Any Christian Opeth fans????

A quick example of a contradiction in the Bible:

"God is not like men, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever he promises, he does; He speaks and it is done." - Numbers 23:19

"So the Lord changed his mind and did not bring on his people the disaster he threatened." - Exodus 32:14

It's just an example, which I remember specifically, but I'll try and find some more significant ones.
diabolical vengeance said:
A christian metalhead is like an antisemitic jew
actually, there are anti-semitic jews. i won't bring up the word origins of "semitic", but rather point out that there were in fact jewish nazi war criminals. some have even been put on trial in israel. in order to keep the concentration camps running efficiently, the nazis would often recruit jews to collaborate with the ss, who in turn were rewarded for keeping the other jews in check by additional food and the removal of the jewish star, which was replaced with a swastika.
AndICried said:
First off, that "joking jab"... Do you think God approves your mocking (and making light) of billions of people which he created and loves, going to hell?

Please don't make assumptions as to what I want/think: I don't believe in God and I don't believe that anyone should have faith in organised religion which is (obviously imo) such a corrupt system.

Do you follow the Bible? Or do choose parts of the bible which you agree with? Because I could understand that. Throughout the bible there are thousands of contradictions, some of which are not the authors' fault considering the length and time it was written over.

Could you state your personal beliefs of what makes you a Christian, and what you must or must not do? Otherwise I have to make assertations on your views through the bible, which I doubt you wholly agree with...

If you're willing, I'd like to learn more about your faith. When I was young, because my parents were Christian I just called myself one without thinking about it, so as you can imagine I do not know what it is like to be a "proper" Christian... How do you (and anyone else) define a "Christian"?

You read the post by enigma_nocurnus soyou can see that emperor's lyrics to an extent agree with your beliefs... By calling yourself a Christian people attach so many preconceptions to you. When someone asks "what do you believe in?", they wouldn't make as many assumptions about you. Saying "I'm a Christian" could mean a billion different things, whereas saying "I believe in God" is clear, and doesn't make people point out the thousands of contradictions in the bible.

(I'm sorry that this post is a poorly structured mess...:erk: )
Main Entry: 1Chris·tian
Pronunciation: 'kris-ch&n, 'krish-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & n., from Greek christianos, from Christos
Date: 1526
1 a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ b (1) : DISCIPLE 2 (2) : a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906 (3) : a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961
2 : the hero in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
AndICried said:
A quick example of a contradiction in the Bible:

"God is not like men, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever he promises, he does; He speaks and it is done." - Numbers 23:19

"So the Lord changed his mind and did not bring on his people the disaster he threatened." - Exodus 32:14

It's just an example, which I remember specifically, but I'll try and find some more significant ones.

Okay, first of all Exodus 32:14 says "Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened"

v. re·lent·ed, re·lent·ing, re·lents
v. intr.
To become more lenient, compassionate, or forgiving
God is a God of love(But also a God of wrath,which is a different subject) and showed mercy on the Hebrew people after they worshipped the golden calf. Besides, even if it did say "God changed his mind", it wouldnt make it a contradiction. You're taking things out of context. Numbers 23:19 is talking about making a promise, and then not fulfilling. Exodus 32:14 is talking about God being merciful.Also, you have to keep in mind that God "thinks" in a totally different way than humans. We cant even comprehend how his "mind" thinks, so therefor its pointless to try and corner him with two verses that arent even related.
the alumnus said:
Main Entry: 1Chris·tian
Pronunciation: 'kris-ch&n, 'krish-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & n., from Greek christianos, from Christos
Date: 1526
1 a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ b (1) : DISCIPLE 2 (2) : a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906 (3) : a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961
2 : the hero in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
...And where do we learn the teachings of Christ? (The bible)

Orestes Mantra, you have to appreciate that there are hundreds of versions of the bible. Some of them DO say "...So the Lord changed his mind..."

In what you've said, it can be suggested that God is imperfect.

He "relented" (according to your interpretation). This means that before he relented his stance on the issue was imperfect, and he needed to change it... (Basically this is the "God can't be omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent" argument)
Ian's got it. ;)

"I chose my beliefs because i know my soul will go somewhere when i die."

Because you read it in the Bible? That's proof? The bible could be seen as a fictitious tale that billions of people happened to take seriously for thousands of years...and counting!

"To think that you live your whole life, through love, pain, happiness and suffering, simply to just end up decomposing in soil is more unbelievable."

I'd agree to the complete opposite. Living your life with all these emotions is part of being a THINKING human being. It's the negative side, I guess, to having a brain that's capable of such personal destruction. We can stir up some horrible-ass ideas! To simply decompose into the soil like all living things do makes perfect sense.

