those typos are not detectable by the spelling checker...

i read about 1,5 book a year when i'm on vacation but that is mostly fantasy, you don't learn anything from it, it's pure entertainment. I don't count that as serious reading books

:lol::lol::lol: i probably have 101 phobias, but this was certainly not one of them! :D Before i went on a date with anyone we first had been chatting for at least a week, with webcams and such. I used to have 2-3 dates in a week, that was surely tons of fun! :tickled:

it can be done much simpler, see above ^ :p

a good IQ test will test all kind of things, not only logics. The one i did consisted of 4 parts that were all mixed together: logics, linguistics, and something else i don't remember. That's why it is important that you take such test in your own mother tongue, then the result will be most accurate. I took mine in english so the score was probably lower because i wasn't sure about some english proverbs in the linguistic parts...

That's a good way, but I prefer to have the posts on separate tabs because the screen gets too cluttered :p .

Yeah tell me about it! I rarely have typos, but sometimes I noticed a collocation mistake or something like that and I go: "How the bloody hell did I right that???" :p

No, you always learn something when reading a book; it's not limited to academia. You learn new vocabulary, culture, sets of values, etc. etc.

I sure hope you weren't one of those girls that got naked on webcams haha. Funny that you have so many phobias, but online dating and meeting strangers isn't one of them :p . Oh hack maybe I should try that out. Or not. Meh bloody hell now I don't know what to do.

I guess a good IQ test is like the one you mentioned, but I think Lefay is right and that most of these tests are maths/logic oriented.
a question that i forgot to treat....elvina, how is it possible that you read only one book per year? :yow:
i often start something and then leave it to its destiny, but it never happens with books. i'd prefer to die of bore rather than to do not finish a book. so i continue reading it in any case, i will probably take more time than usual to end it (usual is 1-3 days) but i need to finish it and see how it ends ;)
a question that i forgot to treat....elvina, how is it possible that you read only one book per year? :yow:
i often start something and then leave it to its destiny, but it never happens with books. i'd prefer to die of bore rather than to do not finish a book. so i continue reading it in any case, i will probably take more time than usual to end it (usual is 1-3 days) but i need to finish it and see how it ends ;)
dunno, it's just not so much fun for me anymore as it used to be... in the last years i have noticed that it becomes more and more difficult to read books for me. Dunno why. It feels like i'm becoming dyslectic or something. I have to read almost every sentence several times before i finally realize what it is that it's saying... At first i thought it was a language problem, as i only read books in english and some in dutch. Then i started reading a russian book to see if i could read fluently again. And no, it was exactly the same :cry:

It takes me weeks or even months to finish a book. And i don't have time for it either. I tried to read in bed before going to sleep but i cannot read more than 3 pages like that. So if you have a book of 330 pages it would take me 110 days = almost 4 months to finish it with this speed... no fun at all :(
it's probably an attention problem, more than a language problem.
sometimes it happens also to me that i can't focus on what i'm reading, and i need to re-read the same phrase 2 or 3 times. it's really annoying, so i end up closing the book and doing something else.
but it depends on periods. in some periods i'm a reading-machine. i can read up to 10 books in a month or more, in some other times i stop this furious rash and calm down :)