all new "NP" thread -

Slow internet connection?

No, I meant that the typing of a whole process of posting here goes a lot quicker than in other threads since I don't have to think but just copy a few letters from my other screen.

Dark Tranquillity - A Bolt Of Blazing Gold
No, I meant that the typing of a whole process of posting here goes a lot quicker than in other threads since I don't have to think but just copy a few letters from my other screen.

There used to exist a wonderful invention called the now playing box, which would allow users to type what they were listening to so that it would appear in a specific are of whatever post they were adding it to, but it's gone since forever. I wish someone would remind MetalAges of this from time to time. I'd still love to have it back.
But then we wouldn't have an excuse to spam.

NP: Endelexeia - can'tremembertherestofthetitlebutit'singreekanywaysowhywouldyoucare.
Not really funny, but a good try. You will get there someday if you practice really hard ;)

NP: DT - Edenspring
Ulver - Porn Piece or the Scars of cold Kisses

Just wanted say thank you QRV for starting a thread about Ulver here some months ago which led me to their great music.
Tiamat - Amanethes

I'm speechless. Greek sounds, greek titles, greek spoken words... Edlund has been consumed. :p
I'm taking a disconcerting turn to power metal...

DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames