Alec's Tavern : The Frost Blast

that would be weird, you're right, but maybe it can work, who knows?
everyone was happy to have one track sung by vortex on universal, so the experiment worked.
i only hope that vortex will not take andreas place! :goggly: but that he can remain a bassist and a occasional singer as in dimmu!

Noooooo :mad: SDG for official Borknagar bassist :lol:
SDG= steve di giorgio???

that would be awesome! :lol:

yes :) hell yeah that would be the most awesome thing in the world:kickass:

It's a pity that Andreas can't make it, but his replacement is incredible.

I wonder if Borknagar will play songs from the Vintersorg era (since Vortex will play bass too and the 4 last albums - including origin - feature intrincate fretless bass). I post here first cause I expect an official statement from the band on their own forum.

It's a pity that Andreas can't make it, but his replacement is incredible.

I wonder if Borknagar will play songs from the Vintersorg era (since Vortex will play bass too and the 4 last albums - including origin - feature intrincate fretless bass). I post here first cause I expect an official statement from the band on their own forum.

Holy Jesus Stripteasing Christ on a stick! If they don't play anywhere I can see them I will stab my own eye with a forklift.
this thing is starting to look suspiciuos.
am i the only one who thinks that all this have been happening in the last time isn't a coicindence?
i mean....first simen sings one song in universal.
the fans are really excited, the album doesn't gain a lot of good reviews, and my domain seems to be the most appreciated song by everyone.
then tyr leaves the band.
then they decide to do a tour and coincidentally they don't have a bassist anymore (a bassist who left the band one week before this announcement) and a singer that can't tour....and casually vortex can both play bass and sing, and he's free from other musical businesses
i mean....isn't that tyr has been fired to make some place for vortex?
and above all....will mr v be fired too? this is my worst preoccupation!!!!! :erk:
this thing is starting to look suspiciuos.
am i the only one who thinks that all this have been happening in the last time isn't a coicindence?
i mean....first simen sings one song in universal.
the fans are really excited, the album doesn't gain a lot of good reviews, and my domain seems to be the most appreciated song by everyone.
then tyr leaves the band.
then they decide to do a tour and coincidentally they don't have a bassist anymore (a bassist who left the band one week before this announcement) and a singer that can't tour....and casually vortex can both play bass and sing, and he's free from other musical businesses
i mean....isn't that tyr has been fired to make some place for vortex?
and above all....will mr v be fired too? this is my worst preoccupation!!!!! :erk:

And didn't Lazare plan the 9/11 attacks!!!?

“This is just what the band need at the moment. I’m not leaving the band or anything like that, but my work situation is holding me back for doing these shows. I know I.C.S Vortex will bring all his personality and skills into this to make it perfect! I wish I could be there.”
^ :hypno: .

Football World Cup is almost here! I hope Spain wins, they're a really good time. I'm cheering for Deutschland, England and España, I'll be happy if any of those teams win.

It'd be very interesting to see a match between North and South Korea. If North loses, then Kim-Jong Il will bomb South Africa and the world will end. All because of football!
^ :hypno: .

Football World Cup is almost here! I hope Spain wins, they're a really good time. I'm cheering for Deutschland, England and España, I'll be happy if any of those teams win.

I have to confess, I love the World Cup. Not really a massive football fan in general, but there's something about World Cup, the Olympics, and other sports fests that I just love. The spectacle. Especially World Cup, since football is NOT a sport that the US excels at!

Saturday morning my time, I plan on getting up, hauling my tired ass down to a sports bar in downtown, and watch England just annihilate the USA in the World Cup.
I have to confess, I love the World Cup. Not really a massive football fan in general, but there's something about World Cup, the Olympics, and other sports fests that I just love. The spectacle. Especially World Cup, since football is NOT a sport that the US excels at!

Saturday morning my time, I plan on getting up, hauling my tired ass down to a sports bar in downtown, and watch England just annihilate the USA in the World Cup.

Yeah, I'm not a big football fan either, but when it comes to the World Cup I totally change and become addicted. Overall, the US is actually the best team of the region (Concacaf?), Costa Rica didn't go (well deserved), and Mexico doesn't deserve either, they have a very lousy, weak team. I hope they lose :p .

Don't really care about the world cup, but I hope North Korea wins. :lol:

Now that'll be something unexpected! I don't think they'll pass the first round haha, although nobody knows anything about the team. The world only knows that it's full of North Koreans… and a Russian. What might they have up their sleeve? *plays suspense music* :hypno:

EDIT: Interesting game, a lousy first half dominated by México, and a great second half dominated by South Africa. I'm sad SA didn't win, but I guess it's an OK start for both teams.

Let's see how France does against Uruguay. They're both bad teams that barely made it to the Cup, so I don't really care hahaha.
Now that'll be something unexpected! I don't think they'll pass the first round haha, although nobody knows anything about the team. The world only knows that it's full of North Koreans… and a Russian. What might they have up their sleeve? *plays suspense music* :hypno:
Well considering they're in the group stage with Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast, I don't think they have a chance. :lol: I just think it'd be funny.
Damn, we (Chile) are in the same group with Spain, which I'm sure will kick our ass. We'll need to slay Honduras and Switzerland. I think we can tear apart Honduras easily but the match with Sw might be difficult.

I'm not really into soccer, but the World cup is another story.
EDIT: Interesting game, a lousy first half dominated by México, and a great second half dominated by South Africa. I'm sad SA didn't win, but I guess it's an OK start for both teams.

Let's see how France does against Uruguay. They're both bad teams that barely made it to the Cup, so I don't really care hahaha.

I caught the very last 10 minutes of that I rolled out of bed. Turns out that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is broadcasting all the World Cup games they possibly can live - and Seattle cable services carry CBC as part of their package. But online, streaming coverage is blocked out as I'm in the USA - so I'm watching it here at work on Univision - a Spanish station. I don't know Spanish. This will be interesting. But - France vs. Uraguay is coming up!

I'm going to miss part of the USA vs England game because I got a great chance to take a walking tour of my neighborhood. So I'm doing that instead - check out some new restaurants and see the sights.