Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Just recieved my Mjöllnir pendant last night. Ordered from a wonderful little online boutique, they do all their pieces by hand. Its stunning craftwork.

Their stuff is just amazing, I have to put a link to them => Wodanesdag

I am totally LOVING it.

The hammer is roughly 4cm long.

i've seen a couple of people wearing that, it hadn't occurred to me that it was mjolnir until a friend pointed it out

apparently that's the popular representation of it going back to the middle ages

i wiki'd it too, they got a semi-burly entry on it

as usual, the information in the entry is so disorganized you can't tell what the fuck is going on

edit: i use an inverted cross, personally. i made it in high school out of two twigs and made a snake going around it out of some wax, then turned it into silver. the snake head has no detail, though, as the wax i used was too tough and then i was afraid i'd snap it off once it was silver. it's pretty cool still =)
A lot of people have been wearing them more recently, because FOLK METUHL AND VIKINGS IS COOL and stuff. I've been wanting one for years but I always found them too expensive, and since I'm not really that passionate about Norse Mythology, I just didn't feel like spending a fuck load of money on a piece of jewellery.

Post a photo of your inverted cross, home-made jewellery is always hardcore.
I've had a couple of mjöllnirs and also several other pendants like Ankhs and shit. But I think I outgrew them a few years ago. But that's just me. Got to the point where I felt a bit silly wearing these symbols since they were meaningless to me, becoming the hardcore militant atheist and antitheist that I am now. Sure you could wear this stuff as fashion, but I can't afford that.:) A friend of mine made a really massive and beautiful mjöllnir from bronze last year, I'll try to get a photo of it.
I think, most people just wear those symbols because it's metal and stuff and for reasons of romanticism and stuff but do not really have a clue about viking life and culture but talk about swords and myths and gods and the like all the time.
I've been so before and boght me a Celtic cross.

Now I just wear my troll cross every now and then I bought in Sweden some years ago. It's unique, it's the sign of Otyg ;) and it's impossible to be some poser with it.
I remember a lot of people wearing Thors hammers in the early 90´s when it was "cool" to be a racist. So it´s kind of sad that those people turned that symbol into something else than it really is.
Eh, my Mjolnir doubles as Zanex for me. When I get stressed out I look down at it and remember "stop being a pussy, your ancestors went fearlessly into battle and you're worried about this?".
I remember a lot of people wearing Thors hammers in the early 90´s when it was "cool" to be a racist. So it´s kind of sad that those people turned that symbol into something else than it really is.

Yeah, I remember that too. Seemed like everyone had one. Not that I'm much for wearing jewellry myself, but I'm also very happy for my troll necklace, same as the one on the Otyg cover. Found it at a local medieval festival a couple of years back. Never thought I would find one, then all of a sudden there it was. :worship:
I remember a lot of people wearing Thors hammers in the early 90´s when it was "cool" to be a racist. So it´s kind of sad that those people turned that symbol into something else than it really is.

It wasn't just in the 1990s; white supremacist groups for some reason have defaulted on Scandinavian lineage as the uber white race. They have things like the hammer toss in white pride games!

I have a friend who just quit my program who's from Sweden, and he remarked that a lot of the Norse mythology you see in popular music and youth culture has a racist undertone to it. It shouldn't be surprising, since it all represents a re-assertion of a particular cultural identity.

Obviously a huge majority of metal fans aren't even from Scandinavia, so we're not Nazis or anything for getting all gushy about Thor's hammer. But the racism of a lot of black metal bands early on in the 1990s, and their anti-humanism, revolved around satanism and paganism (no, I'm not saying the two are the same thing).

Brit girl - As for a cross pic, I'll see if someone has a phone cam around the apartment. I haven't hosted a pic in aeons, and I spilled coke on my own phone cam a couple of years ago. ^_^
It wasn't just in the 1990s; white supremacist groups for some reason have defaulted on Scandinavian lineage as the uber white race. They have things like the hammer toss in white pride games!

Yeah,the funny thing is that they dont seem to give a shit about the fact that the vikings had lots of connections with the arab world and shared a lot of culture with the arabs too.