Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

Not that I know if anyone in here cares, but I've found a place claiming to sell both CG, VFTSG and SR as digis. They also have a CG/VFTSG double digi. It's not original Napalm stuff, but should be licenced from Napalm as I've understood it... Problem is, their online shop doesn't seem to work, and the whole page is in Spanish. Since I don't know Spanish I can't make a word out... I've tried emailing them in English, but haven't gotten a reply, so if anyone in here with a knowledge in Spanish feels up to the task, feel free to try and find out how we can order these goodies from them. The adress is Just remember to tell the rest of us, okay? :)
Not that I know if anyone in here cares, but I've found a place claiming to sell both CG, VFTSG and SR as digis. They also have a CG/VFTSG double digi. It's not original Napalm stuff, but should be licenced from Napalm as I've understood it... Problem is, their online shop doesn't seem to work, and the whole page is in Spanish. Since I don't know Spanish I can't make a word out... I've tried emailing them in English, but haven't gotten a reply, so if anyone in here with a knowledge in Spanish feels up to the task, feel free to try and find out how we can order these goodies from them. The adress is Just remember to tell the rest of us, okay? :)

The thing is... there is no price listed and you cannot but anything into your cart just because there is no...

edit: oh, as you said, the online shop is down, sorry xD
In Québec french we have "Qu'essé qui spass icitte??" when we're surprised about finding a party somewhere.

A very bad pun which I'll probably be the only one to understand, haha.

not the only one, i speak some french je les ai appris quand j’ai les pox de that's funny wordplay(more like a bad translation from english)

rofling right now
ehi does "spass" comes from italian as we got "spasso" that means having fun

yeah, "Spaß" derives from Italian "spasso"! ;)
But it's pronounced with a little difference: the "s" is spoken like a "sh", so it's like "shpass". There are other loanwords from other languages, too, that follow this rule: Spagghetti, Sport, Stop, Start. Native speakers' hair must stand to the end, haha :D

oops :rolleyes:

In German you are even allowed to write Spagetti and THAT is really


i know that in german the g is always hard like in the word gehen (i studied a little german when i was at school)
but in italian if you want to have an hard g you should put an h (when followed by soft vocals like "i" and "e") after it or it will be pronuciated like "general" "george" or "genesis"

i bought a little swedish dictionary with a sort of phonetic transcription, the most amusing thing is to read italian words written to allow swedes to have the right pronunciation.

for example:

scorciatoia = Skårtja’tåja
geografia = djeågrafiija
zia = tsiija
cinghia = tjiingjiia
viaggiatore = vjaddja'tåre

I had a school teacher(!) once who thought "pizza" was spelled "pittsa"

same thing i have explained on the previous post...
you don't have a strong "z" has we have, and it is difficoult to pronunciate it in the right way, so the easier way is to add a "t" before an "s" and the sound will be very similar to our....
by the way it's not the right spelling :lol:
same thing i have explained on the previous post...
you don't have a strong "z" has we have, and it is difficoult to pronunciate it in the right way, so the easier way is to add a "t" before an "s" and the sound will be very similar to our....
by the way it's not the right spelling :lol:

Yeah,in fact we never even use the letter "z" in Swedish,other than in imported words such as pizza and in some medical terms i guess. Same thing goes with "w" and "q".