And Obama wins!!!

liberals in this country dont believe in that. that's what makes the next four years so scary.
for the assault weapons ban, against concealed carry, less rounds in your mag, insanely high taxes on firearms, and harder to get.
rough times are a'comin

Seconded; I'm stocking up on certain materials. I be damned if I let my rights be infringed, especially by a damn mulatto.
I hate to break it to you guys, but the Constitution Party is for psychos.

The Preamble to the Constitution Party platform begins as follows...

“The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.”

Not my cup of tea, anyway.
liberals in this country dont believe in that. that's what makes the next four years so scary.
for the assault weapons ban, against concealed carry, less rounds in your mag, insanely high taxes on firearms, and harder to get.
rough times are a'comin

Harder to get, but Im sure the people behind gun crime will still manage to get hold of them. The illegal weapons dealers will be doing a killing, sorry about the inappropriate turn of phrase.

For the record, the rest of the world who do not know much about US politics... (Other than it WILL affect them some point) are just too happy to see the back of Bush.

And as a European acceptable firearms are a hunting riffle if you live in the countryside and hunt (or have wild boars in the area,for car insurance purposes) , or an antique collector's pistol. No one else will admit freely they own a gun- even if they do. We cannot understand how someone can buy one to shoot cans or go to a shooting range. Cultural thing.
I hate to break it to you guys, but the Constitution Party is for psychos.

The Preamble to the Constitution Party platform begins as follows...

“The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.”

Not my cup of tea, anyway.

Chuck Baldwin, their candidate for this election, is actually a pastor as well, if I recall.
Harder to get, but Im sure the people behind gun crime will still manage to get hold of them. The illegal weapons dealers will be doing a killing, sorry about the inappropriate turn of phrase.
I meant harder to get for the people that are law abiding.
Criminals will forever be able to get guns, no matter the laws.
Ok, I am going to post my two cents worth in here, although my understanding of what this has to do with music or AA is beyond me. But I love a good debate!

To those of you saying 9-11 was an "inside job" You all are half right. Quit watching that fat idiots (Michael Moore) video's please. The real reason 9-11 was an inside job was Clinton could have had Osama killed after the U.S.S. Cole or the U.S. Embassy in Kenya being blown up. (Or a hole put in it). Clinton's "you are what you eat" (pussy) attitude towards Osama's previous attacks on the U.S. is what gave him the fuel he needed to put the plan of attack into operation. Don't blame Bush for Clinton.

As to those of you debating the gun issue...
Our forefathers put the 2nd amendment in the constitution for a very good reason. No one is afraid of a bark dog with no teeth. They had fled from England for this VERY reason. (You people forgetting American history before you speak or what?)
Freedom of Speech, in those days you were not allowed to speak out against the King and Queen. You weren't allowed to question what the government was doing.
Freedom of Religion, this is a good one. Because, Nader had it correct..Obama didn't visit any Muslims Mosques during his campaign. He has no issue changing his "white name" from Barry to Barrack when joining with his father, and the family heritage. He campaigned as Barrack, because it speaks more black than Barry, he kept his Muslim name but boasts Christianity..odd isn't it?

President Obama is a man full of contradictions. He's never stuck to his "guns" in voting. The only thing Obama is capable of when it comes to "change" is his face.
He wants to give you "hope" but instead of using 3billion on an damn commercial why didn't he give that money to the people? To help fun the rebuilding of New Orleans from Katrina? Or to anyone else that needed the funding? He like so many politicians before him used all that campaign money on his own personal gain. Does his color look a little more "white" to you yet?
He won't help his own people, black, Muslims or fellow Americans.

Those of you quoting what you have heard from the news or from reading in papers, I have a few words for you....
Mass Media Breeds Ignorance.

Case in point, Fox News brags "fair and balanced" Didn't invite my candidate Ron Paul on for the republican debate, back in the Primaries...
Doesn't sound very fair.
If you want to know about anything, find more information that doesn't involve watching ANY news station, you will only know what they want you to.

