Any Christian Opeth fans????

benjikong said:
As far as the antisemitic Jew comment, the song "Black Sabbath" is a warning AGAINST satanism.

I fail to see the correlation between the two
benjikong said:
I love Opeth!!! I even like Dimmu Borgir, CoB, CoF,and Old man's child. I like virtually all kinds of Metal, but i'm a member of the christian faith. I love metal music, and as long as your not killing people, or burning churches (two reasons I didn't add emperor to my list), I respect your beliefs. Are me and my friends the only ones who like christian metal, and non-christian metal???? Are we the only christian metal fans???

What a shame that you would alienate yourself from experiencing one of the most uniquely creative, and inspiring metal bands of the last 10 years in EMPEROR!
Have you ever read Emperor lyrics, they are about bettering yourself by means of spiritual approach, and self expression. About having a voice of your own, and not having one forced on you.
See the thing is, when you're talking about Emperor you are basically talking about Ishan, and he actually had nothing to do with any of what went on with all the church burning bla bla.
It's just not important, the music is the only thing that's important and I truly feel sorry for you that you've chosen to pass up on(in my mind) the greatest creative mind in metal, and one of the best song structurers I've ever heard.
There is so much going on in an Emperor album(particularly the last 2) that you will keep learning things for months after the first listen. Something that's extremely rare in the constrictive and limmiting genre of metal.
In my mind Emperor pushed a hell of a lot of musical boundaries, and cemented a musical style all their own, a style that as far as I know no one has been good enough to replicate. And it's not as if a million substandard bands haven't tried.
What a shame that you have chosen not to listen to them because of stuff that went on when these people were like 17, just kids.... and the majority of that band were not involved in.
You are truly missing out.
Hmmmm? I never knew that not all of them were involved. I may check them out some more. I just didn't want to support violence. Thanks for the info., Enigma Nocturnas. As for the correlation, Diabolical claiming it being hypocritical to like metal and be a christian is false because one of the leading metal acts (Black Sabbath), wrote an anti-satanic song. Plus, there are tons of Christian metal bands around.
Such as...
  • Living Sacrifice
  • Mortification
  • Underoath
  • Embodyment (similar to Katatonia in a way, their old stuff is extremely heavy in comparison to their new stuff)
  • Hopesfall
  • Soul Embraced
  • Alice Cooper (yeah, him)
  • Norma Jean/Luti-kriss
  • Zao
  • Tourniquet
Just to name a few. Some of them are more hardcore punk/metalcore style.
Anarkissed said:
Such as...
  • Living Sacrifice
  • Mortification
  • Underoath
  • Embodyment (similar to Katatonia in a way, their old stuff is extremely heavy in comparison to their new stuff)
  • Hopesfall
  • Soul Embraced
  • Alice Cooper (yeah, him)
  • Norma Jean/Luti-kriss
  • Zao
  • Tourniquet
Just to name a few. Some of them are more hardcore punk/metalcore style.

umm... there seems to be a remarkable lack of EXTOL on that list.

there is too much pain everywhere for this construct to be anything but utterly random. To even perpetuate that there is some design behind this festering mess is insulting in itself - besides, how could you possibly worship a creator of something so "soul"-destroying and painful and everyday life?
enigma_nocurnus said:
What a shame that you would alienate yourself from experiencing one of the most uniquely creative, and inspiring metal bands of the last 10 years in EMPEROR!
Have you ever read Emperor lyrics, they are about bettering yourself by means of spiritual approach, and self expression. About having a voice of your own, and not having one forced on you.
See the thing is, when you're talking about Emperor you are basically talking about Ishan, and he actually had nothing to do with any of what went on with all the church burning bla bla.
It's just not important, the music is the only thing that's important and I truly feel sorry for you that you've chosen to pass up on(in my mind) the greatest creative mind in metal, and one of the best song structurers I've ever heard.
There is so much going on in an Emperor album(particularly the last 2) that you will keep learning things for months after the first listen. Something that's extremely rare in the constrictive and limmiting genre of metal.
In my mind Emperor pushed a hell of a lot of musical boundaries, and cemented a musical style all their own, a style that as far as I know no one has been good enough to replicate. And it's not as if a million substandard bands haven't tried.
What a shame that you have chosen not to listen to them because of stuff that went on when these people were like 17, just kids.... and the majority of that band were not involved in.
You are truly missing out.

emperor are crap
ControlledChaos said:
Wrong. God created man as perfect and without sin, and it says God created man for fellowship with God. However, God basically (my paraphrase) didn't want a robot who would do exactly as he asked all the time, he wanted someone who would follow him through their own free will. So (here comes the review kids) he tells Adam and Eve, "You can have every frickin' thing in this garden, EVERY THING, except that one tree over there." God gave man free will to choose his own path, and once Adam and Eve ate the fruit of that tree (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) suddenly they knew what sin was and that's what started the whole thing.