I couldn't expect more. If there is something there, at the end, then slap me and call me silly. But to live life expecting this great ending... from something you know nothing of other than words in a book... feeling "protected" by this unseen force... it just feels ...foolish. I think when we die the "energy" inside us (soul) is disbursed back into the world from where it came. My questions form here. Why do some energy masses remain together?

What if it was started only to try and control people's foul behaviors so long ago. Maybe it was a scam to get people to just be kind in general that went amuck! :lol:
AndICried said:
...And where do we learn the teachings of Christ? (The bible)

Orestes Mantra, you have to appreciate that there are hundreds of versions of the bible. Some of them DO say "...So the Lord changed his mind..."

In what you've said, it can be suggested that God is imperfect.

He "relented" (according to your interpretation). This means that before he relented his stance on the issue was imperfect, and he needed to change it... (Basically this is the "God can't be omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent" argument)

Okay, you win. You proved God is imperfect and now Ive become an athiest thanks to your brilliant insights. We could go on forever pointlessly "debating" with each other,when we both know an internet debate isnt going to change our beliefs one fucking bit. So im done.

p.s. You are still taking the verses out of context. The Bible wasnt meant to be nit-picked by pseudointellectuals trying to do something no has or ever will do(Disprove or prove God).
That is a very good question that was gonna get alot of people going. Especially because its about religion. Religions are religions but Christ is Lord. Simple as that. I love OLD Dimmu and Emperor. But because I want to please God I try my hardest not to listen to them. The same way I try no to use bad language,steal,lie and just be selfish. I am aware of the many things that man has thrown at me to try and glorify himself and not the Lord. My faith remains strong and Opeth never leaves my playlist. Music is everything to me. Those bands aren't worth listening to anyway if all they ever talk about is Christians and religion. Thats why Opeth are flawless in my eyes. Listening to death metal and black metal leads to a dark path I believe for certain people. But for some its purely musical and they dont get all tatted up and dress in black,etc.! I never wear spikes,black shirts,boots,leather,make-up, or anything like that. I instead buy more music with that money. I don't believe in organized religion either. I just know Jesus died for us and he gave us all freewill. I hope we can all find him but if not...we'll pray for you. It isn't easy living life according to God so please don't say it is a walk in the park. Swallow your pride and realize thats what causes so many problems. If knowledge is power and absolute power corrupts what is man to do? By the way, there is no doubt in my mind that Opeth are the greatest band ever! Thanks for reading!
DreamingofUr said:
I love OLD Dimmu and Emperor. But because I want to please God I try my hardest not to listen to them.
Their beliefs are irrelevant if you like the music. Your loss.
The same way I try no to use bad language,steal,lie and just be selfish.
I don't need to be a Christian or believe in God to know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad.
I am aware of the many things that man has thrown at me to try and glorify himself and not the Lord.
Man created God, why should I glorify our imagination?
Those bands aren't worth listening to anyway if all they ever talk about is Christians and religion.
Why should the views of a band interfere with the music they create?
I just know Jesus died for us and he gave us all freewill.
How do you know this? Do enlighten me.
AndICried said:
...And where do we learn the teachings of Christ? (The bible)
that is somewhat misleading. once again, a proper definition reads:
Main Entry: bi·ble
Pronunciation: 'bI-b&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin biblia, from Greek, plural of biblion book, diminutive of byblos papyrus, book, from Byblos, ancient Phoenician city from which papyrus was exported
Date: 14th century
1 capitalized a : the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament b : the sacred scriptures of some other religion (as Judaism)
2 obsolete : BOOK
3 capitalized : a copy or an edition of the Bible
4 : a publication that is preeminent especially in authoritativeness or wide readership <the fisherman's bible> <the bible of the entertainment industry>

inside The Bible, 4 different authors give an account of the life and death of jesus of nazareth, written in greek. the only other contemporary to write much about jesus is josephus, in his chronicles of the jewish wars. additionally, there are some letters in the bible which were written by men who allegedly studied under jesus who give advice to christian communities. in all, there are innumerable translations of the bible into english. partly because english vernacular is in transition (and has been for centuries), and partly because translating any book is a balancing act between readability and literal accuracy.

it should also be noted that the bible is not the only source to contain teachings of jesus. there are many apocryphal writings that were never entered into the collection of writings called "The Bible", some of dubious historical origins and accuracy, and others not. a good example is the gospel of thomas, which is apocryphal, and yet has historical origins that give it a fair amount of credibility.
OK I'm just now jumping in this thread so I'll throw a few quips in here:

I'm a Christian. I listen to metal. So what?

God created man, you sheep.

There are much better bands than Opeth, go listen to them.

Dimmu Borgir is about as stimulating as watching Roseanne do a strip tease.

Emperor is good music.