Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast


Berlusconi Attacked After Rally, Taken to Hospital; Man Arrested

Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was attacked after a rally in central Milan today and was taken to the hospital with a gash on his upper lip and blood on his face, according to footage and photographs broadcast on television.

The premier was struck by an object thrown by a single man, who was arrested immediately, Ansa news wire reported. The premier will spend 24 hours in Milan’s San Raffaele hospital under observation, Berlusconi’s spokesman Paolo Bonaiuti said in an interview on SkyTG24 television.

Police stopped a man named Massimo Tartaglia, 42, for the aggression, Ansa news wire said. He had no previous criminal record except for a traffic violation, Ansa said.


is this good or bad news?
Mildly good. No cocksucker on planet Earth is more deserving of getting punched in his fucking face than Berlusconi. But it looks like it was just some crazy guy who did it, so he wasn't punched for a reason.

Maybe we can line up Bush, Putin and Ahmedinejad in a line for that guy.

Berlusconi Attacked After Rally, Taken to Hospital; Man Arrested

Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was attacked after a rally in central Milan today and was taken to the hospital with a gash on his upper lip and blood on his face, according to footage and photographs broadcast on television.

The premier was struck by an object thrown by a single man, who was arrested immediately, Ansa news wire reported. The premier will spend 24 hours in Milan’s San Raffaele hospital under observation, Berlusconi’s spokesman Paolo Bonaiuti said in an interview on SkyTG24 television.

Police stopped a man named Massimo Tartaglia, 42, for the aggression, Ansa news wire said. He had no previous criminal record except for a traffic violation, Ansa said.


Excellent!!! Magnificent!!! Maybe Italians are actually and finally doing something about the state of the country's politics!!! :kickass:

How do you feel Lefay? Opinions?
is this good or bad news?

it's bad 'cause violence in always a negative thing.
it's good 'cause someone had to do something sooner or later for the big amount of shit he has said/done

i hardly believe he was punched for any reason. i mean...he is not a common man, he is the prime minister...anyway that mad guy has a wonderful aim :lol:
So, I have a question about Italy.

Apparently, Amanda Knox is, according to the Italian press, 'Satan', and Seattle, her hometown, is a 'hotbed of Satanism'? Could I see links to these articles? Because, as someone who lives in Seattle, I'm slacking on being evil, and I need tips on how to improve :lol:
Putin is a murderer and an authoritarian ruler. Russia's economic growth has more to do with better management of its energy resources during his tenure than anything, not any innate goodness to his rule. He murders and intimidates political opponents, especially those who speak out about what Russia did the Caucuses during the last ten years. And even now that money from playing energy politics is less abundant, and regular Russians are feeling the pressure because the bulk of that wealth went to a small amount of Russians living in big cities. And the cost of that prosperity? They have a corrupt, closed political system.

Russia may have benefitted from a more centralized government while he's been in power, but it's because otherwise corruption and nepotism grinds it to a halt without someone to manage it (just like in Soviet times!). What they need is a more responsive, transparent government, unless they perpetually want a strongman babysitting them as if they weren't intelligent and civilized people.
So, I have a question about Italy.

Apparently, Amanda Knox is, according to the Italian press, 'Satan', and Seattle, her hometown, is a 'hotbed of Satanism'? Could I see links to these articles? Because, as someone who lives in Seattle, I'm slacking on being evil, and I need tips on how to improve :lol:

i have no particular interess in following this process, the only news i know are from the television news and sincerely i haven't heard anything about this.

if i google amanda+satan i find some articles.... maybe the articles you are refering to...
if i google amanda+satana (in italian) there's no news about this (only articles about "the satans' beasts" which is a satanic sect from the north of italy)

so probably american news are a bit distorted, could it be?
They had a CNN poll up the other day, and a slim majority of Americans thought she was guilty.

It wasn't that big news here. Just the verdict, and I think most people who disagreed with the decision didn't think she got a fair trial.

She's cute, though.
Putin is a murderer and an authoritarian ruler. Russia's economic growth has more to do with better management of its energy resources during his tenure than anything, not any innate goodness to his rule. He murders and intimidates political opponents, especially those who speak out about what Russia did the Caucuses during the last ten years. And even now that money from playing energy politics is less abundant, and regular Russians are feeling the pressure because the bulk of that wealth went to a small amount of Russians living in big cities. And the cost of that prosperity? They have a corrupt, closed political system.
and you know that how?? care to justify these statements with some facts?
My whole family lives there, and has been supporting Putin since the beginning, together with 80% of the Russian people. Putin is the best what happened to Russia since i don't know when! You think 80% of all Russians supporting him are stupid or something? You think that you of any Western journalists/politicians/whatever know better what's good for Russian people? He has actually done a lot to improve life of people there and that is what matters. If you have lived there at least for a couple of years and knew the culture and the folk and got to know it "from the inside"you wouldn't have been throwing ignorant accusations based on what you read in the Western papers like that!! If his politics are way different of what is acceptable in the Western world, it doesn't mean the Western standards are exactly what a Russian man needs right now.

