Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

what kind of problem do you exactly have?
i'm having some problems too with my eyes, and i'm wondering if they are similar. i've problems to adjust quickly, but not with light, mostly with movement, for example if i'm driving. the doctor says it's nothing, just an adjustment difect, but it's starting to be boring, especially at night.

So, I'm coming back to this. The eye issues? They don't really know. The closest thing that they can track it to is Dystonia, which is abnormal movement of the muscles.

Basically, this is what happens: The vast majority of the time, I'm fine. But, when I'm tired or stressed or in the heat or sick, the eye muscles get tired and don't work as well. When that kicks in, the eye will have trouble focusing, and everything will be blurry. The pupil also won't constrict quickly enough when going from the dark to the light, so I get dazzled by bright lights. (This is primarily why I don't drive. Headlights in the dark are horrible for me, and so are sunny days.) It's hard to explain.

Glasses are a good idea; they can do things like put in prisms to relieve muscle strain, or special lenses. I'm astigmatic and farsighted, but I also have prisms that give relief to most of the muscle issues - now only bright lights and sunny days are big problems.
So, I'm coming back to this. The eye issues? They don't really know. The closest thing that they can track it to is Dystonia, which is abnormal movement of the muscles.

Basically, this is what happens: The vast majority of the time, I'm fine. But, when I'm tired or stressed or in the heat or sick, the eye muscles get tired and don't work as well. When that kicks in, the eye will have trouble focusing, and everything will be blurry. The pupil also won't constrict quickly enough when going from the dark to the light, so I get dazzled by bright lights. (This is primarily why I don't drive. Headlights in the dark are horrible for me, and so are sunny days.) It's hard to explain.

Glasses are a good idea; they can do things like put in prisms to relieve muscle strain, or special lenses. I'm astigmatic and farsighted, but I also have prisms that give relief to most of the muscle issues - now only bright lights and sunny days are big problems.

well, i think your problem is different from mine. i was curious to know if our problems were similar...
i've problems with fast-moving things, like if i'm driving, or if i change too fast the direction of my glance, for example it happens that if i go to a library and start to read too many titles, every time i look to another book at first the vision is blurred, it takes an half second to become focused again. it happens mostly when my eyes are tired, for example if i'm doing this thing with books for ten minutes or more.
i've some kind of problems with lights too. but it's not a problem of light changing, like yours, but with too bright lights. they hurt me. if a go to a supermarket with too bright neon lights it could be that my eyes start to see strange flashes, they are called sparkling scotomas (i don't know if it's the right term, i translated it word to word), they are like lights with a zig-zag form, or sometimes i see white stains. yeah pretty weird. :loco:
i went to the doctor and well it seems nothing serious. i've only some problems with my eye muscles. but it's quite boring when it happens :(
well, i think your problem is different from mine. i was curious to know if our problems were similar...:(

Yeah, I don't know. I get the bright lights hurting my eyes thing as well. Luckily, it seems to have subsided a bit, and I have awesome sunglasses when it gets bright.

Hope yours gets better!
Yeah, I don't know. I get the bright lights hurting my eyes thing as well. Luckily, it seems to have subsided a bit, and I have awesome sunglasses when it gets bright.

Hope yours gets better!

i wear sunglasses too in sunlight, but you know, it's a bit strange to wear sunglasses at the supermarket, so i don't :lol:
Hey, Swedes! Skellefteåeans!

This is a photo I found on Skellefteå, and I love the trees. In fact, I'd like to use them in a painting. However, it's too small for me to identify what trees they are. They look like regular evergreen trees, or maybe birch - but if anyone knows for sure that'd be great. Then I can find better models. Thanks!


(I'm hosting this on my Flickr account, but I didn't take this photo, obviously.)
Hey, Swedes! Skellefteåeans!

This is a photo I found on Skellefteå, and I love the trees. In fact, I'd like to use them in a painting. However, it's too small for me to identify what trees they are. They look like regular evergreen trees, or maybe birch - but if anyone knows for sure that'd be great. Then I can find better models. Thanks!


(I'm hosting this on my Flickr account, but I didn't take this photo, obviously.)

I'd guess that there's birches in the very front and Norway spruce (or "Gran" as it's called around here)" in the back.
If you somehow involve a wolf or two, it will truly be epic.

Well I used the couple of ones I have in my backyard, but sadly enough they (Vortex and Vintersorg) ate one professor and two students, so now I'm probably going to jail. ;)

The presentation went excellent, I'm quite amazed at myself to be honest. Didn't get nervous and answered every question, one of the best presentations of the M.A. and that I have ever given :kickass: .
i don't know about the weather situation in your countries, but here it's starting to be worring. we have 22 degrees in the afternon. 15-17 degrees at night.
it isn't normal for november!!!!
i don't know about the weather situation in your countries, but here it's starting to be worring. we have 22 degrees in the afternon. 15-17 degrees at night.
it isn't normal for november!!!!

Yeah, maybe I'm getting older (at 23? I feel sad :( ), but these days it has been a lot colder than usual. One day it went down to 13 Celsius, very low for Costa Rica.

I saw Strung Out yesterday, I'm not into this sort of Punk and the sound was horrible, but the gig was lots of fun :headbang: .
There's a class... which shall remain nameless... where a prof gave everyone an A in spite of the variety of grades I gave out as his TA.

So you're not so far out there haha

Ah haha that's horrible :erk: . My gringo friend/classmate (who was actually in the 'desert' (the 1st time)) tells me stuff of that sort, like TAs being abused a lot (not physically as far as I know hehe ;)), and teachers just giving random grades in their classes. There's a horrible lack of control, I think that there's no objective teaching in many classes, and that since the class probably has an über-professor that can't be fired, he/she takes advantage of that and randomly assigns the grades.

It's like with a professor in Deutschland (Germany), he was Doctor Professor Emeritus, pretty much above the law, and he stole some Neanderthal heads and sold them on :p . Nothing happened to him, I believe.

Berlusconi Attacked After Rally, Taken to Hospital; Man Arrested

Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was attacked after a rally in central Milan today and was taken to the hospital with a gash on his upper lip and blood on his face, according to footage and photographs broadcast on television.

The premier was struck by an object thrown by a single man, who was arrested immediately, Ansa news wire reported. The premier will spend 24 hours in Milan’s San Raffaele hospital under observation, Berlusconi’s spokesman Paolo Bonaiuti said in an interview on SkyTG24 television.

Police stopped a man named Massimo Tartaglia, 42, for the aggression, Ansa news wire said. He had no previous criminal record except for a traffic violation, Ansa said.

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