Alexi Laiho Quotes

Nikita is a dork!!!!!!!!!

Nikita is a fucking dork!!!!!!!

And nikon87 is pretty much right.
Let's get back to Allu quotes shall we?

"I fell through a glass table in my apartment."
Haha that's not what he says. More like:

"...they were throwing fuckin' raw meat at the goddamn audience. But at least we fuckin' cook our food man..."

even more like

"Blackie Lawless from W.A.S.P throw fuckin' raw meat at the goddamn audience. But at least we fuckin' cook our food man..."

or something:goggly:
um...."that's why you always keep an extra bottle around, feeling bad, you take a few sips and you have a first class scene again" (what's with the first class scene stuff?)

P.S. WTF does he say when he tosses meat at the audience?? I've seen it so many times and i still can't make it out....

he says something about "Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. throwing raw meat into the audience, at least we can fucking cook our food!"

You actually believe that ? Sheesh... In case you didn't know, Alexi has a habit of freaking people out (cover choices, kisses w/Janne). :lol:

He has a girlfriend, you know ? :lol: :Smug:

I dont think he does, he used to be married to Goss, but are now divorced. I remeber reading that he just unto the muisc, so he is still single i believe
But he is not gay
"Jesus fucking christ"

"I fucking swear to god,the motherfucking god."

and can someone tell me what does he say before needle in CRY?
I only get the part of the moshpit and before that only few words here and there