God didn't try to "save" anyone by drowning them. It says that he sent the flood because basically all of mankind (albeit Noah and family) were incredibly wicked and basically beyond help, whereas Noah was righteous. (That doesn't mean he was sinless it means he followed God basically).

So, your argument is ignorant. Incorrect, pal.

you are stupid.:wave:
I have not read all the previous posts. I simply state that I am an atheist and believe in no god. A paradox in itself that I belive you may say. Well the problem I have is simply a geographical and quantitative one that has always mystified me.
In terms of sheer population an entire culture that now numbers over 1 billion people does not believe in a higher god but rather worships their ancestors. That is China. Now where does a Christian God that seems to be a death cult leave the multitudes of Asia.
Well of course Christianity in its most awful forms never contemplates alternate belief systems.
Christianity always tries to convert. Some other religions are to be found.

The equation of capital with religion drives a certain percentage of America's wealth. That is a truth. It does not drive everyone in America and that is the complexity of the most multicultural nation in history.
It all comes down to what question you are asking.

Is America the most pornographic nation in the world. Yes.

Is America the home of the most puritan deluded fundamentalists in the world. YES.

Is America a hope for a model of millions of people living in a democratic system that has lasted 200 years. The verdict is out.

Do they have an incredibly militaristic bent. Yes. but then they killed each other in greater numbers then any other nation in history.

Is America a confusing mess that gives us the best most highest forms of art and then drags us into sordid deaths-Yes.

Thats why we watch.................
benjikong said:
You want me to hate them. If I don't, you may realise that not all christians are intolerant . You don't want there to be christian metal, or christian metal fans, and I can't understand why. Is it because you don't wanna be lonely in Hell? Before you jump on me for that comment, understand that i've takin' a lot of crap from the non-christians on this board. It was just a joking jab. Get off my back. We're all Opeth fans here.
First off, that "joking jab"... Do you think God approves your mocking (and making light) of billions of people which he created and loves, going to hell?

Please don't make assumptions as to what I want/think: I don't believe in God and I don't believe that anyone should have faith in organised religion which is (obviously imo) such a corrupt system.

Do you follow the Bible? Or do choose parts of the bible which you agree with? Because I could understand that. Throughout the bible there are thousands of contradictions, some of which are not the authors' fault considering the length and time it was written over.

Could you state your personal beliefs of what makes you a Christian, and what you must or must not do? Otherwise I have to make assertations on your views through the bible, which I doubt you wholly agree with...

If you're willing, I'd like to learn more about your faith. When I was young, because my parents were Christian I just called myself one without thinking about it, so as you can imagine I do not know what it is like to be a "proper" Christian... How do you (and anyone else) define a "Christian"?

You read the post by enigma_nocurnus soyou can see that emperor's lyrics to an extent agree with your beliefs... By calling yourself a Christian people attach so many preconceptions to you. When someone asks "what do you believe in?", they wouldn't make as many assumptions about you. Saying "I'm a Christian" could mean a billion different things, whereas saying "I believe in God" is clear, and doesn't make people point out the thousands of contradictions in the bible.

(I'm sorry that this post is a poorly structured mess...:erk: )
AndICried said:
First off, that "joking jab"... Do you think God approves your mocking (and making light) of billions of people which he created and loves, going to hell?

no he wouldnt, and i think its stupid to even joke about joking about it. i get pissed off when people do.

Please don't make assumptions as to what I want/think: I don't believe in God and I don't believe that anyone should have faith in organised religion which is (obviously imo) such a corrupt system.

christians have no faith in the system (well, prodestants (sp?) anyway). there has been a recent movement away from the "religion" side of christianity, and into the relationship between the individual and god, which is the way the church started as in the new testament. christianity has realised (through the revolting past it has had) that it cant trust humanity any more, and yes, there are corrupt leaders within the church. everything i am taught by the church leaders, i question.

