Amon Amarth Studio Updates 2012

Audio samples.

Sounds (very) promising.

Couple of critics I know were quite lukewarm about the album, saying that it just treads the same old ground and isn't any better that SR. But neither are (big) fans, they only own few AA albums. It seems this album is AA album pretty much through and through. That's not gonna win over all the critics and occasional listeners of the band, but it is a service to most fans. There will be this vocal minority saying that AA is starting to sound tired and should change their sound. Yet if they change it, most of them still won't like it. I think most of us will consider this new album great. New and experimental Dark Tranquillity album got raving scores from critics, yet divided the fans of the band.
Thanks so much Qtulhu! Indeed, it sounds VERY promising :grin: As Loke falls were the song that I liked most of these short clips (exc Deceiver of the gods), we will see what song it will be when I hear the full songs :Spin:
Audio samples.

Sounds (very) promising.

Couple of critics I know were quite lukewarm about the album, saying that it just treads the same old ground and isn't any better that SR. But neither are (big) fans, they only own few AA albums. It seems this album is AA album pretty much through and through. That's not gonna win over all the critics and occasional listeners of the band, but it is a service to most fans. There will be this vocal minority saying that AA is starting to sound tired and should change their sound. Yet if they change it, most of them still won't like it. I think most of us will consider this new album great. New and experimental Dark Tranquillity album got raving scores from critics, yet divided the fans of the band.

Yeah, I listened to Construct once and that was enough. I don't mind if a band changes it up but it's nice when the music is still good...
Well, all of the descriptions of the album have been accurate. It is very diverse. Each song has a very unique style. They all sound AA but they all seem so very different. As Loke Falls sounds amazing! We Shall Destroy also stood out for me. The lyrics for Blood Eagle are going to be crazy. I can't wait to hear it all.

Now that the "samples" are out, unfortunately I will bet the whole album will be leaked in the next 2 or 3 days. Must. Be. Patient.