all new "NP" thread -

Machine Head - The Blackening (whole album)

They have finally made it!!! Since Burn My Eyes I have been waiting for this band to release something equally or more powerful. And now, after 13 long years, bulls eye! This is the mature music we are discussing in the other thread. Forget Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica (who would kill to sound like the new MH on their forthcoming album), the new old school thrash kings are Machine Head. And its not only thrash really. Iron Maiden (epicness in the best sense of the word) and Dickinson solo stuff (the solos and the excellent Roy-Z-like sound) lovers will munch will pleasure. Plus there is the best of what has made this band what it is. MH have combined metal with hard core long before all those metalcore bands that are so in now, theyve had melodic vocals with screaming and hardcore rhythms back in 1994 already. This album is amazing!
Machine Head - The Blackening (whole album)

They have finally made it!!! Since Burn My Eyes I have been waiting for this band to release something equally or more powerful. And now, after 13 long years, bulls eye! This is the mature music we are discussing in the other thread. Forget Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica (who would kill to sound like the new MH on their forthcoming album), the new old school thrash kings are Machine Head. And its not only thrash really. Iron Maiden (epicness in the best sense of the word) and Dickinson solo stuff (the solos and the excellent Roy-Z-like sound) lovers will munch will pleasure. Plus there is the best of what has made this band what it is. MH have combined metal with hard core long before all those metalcore bands that are so in now, theyve had melodic vocals with screaming and hardcore rhythms back in 1994 already. This album is amazing!

Downloading now, but I'm sure I'll always prefer Vio-lence over anything Machine Head can do. It was really hard not to hate Robb Flynn after saying he was ashamed of what he did on Vio-lence.

NP: Behemoth - The Apostasy

So far it's sounding as good as anything they've done before.
*downloads immediately* I'll tell you what I think once I take a listen. But aren't these "machine-gun blastbeats" are what make Behemoth? They're awesome!

In all it's technicality - yes, but... is that... MUSEQUE??????????

Too metahl for me. Don't like dudes in make up... remind me of drag queens from next door and stuff.
In all it's technicality - yes, but... is that... MUSEQUE??????????

Too metahl for me. Don't like dudes in make up... remind me of drag queens from next door and stuff.
I don't really care how they look like.

There isn't much vocal layering as in Demigod, too bad. Untill now, I'm not much into the album, except Christgrinding Avenue, it is fucking brilliant.
I don't really care how they look like.

There isn't much vocal layering as in Demigod, too bad. Untill now, I'm not much into the album, except Christgrinding Avenue, it is fucking brilliant.

I really won't be able to get into that. If I was, like, 16, then yes, now I'm up to this (shittiest video/montage though):

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sage francis - black out on white night etc etc

i've got a complicated case of escapism