I, myself voted in the 3rd party. I would be damned if Captain Blacky or Captain America got my vote. I can sleep better at night knowing I didn't help him in. I am beyond sad that Ron Paul didn't make it. IMHO he was the only candidate who had it right.
I hate to break it to you guys, but the Constitution Party is for psychos.

The Preamble to the Constitution Party platform begins as follows...

“The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.”

Not my cup of tea, anyway.

The Constitution party doesn't sit well with me either, Libertarian is they way to go if you're going to be voting 3rd party.
Ok, I am going to post my two cents worth in here, although my understanding of what this has to do with music or AA is beyond me. But I love a good debate!

To those of you saying 9-11 was an "inside job" You all are half right. Quit watching that fat idiots (Michael Moore) video's please. The real reason 9-11 was an inside job was Clinton could have had Osama killed after the U.S.S. Cole or the U.S. Embassy in Kenya being blown up. (Or a hole put in it). Clinton's "you are what you eat" (pussy) attitude towards Osama's previous attacks on the U.S. is what gave him the fuel he needed to put the plan of attack into operation. Don't blame Bush for Clinton.

As to those of you debating the gun issue...
Our forefathers put the 2nd amendment in the constitution for a very good reason. No one is afraid of a bark dog with no teeth. They had fled from England for this VERY reason. (You people forgetting American history before you speak or what?)
Freedom of Speech, in those days you were not allowed to speak out against the King and Queen. You weren't allowed to question what the government was doing.
Freedom of Religion, this is a good one. Because, Nader had it correct..Obama didn't visit any Muslims Mosques during his campaign. He has no issue changing his "white name" from Barry to Barrack when joining with his father, and the family heritage. He campaigned as Barrack, because it speaks more black than Barry, he kept his Muslim name but boasts Christianity..odd isn't it?

President Obama is a man full of contradictions. He's never stuck to his "guns" in voting. The only thing Obama is capable of when it comes to "change" is his face.
He wants to give you "hope" but instead of using 3billion on an damn commercial why didn't he give that money to the people? To help fun the rebuilding of New Orleans from Katrina? Or to anyone else that needed the funding? He like so many politicians before him used all that campaign money on his own personal gain. Does his color look a little more "white" to you yet?
He won't help his own people, black, Muslims or fellow Americans.

Those of you quoting what you have heard from the news or from reading in papers, I have a few words for you....
Mass Media Breeds Ignorance.

Case in point, Fox News brags "fair and balanced" Didn't invite my candidate Ron Paul on for the republican debate, back in the Primaries...
Doesn't sound very fair.
If you want to know about anything, find more information that doesn't involve watching ANY news station, you will only know what they want you to.

I, myself voted in the 3rd party. I would be damned if Captain Blacky or Captain America got my vote. I can sleep better at night knowing I didn't help him in. I am beyond sad that Ron Paul didn't make it. IMHO he was the only candidate who had it right.
Well said.
Agree with Vilewoman.
Ron was the only ideal candidate (although many 3rd parties also had some good candidates), his exclusion and clear denial of some of his victories by all medias (except for Cspan and some radio shows) he was completely denied any right to voice his opinion.
When looking at today's situation, all of his points have turned out to be true. I am saddened that Ron never decided to run as independent.

He has also voiced deep concerns about Obama. Under the guise of change, people will be more than willing to accept the change. I could see people even more willing to accept a new war, because Obama is the new messiah, and he would never do anything to harm his country ... or would he? bt the sheeps will keep chnating his name, and cry that the 2nd coming, to save us all.

One quick look at who he has picked for his cabinet will tell you that it is all going to be a major disaster.