Russia may have benefitted from a more centralized government while he's been in power, but it's because otherwise corruption and nepotism grinds it to a halt without someone to manage it (just like in Soviet times!). What they need is a more responsive, transparent government, unless they perpetually want a strongman babysitting them as if they weren't intelligent and civilized people.
This proves that you have no idea what you are talking about and shows just the way all the Western media has been responding in the past couple of years. The Western ways just don't work for Russia!!! It's a different culture, that has been ruled by tsars and tyrants alike for more than 1000 years! If you think you can throw it all away and "rebuild" the Russian mentality in a glimpse of few years, you are being either ignorant or naive. Russia is so huge and uncontrollable, it needs a strong hand to rule it!! If you want to call it babysitting, fine, but that's the people's mentality! "Responsive and transparent government" you are talking about probably needs at least 100 years to form, being built on gradual mentality changes, and i personally believe that all three last Russian presidents have taken steps in the good directions, with Putin having done the most and the best of it.
They had a CNN poll up the other day, and a slim majority of Americans thought she was guilty.

It wasn't that big news here. Just the verdict, and I think most people who disagreed with the decision didn't think she got a fair trial.

She's cute, though.

It was HUGE news in Seattle. And I have no opinion as to the verdict. I just want to hear what the Italians say about Seattle :lol:
I don't want to get into a long discussion about Russia, and I'm not a Russia specialist by any measure. I'd just like to point out that at no point in what I wrote did I suggest people were stupid, ignorant, or unjustified in supporting Putin. Nor do I make that assumption about anyone who does. In general, when faced with an opinion I disagree with, I prefer to ask the person "why?" instead of assuming lots of stuff about them!

I also don't think it's useful to counter someone's negative of opinion of Putin by simply doing the opposite and assuming 1) they're a "Westerner" 2) they eat up whatever the "Western media" feeds them about Russia 3) they think they know what's best for Russia because they have an opinion on Putin 4) they think people who disagree with them are ignorant.

*My* negative opinion of Putin stems from a lot of places. He is a murderer; he's responsible for the way the Russian military behaved when it subdued Chechnya in 1999-2000, and for turning it into Kadyrov's personal fiefdom. There's been a systematic persecution of journalists who investigated that war, which among the victims includes Anna Politkovskaya and Roddy Scott (who was literally murdered by Russian security forces).

I don't care, as someone who lives in the United States, that Russia's foreign policy is adversarial to that of my country. To me that's normal behavior, states do whatever their leaders think is best for their interests. And I don't have any beef with Russians; the only ones I've known are good people. But countries and sovereignty don't mean anything to me, they're just imagined communities constructed by the fact that we believe they're somehow real. If you have a guy in charge in your make-believe border-grouping language thingy who kills people, the fact that I belong to another make-believe border-grouping language thingy isn't going to stop me from saying, "hey, killing is wrong. Your leader-dude is a jerk. You guys can do better than that."
I don't want to get into a long discussion about Russia, and I'm not a Russia specialist by any measure. I'd just like to point out that at no point in what I wrote did I suggest people were stupid, ignorant, or unjustified in supporting Putin. Nor do I make that assumption about anyone who does. In general, when faced with an opinion I disagree with, I prefer to ask the person "why?" instead of assuming lots of stuff about them!
that was exactly what i did!!! look up the post #1491, the first 2 sentences of mine do exactly that. and don't you see the question marks everywhere in that post? Since when do question marks suggest assumptions? Those were rather suggestive questions, but anyway i won't get into semantics here. You said i was wrong, that's all that matters.

I also don't think it's useful to counter someone's negative of opinion of Putin by simply doing the opposite and assuming 1) they're a "Westerner" 2) they eat up whatever the "Western media" feeds them about Russia 3) they think they know what's best for Russia because they have an opinion on Putin 4) they think people who disagree with them are ignorant.
You must understand that if you make blunt statements like in your post #1488 without any kind of facts to support them whatsoever, you are offending people that see this person you call a murderer as their national hero. The first thing i did is ask you for some facts to justify your blatant point, and yet all you do is pointing me out *i* am being offensive! I am sorry my reaction was offending to you. You should at least have been more careful making such statements, if you don't want to get offensive reactions.

To the point, i don't understand that you think my 4 points you named above are dismissive (3 and 4 are quite twisted btw!). I think they are quite valid. There's a lot of truth in them. But you are clearly missing it. What you see is me trying to offend you simply because you disagree with my opinion. 1) I am not trying to offend you, i was trying to make my point and i believe i justified it quite well. Obviously not well enough for you. 2) I am very open minded and i am open for your (or anyone's) opposite opinion, you just have to show me some proof, show me some facts or at least bother to explain your point to me!! You cannot just throw some empty accusations and expect people to accept them. 3) I don't even have the strong opinion about Putin myself, i just listen to what my mother tells me on the phone, and i trust her. And i have read the dutch newspapers and watched tv. But if you are able to shed some light for me to the sides of the story that prove Putin to be a murderer, i would listen to you with much interest, and if those proofs were strong enough i might even change my opinion. But so far, all i get is blunt shallow statements unsupported by any facts.

