Hmm...Cover is a bit blue/dark. Expected more flames to be honest haha...but I think it's ok.
Really like the album title / song names though. Can't wait to hear the first one tomorrow
Anyone in on guessing how the songs will be from the title?
Deceiver Of the Gods
Another fast paced kickass opener for sure, which we will probably listen a lot to in the next days/weeks ^^ Not to forget about a kickass Solo!
As Loke Falls
Higher midtempo songs with cool riffing and sticky chorus, maybe with a bit quieter beginning or bridge
Father Of The Wolf
Bit more to the slow side, with haunting epic melodies. Maybe a bit like Fate of Norns. Should contain an epic solo too! ^^
Shape Shifter
Typical, groovy AA trademark song just as we love it!
Under Siege
A bit harsher song with some tough riffing but still enogh melody in the chorus. Maybe going fast in the verse slowing down for the chorus.
Blood Eagle
There's the groove again. Should be a more melodic one as it is in the middle between some rougher stuff.
We Shall Destroy
This one is going to be FAST. Maybe in the sense of Asator.
A dark song, containg some really brooding atmosphere. Could have some slow parts too. Not so much "happy", obvious melodies in there.
Coming Of The Tide
An Epic finish for sure, rounding up the album perfectly with some great haunting melodies and a lot of atmosphere.
Let's see if I'm right with some predictions here. I'm pretty sure about the opener and the finisher though