The way things are unraveling right now, makes me think that the republicans almost set themselves for defeat on purpose.
Ron Paul would have been ideal, however never in a million year would an independent win the presidency........... people are too blind and too stupid to realize how the two party system is ruining this country.
i def. do agree with you!

every post is like an essay on these kind of threads, thats why hit and miss is my favourite

Politics sucks? it is with that kind of thinking that people give up on hope for something good. But you know what, while some say politics suck, they do nothing to change the situation, and leave it to the sheeps to vote en masse, and make changes that will impact all of us.
I am glad we managed to have this thread, keep it civil, and see that many have a good grip of world situation.
I have seen more intelligent posts here, although many various views, than at any presidential rallies in the last 6 months.
Politics sucks? it is with that kind of thinking that people give up on hope for something good. But you know what, while some say politics suck, they do nothing to change the situation, and leave it to the sheeps to vote en masse, and make changes that will impact all of us.
I am glad we managed to have this thread, keep it civil, and see that many have a good grip of world situation.
I have seen more intelligent posts here, although many various views, than at any presidential rallies in the last 6 months.

oi! didnt mean it in that way, people say sociol sicence sucks, math sucks, physics sucks
i say politics sucks, while i think its wrong when people think math/physics/chemsity sucks since i look at them as subjects to explain life in a logic sense
Ron Paul would have been ideal, however never in a million year would an independent win the presidency........... people are too blind and too stupid to realize how the two party system is ruining this country.

Don't worry, Ron's movement didn't end with his campaign. From the beginning, I would presume he knew he wouldn't get anywhere near the nomination as a Republican due to all the neo-cons and evangelicals, but he used his national status to promote liberty. Also, I urge any Ron Paul supporters to register on his website. It displays all other members in your state, complete with a state page providing all kinds of local updates and events (e.g. mine shows the state representatives who supported the bailout, and shows the details of the End the Fed rally in outside the Boston Federal Reserve Bank on Nov. 22). Ron Paul mentioned that many supporters are running for local office on his platform, with up to 30 in some states.

The Revolution isn't over, it's just beginning.
I was one of 26 people in a city of 12,000 to vote for Bob Barr; the numbers were even worse for the Baldwin/Castle ticket. Nader did fairly well, by that I mean he could almost sniff 100 votes...

Meanwhile those two major party knuckleheads each received well over 2000 votes for their "fresh" ideas of change. What a damn joke. The only change this country will see with Obama is higher taxes, more welfare babies, and a multi-billion dollar industry (hunting) headed for life support due to his ridiculous anti-constitution gun reform. Not to mention a penalty if one manages to become richly rewarded for their hard work.

I wish people would've actually researched their candidate before voting for them. Until they do nothing is going to change. Case in point: In a Minnesota senate race (not the house, but the freaking SENATE), Al Franken, a fricken comedian, almost defeated a seasoned incumbent. The vote is actually being recounted it was so close. How embarrassing for Minnesotans. It's also unfortunate that 75% of the people that voted a few days ago won't vote again until the next presidential election.

There is no such thing as a wasted vote if that vote goes for principle.

Rant over.

P.S. Don't expect to see an independant take part in a presidential debate unless one of the two major parties invites them. It's not up to the media.
Ron Paul was running in the republican party..
Also it was the debate Fox News hosted on their set, not the official one done later..
MSNBC did the same for the demorons, I mean democrats, sorry about that.

Everyone was so appalled it happened Jay Leno had Ron Paul on his show to make a public apology from the media as a whole.
in terms of changing the american constitution, what is required? here we need to have a referendum. to pass it has to have a double majority (majority of the voters in the country as a whole and a majority of the states).

are you gun lovers worried that obama will rid the country of 'its right to bear arms'? i've always been fascinated as to why you all love this right so much. i mean, come on. guns are created for one purpose, to kill people and/or things - which begs the question, why are so many people shot and killed in the us in comparison to countries that don't have this 'right'?

and alex, i'm asking for a sensible response, not some 'i'll get you with my gun cause i'm tough, let's post a picture to prove it' type of comment like you've been professing of late.