*My* negative opinion of Putin stems from a lot of places. He is a murderer; he's responsible for the way the Russian military behaved when it subdued Chechnya in 1999-2000, and for turning it into Kadyrov's personal fiefdom. There's been a systematic persecution of journalists who investigated that war, which among the victims includes Anna Politkovskaya and Roddy Scott (who was literally murdered by Russian security forces).
I am asking again: can you support this by any facts? any links to any sources, any investigations that prove he did all the things you say? if you do and can be bothered to continue this discussion, you are welcome to do so in PM.

Here is a link you might have shown me for example. But even they say that "No one has ever been convicted of killing these journalists, CPJ research shows." So what happened to the good ol' "Innocent until proven guilty"? Until there has been some valid proof, i would restrain of drawing any bold conclusions.
it's bad 'cause violence in always a negative thing.
it's good 'cause someone had to do something sooner or later for the big amount of shit he has said/done

i hardly believe he was punched for any reason. i mean...he is not a common man, he is the prime minister...anyway that mad guy has a wonderful aim :lol:

maybe this will be a wake up call for him, maybe the god has madmen doing dirty work for him.:p
The first thing i did is ask you for some facts to justify your blatant point, and yet all you do is pointing me out *i* am being offensive! I am sorry my reaction was offending to you. You should at least have been more careful making such statements, if you don't want to get offensive reactions.

I'm not offended at all! Nor were you being offensive. I don't take disagreement to be an offense, and I especially don't take offense at people having very different opinions than I do. You did immediately react with the Westerner / Western media / telling us what's good for us argument, and I was just pointing out that, well, I dunno, I don't generally let people build my opinions for me.

I don't believe, in the least, of being careful about the things I have to say. I do try, however, to ground what I say in reality. I did bring up two specific cases where very prominent, globally recognized journalists were murdered without any closure to their investigations; Politkovskaya's trial was a farce, and Roddy Scott, well known as one of the ballsiest, bravest correspondents anywhere (he once took a motorcycle ride alone around Phnom Penh in the mid 1990s, when Cambodia was really wild) was, as I said, killed by Russian security forces who said they mistook him for a Chechen insurgent.

This stuff is just the tip of the iceberg; two dozen or so journalists have been killed in Russia since Putin took office. It's significant, at least to me, because that's evidence of other restrictions; lack of freedom of press, persistent violation of civil liberties, culture of impunity among security services... the reason why someone from across the pond can look at these things and say, "hey, there's a repressive government there!" is because those are characteristics of *any* repressive government, anywhere. Russia isn't special; anyone familiar with that kind of behavior by the government (hell, those things even happen here in the US!) will recognize it. Violence doesn't have a language or culture.

These things start at the top; Bush (for example), to me, is personally responsible for the torture that happened at Abu Ghraib, because he's the one guy who can say "stop" or "you can't do that," and instead he encouraged extralegal methods of interrogation. If you're in charge, people get tortured and killed because of the things you ordered to be done, you're responsible. Putin is responsible for killings that men associated to his security services, or directly on their payroll (re: Kadyrov) perpetuate in the name of policy. If Politkovskaya gets killed because Kadyrov's goons want to silence her reporting, or if Russian troops take it upon themselves to kill Scott because he's reporting on the Chechen insurgency, that's Putin's responsibility. No one's going to find an instance (at least, I hope this isn't the case) of Putin literally pulling the trigger on someone or ordering the killing of someone who hasn't taken up arms against the government. That's not how bureaucracies work.

Again, you choose to look at someone as a "national" hero, that's up to you. I'm not trying to change your opinion of him, but I'm certain of the two of us, you were the one who was offended (I most certainly was not). Which is your right, I'm not complaining that you were. But the people who dislike Putin, who are many, aren't just complainers out to get Russia. I dislike him because abets in the murder and harassment of political dissidents. I also intensely disagree with you that Russia, or anyone for that matter, needs a strongman instead of good, efficient, transparent government. That was Gorbachev's point about the Soviet system, no? It's a problem of governance, efficiency, corruption, and the political system has to open up at some point to survive moments of crisis.
Again, you choose to look at someone as a "national" hero, that's up to you. I'm not trying to change your opinion of him, but I'm certain of the two of us, you were the one who was offended (I most certainly was not).
at least you noticed. That's somewhat comforting.
But the people who dislike Putin, who are many, aren't just complainers out to get Russia. I dislike him because abets in the murder and harassment of political dissidents.
Until i get to see some hard facts, those (and the rest of your post) are just speculations for me, no more no less. Not the reason to flat out call him a murderer, but also not meaning the suspicions and speculations have to be dismissed or swept off the table. Until anything is proven, i will remain questioning everything, as this is my life's motto in general. Putin is not a hero to me but he might be to the other 80% of russians, including a part of my family.
I also intensely disagree with you that Russia, or anyone for that matter, needs a strongman instead of good, efficient, transparent government.
Russia does. For now, as i said. When there's no corruption anymore and maffia that rules everything right now isn't there anymore, or at least has become weak or gone underground, it will probably work out just fine.