Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

It's like playing an MMORPG, only without the other people.


Oblivion is good for about the first three hours, then you realise there's not much too it. Though some of my friends are huge fans of it.


Fallout pulls you in so hard it's almost surreal, despite it's graphics. Oblivion didn't do that for me at all. I agree the environment is very colorful and there's certainly loads of things to explore. But despite that it just didn't pull me into it's own world like Fallout did. So I could care less how fantastic the graphics look in Bethesda's Fallout 3, it just better be as immersive as they promised. And as open as Fallout. I liked the fact that you could finish the damn game without firing a single shot, or slaughter everybody you saw. And everything in between. I seriously doubt they could pull something like this off with all the other things that made Fallout Fallout. But we'll see. There's still a year before it's supposed to come out after all.


Fallout pulls you in so hard it's almost surreal, despite it's graphics. Oblivion didn't do that for me at all. I agree the environment is very colorful and there's certainly loads of things to explore. But despite that it just didn't pull me into it's own world like Fallout did. So I could care less how fantastic the graphics look in Bethesda's Fallout 3, it just better be as immersive as they promised. And as open as Fallout. I liked the fact that you could finish the damn game without firing a single shot, or slaughter everybody you saw. And everything in between. I seriously doubt they could pull something like this off with all the other things that made Fallout Fallout. But we'll see. There's still a year before it's supposed to come out after all.

You can't finish Fallout 1 or 2 without firing a single shot. And you can't finish it by slaughtering everyone. While I think it's one of the best games ever, you can't overemphasize the player's freedom of action in Fallout. I don't want to get into a discussion on why FO3 will / won't suck, but I think all gamers have a little bit of nostalgia for older games that relied on ingenuity, and not graphics, to deliver enjoyment. FO is a really open-ended game, but it's not like taking some of that away to improve gameplay is necessarily a bad thing (did you really like slowly grinding through all those Wannamingos or rats in Klamath?).

I'd just be open-minded about it... if it's a good game, it's a good game. If not, then that doesn't change the fact that the first two were great.
Well you can use nothing but melee weapons and therefor not fire a single shot;) but i meant that you can finish it without killing any human. It's hard, but possible. As for killing everyone, here you go. ''FO is a really open-ended game, but it's not like taking some of that away to improve gameplay is necessarily a bad thing'' = erm... I don't see how that would improve gameplay? I'm trying to stay open-minded. But everyday I see more and more evidence on what the game will feel like and it's not looking pretty.
Well anyway... Fallout 1 and 2 stand in history as two of the best RPGs ever. While many people say that for Oblivion as well, I just can't agree. But fine, I'll wait and see. But also whoever's a fan of the games... if you've read any of the critical previews... It's hard to keep an open mind.:) We will continue this discussion next fall!

Looong article... basically, some virus, created zombies, locals cut heads off... humanity survived. Seems awesome still!
I just bet 32 € on a hockey game... fingers crossed!:*

And I won 70. Hooray! It was fucking 0-4, but it ended 6-5. Can you believe this motherfucking shit. Someone's gonna get plastered tomorrow!;)
Isn't there a medieval type port using the fallout 2 engine somewhere? Like Lionheart or something like that? I can't remember the name.

Yes it's called Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. But it was an official game published by Black Isle Studios/Interplay using the Fallout SPECIAL character system and an two dimensional isometric graphic engine pretty similar to fallout. The setting (seventeenth century in parallel universe were magic exist, meeting Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci...) and the start of the the game very interesting too, but it turned into a boring dungeon crawl later in the game. I never finished it.
Funny George W Bush quotes:

"I think war is a dangerous place."

"If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow."

"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur.":)cry:)

"We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile."

"When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible."

"General…I can't name the general.(When asked to name President of Pakistan)"

"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream"

Pretty terrifying that these words are representive for the single most powerful human being in the world isn´t it?
Well, living here across the pond, I can at least say that from about 2001 to 2004, and especially from 2001-2003, people were fawning over him because of 9/11. So it's not like throughout his whole presidency people have been looking to take him down.

I know he says stupid things, and I say plenty myself, but what I find most offensive about him is when he says stupid things that expose his biggest flaw: his lack of curiousity.

Best example I can think of is when like two or three weeks ago he compared Osama bin Laden to Hitler and Lenin, saying that if we don't do something about bin Laden, we're repeating the mistakes we made with both those other guys, mainly, we stood by passively while they accumulated political power and became global threats to peace.

Here's the thing. That statement is not just stupid on its own merits. The person saying it assumes YOU'RE also stupid, the audience, because it's not an issue of opinion, the comparison itself. Lenin didn't assume power in a slow, methodical fashion. He fought a bloody civil war that lasted about four years, and even then during that war Russia's former Allies invaded the country to keep the Bolsheviks from preserving the separate peace they negotiated with imperial Germany.

What Bush wants to do, of course, when he says that sort of thing, is put Communism-Fascism-Islamic fundamentalism in the same category, so it fits a common analogy familiar to Americans and Western Europeans... mainly, Munich. Stalin was repudiated, so by using Lenin instead in the analogy he wants to make a more general statement about Communism and where it stands in his unholy trifecta. The problem is, in particulars, the analogy doesn't work. Hitler and Lenin didn't have similar rises to power.

Why does Bush make that mistake? Because he doesn't give a fuck about details. He doesn't give a shit about whether or not the analogy works. Imagine being the president of the country with the most complex foreign policy and foreign policy machinery in the entire world, and not giving a shit whether or not the information that you use to justify going to war over some WMDs is fabricated or not, whether the cost of the war will be 200 billion or 1.6 trillion... or at domestic level, how your educational programs lack the machinery in practice to deal with even the most common problems in schools... it would all be ok, except everyone else cares.

The quotes, unlike the stupid things most of us say, are not gaffes. They're indicative of someone who can't be bothered to remember things, or to articulate himself clearly, or to pay attention to detail. That's why I say they're not funny anymore, because I'm more cognizant now of not only how incompetent he is, but how he's also a piece of a shit of a human being.
Well infairness when you think about it how many times do you say messed up things?

He's the fucking president! He can't afford to stay stupid shit. I can, you can, he can't.

On an even more miserable note, it snowed here last night.:/ Only an inch, but still... It's a prelude of horrible things to come. Stupid snow.
Does anyone think that -:3699 SEK (616 dollars) is a bad price for 25 ps2 games? I myself think it´s a pretty nice deal, i´ve looked around for cheapest prices on various internet shops and have come to the conclusion that the cheapest price exclusive delivery is -:5535 (922 dollars). That makes for a price difference of -:1836 SEK (306 dollars).
Hopefully someone will take my price, i´m assuming that people have enough morals to not chip games:rolleyes:
The real shitty games among the 25 which i wonder why i bought in the first place:
Spiderman 3
X-Men Legends
X-Men 3
Tiger Woods PGA tour 2005
Need For Speed Carbon
The Godfather
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Tomb Raider The Angel Of Darkness

The Really good games in my opinion:
God Of War 2
Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy X
Max Payne 2
Silent Hill 4
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
NHL 07
Tony Hawks Project 8
Tony Hawks American Wasteland
Bully Canis Canem Edit
Hitman Blood Money
Hitman Contracts