Do you follow the Bible? Or do choose parts of the bible which you agree with? Because I could understand that. Throughout the bible there are thousands of contradictions, some of which are not the authors' fault considering the length and time it was written over.

if you can email me some, i would be very much obliged.

Could you state your personal beliefs of what makes you a Christian, and what you must or must not do? Otherwise I have to make assertations on your views through the bible, which I doubt you wholly agree with...

i dont know about benjikong, but heres basically what i believe.

a christian is a person who believes that jesus christ came to earth, was crucified for our sins, and was resurrected. through jesus we can now have a deeper relationship with god, and when we die, live with him in heaven.

thats basically it. theres nothing in there about "having to be a perfect christian". it is a christian's aim to live like jesus, but as we know, we are all sinners and we will all act selfishly most of the time. the argument that christianity is wrong because the leaders are selfish and corrupt holds no grounds with us BECAUSE WE KNOW THEY ARE. got a bit sidetracked there... sorry... anyway:

If you're willing, I'd like to learn more about your faith. When I was young, because my parents were Christian I just called myself one without thinking about it, so as you can imagine I do not know what it is like to be a "proper" Christian... How do you (and anyone else) define a "Christian"?

im happy for you to email me (you can click my msn thingy at the bottom) anytime, im not the best on a lot of things, but i know people who do know stuff better than me if i get stuck

You read the post by enigma_nocurnus soyou can see that emperor's lyrics to an extent agree with your beliefs... By calling yourself a Christian people attach so many preconceptions to you. When someone asks "what do you believe in?", they wouldn't make as many assumptions about you. Saying "I'm a Christian" could mean a billion different things, whereas saying "I believe in God" is clear, and doesn't make people point out the thousands of contradictions in the bible.

as i said, if you could find out a few of these contradictions id like to read them if i could.

(I'm sorry that this post is a poorly structured mess...:erk: )

hey me too... its nearly 3am and i am totally buggered
To me, being a christian means having faith in God and Jesus Christ. It means serving God for the rest of your life in some form or another. It is up to each individual christian to decide how to serve Christ. It is through a personal relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, church, and/or personal experiences that a person finds out how he/she would best serve God. The Bible is open to many interperetations, and this is why there can be so many different types of christians. My focus exists in the teachings of love, grace, forgiveness, and being a christian by example. I look at what Jesus did. He approached non-believers with truth, but not with judgement or condescention (I hope I spelled that correctly). He loved them as fellow human beings, and that, to me, is the beauty of christianity. I mainly follow the teachings of Jesus. Since he is the basis of christianity, I concentrate on him. I am still not sure on how I feel about everything in the Bible. I am still young, and have much to learn. Anyway, I figure, of Jesus wasn't judging non-believers on earth, I'm certainly not going to.
benjikong said:
. As for the correlation, Diabolical claiming it being hypocritical to like metal and be a christian is false because one of the leading metal acts (Black Sabbath), wrote an anti-satanic song. Plus, there are tons of Christian metal bands around.

i see, well it is my belief that metal is more than just a form of western music but represnts a entire culture in itself. This culture is founded on a rejection of mainstream western values (especially judeo-christian slave morality) wether this rejection is explicit (ie Grand Belial's Key, Burzum, etc) or implicit is irrelevant. The constant of Metal has always been evolution and progression, metal has moved beyond the pathetic christian influenced warnings of Master of Reality. Though Black Sabbath were christian in their outlook, even in the 70s this made them more the exception than the rule (Pentagram, Judas Priest, etc didn't write christian music/lyrics)

Modern metal rejects christianity along with other facets of western mainstream "culture", therefore it makes little sense for a christian such as yourself to fully immerse yourself in this culture, if it is even possible. nothing is stopping you from enjoying the music (though how someone could enjoy COF, OMC, dimmu burger etc is beyond me :D) but your beliefs do exclude you from complete immersion , your aversion to Emperor for example, which is not based on their music but on certain acts commited by their members over a decade ago. As for christian 'metal' bands they are no more metal than mallcore bands for these same reasons. metal is more than music; it is ideology and culture.

that is my justification