Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Well I personally don't consider Spain or Holland to be among the world's best:) But at this point I would certainly rate Holland over England. Spain's a tough call. As for the players not being able to work together I completely agree, I got the feeling at times that McClaren kept shoving in specific players, regardless of how well the fit in with the rest and how they performed.

Talent-wise, Spain and Holland in the last 3-4 World Cups or last 20 years of international play have been two of the most stacked teams, hands down. I'd put them in the top 10 in the world consistently, at worst. The Dutch have had some crazy teams with crazy goaltenders in the recent past, I don't know how they never won a Cup in the 90s.

England's pretty darn good, they do ok most World Cups and usually lose against teams that go very deep. Last World Cup their team was really good... problem is, it's hard to win when your best player is a maniac. Look what happened to Les Bleus in the final. =(
Well that's your opinion. Talent means little to me if the teams can't bring it all together and get some results. Anyway the Euro Cup group draw's on the 2nd of December. I hope Germany get Italy so they can avenge their world cup loss. Go Germany!
Hahah, speaking of 'Ibra', people in my country have started calling Bosnians (and also Serbs and Croats to a degree IMO) 'Swedes':D And I think it's because of Ibrahimovic, Sweden's star forward.:) I'm almost certain. It's also been going on for a few years now actually.:)
Hahah, speaking of 'Ibra', people in my country have started calling Bosnians (and also Serbs and Croats to a degree IMO) 'Swedes':D And I think it's because of Ibrahimovic, Sweden's star forward.:) I'm almost certain. It's also been going on for a few years now actually.:)

Oh yeah? I thought Slovenians would have better geographical knowledge than Americans :)

No but seriously, those Serbs sure as hell know how to whine about it. They "claim" Ibra because "he´s of serbic blood". They seem to overlook the fact that he was born and raised in Sweden and also brought up as a footballplayer here.
Well it has nothing to do with geography:) But the man's roots, which I think are Croatian and Bosnian, not Serbian. Anyway come to think of it, I think people over here were calling bosnians 'Swedes' years before Ibrahimovic... I shall investigate this!
Rivfadír;6724649 said:
God Fucking Damn it! Yes I will! Have you seen the lineup?! It's like my chart!
But I didn't know you were into all this Stoner/Doom stuff Cait?

Not my favourite genre but damnit I want to see Electric Wizard, Boris, Cult of Luna and Isis oh so badly. Besides my sister lives very close so it'd be covenient, and the festival is insanely cheap, it'd be stupid for me to miss it.

I'm just sorting out with some internet friends about staying at my sisters and then travelling to the fest each day, also need to sort out my money. Whee <3
The three latter bands all put on very good shows, Cult of Luna is one of the best gigs I have ever been to. I just hope I'll still be able to get tickets in January if I don't have enough money in December.
Oh? That sounds fucking great! I don't know yet, I was thinking we'd probably find some cheap hotel or something, but this sounds even better. So far, I only think we're gonna be three, but I'm not sure yet.
Rivfadír;6733204 said:
Oh? That sounds fucking great! I don't know yet, I was thinking we'd probably find some cheap hotel or something, but this sounds even better. So far, I only think we're gonna be three, but I'm not sure yet.

Awesome, basically my sister lives in Eindhoven, so each day we'd just have to walk into town and get a train to Tilburg. Apparently it's only 6 Euros and a short journey. I'm sure it'd be much cheaper than a hotel anyway. Just let me know what your plans are anyway, I still need to try and drag a few people along :3
Did anybody check out the lease of the first bands on Sweden Rock?
I forget the entire list as it said, but I remember seeing Judas Priest and Saxon... that's good enough for me.
I'm going!
Is anybody else?

Last year was fucking awsome! Seeing Amon Amarth, Symphony X, Meatloaf, Dimmu Borgir, and one of the best bands in the world... BLOODBOUND!
I lost a lot of my pictures from SRF, but I found my Amon Amarth pictures. I was pretty close to the stage at that part, so I got good shots!