Anybody else think that the word "nu-metal" lost its meaning by now?

Harp Heaven said:
I agree with the original poster; the problem with "nu-metal" is that the label is being placed on all music that a certain person dislikes. I`ve heard bands like Meshuggah, Cannibal Corpse and Dimmu Borgir being called nu-metal, due to their popularity. Many bands branded nu-metal do have a unifying factor in that the guitar is often given a more supporting role and that the emphasis lies on the melody and vocalist. Flashes of technique are substituted for shorter songs, simple AB song structures and powerchord-based guitar work. If we could stick to this definition, it would be for the best.

Meshuggah - Shitty death metal with irregular time signatures which don't stop it from sounding like shit. In fact, they add to it.
Cannibal Corpse - Shitty death metal.
Dimmu Borgir - A band that tries to create atmosphere using an orchestra, and fails miserably. If symphony is to be used in metal, it should be done properly.

Dat be bettah?
Actually, I agree with Guardian of Darkness on everything except Dimmu Borgir. They're alright. A little too blaring and in-your-face, but still good.

I don't like monotone death metal. I like Suffocation and Cryptopsy, but I hate CC and Deicide.

And I don't know if i like nu-metal or not, because anyone who reads this thread will have no idea what it is.

I have succeeded.
DUDE!!! :yell: Dimmu Borgir is one of the most orchestral metal bands ever. You say you don;t like the in-your-face style, that they use it too much. Well FUCK!!! What is Metal? Extreme, IN YOUR FACE, pounding, music. That's the whole point. Personally I see Cradle of Filth being more orchestral than Dimmu Borgir. I am a die hard DImmu Borgir fan, and Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia is among my top 5 cds of all time. It's really an acquired taste
NocturnalSun said:
Where the real wailing talent is at is Dani Filth (Cradle), Shagrath (Dimmu)Their screams/growls aren't monotonous and annoying and unoriginal.
LISTEN TO DANI AGAIN! HE FUCKING SUCKS, HE HAS ONE OF THE MOST ANNOYING FUCKING VOICES EVER HEARD. It may be semi original but it is fucking annoying, It's like listening to a fucking predatory bird screeching in your fucking ear. Then they have the annoying ass orchestration. Dimmu is fucking horrible too, but is 100% better than fucking CoF.
NocturnalSun: Dimmu Borgir is nowhere near in your face, and their attempt at "ochestral black metal" is pathetic, Emperor is about the only black metal band to have both good symphonic music and in your face black metal, Emperor is 10x more complicated than Dimmu. where did i say that Dimmu has an in your face style of music? the only in-your-face brutal black metal band as far as im concerned is Immortal and Immortal fucking murders Dimmu, like beyond imagination. black metal was meant to be in-your-face and its developed into a sensitive genre with the exception of Darkthrone.

dont make me talk about cradle of whinybitches either
Immortal's vocals are brash and uninspiring. They wear the normal pissed-off Kiss-inspired makeup, and on top of that, they are only 3 people!!! the drummer, the guitar (and vox), and the bass. Immortal isn't anywhere near orchestral. Yes, it's in your face, yes i fuckin love em, but Dimmu still owns. When I compare Dimmu Borgir's P.E.M. or even E.D.T. with Immortal's At The Heart of Winter or Battles In The North, I still see Dimmu as the clear better band. They have more members, allowing for more possibility and structure to the songs, and they have a keyboardist along with a Bass (Vortex from Borknagar) that does wicked clean vocals.

It's just my opinion, but I see Dimmu as an overall better band.
haha dude are you kidding? Dimmu wears the same kiss inspired makeup! though im sure they might have dropped it for certain photos in popular mags. what in hell does members have to do with overall music? Burzum is one guy and he created better ochestral music than Dimmu ever did. have you even listened to much Immortal? b/c if you have youd clearly understand that more members doesnt mean anything, Pure Holocaust proves that. whats all this about Abbath being brash and uninspired? black metal(the norwegian kind) has always been meant to be brash, listen to Darkthrone or Mayhem. its not their fault they have cooler vocals than Shagraths little hiss, Vortex's voice doesnt save Dimmu from being long and drawn out with regurgitated riffs.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
haha dude are you kidding? Dimmu wears the same kiss inspired makeup! though im sure they might have dropped it for certain photos in popular mags. what in hell does members have to do with overall music? Burzum is one guy and he created better ochestral music than Dimmu ever did. have you even listened to much Immortal? b/c if you have youd clearly understand that more members doesnt mean anything, Pure Holocaust proves that. whats all this about Abbath being brash and uninspired? black metal(the norwegian kind) has always been meant to be brash, listen to Darkthrone or Mayhem. its not their fault they have cooler vocals than Shagraths little hiss, Vortex's voice doesnt save Dimmu from being long and drawn out with regurgitated riffs.

Dude I have the 'World Misanthropy' DVD. Dimmu Borgir dresses similar in that it's black, but I see no resemblance to KISS bcuz they don't wear the black & white face paint style.

Burzum is good, but one person can NEVER perform his music live for obvious reasons unless you try to do like Motograter did and make one big instrument that has everything in it. Basically, it all comes down to what u like n what u don't. I like Dimmu, Immortal, Mayhem, Emperor, n stuff like that, but I prefer Dimmu Borgir and Emperor to most bands
erm..i have the world misanthropy dvd also(unfortunately) and no they arent wearing the corpsepaint there, but back in the day they did, they dropped the corpsepaint b/c they got popular, Emperor did as well. just b/c Burzum couldnt perform live does not mean he is worse, he could just as easily use session guys like he did with Samoth from Emperor(on bass). yes Vortex has a nice voice but still, it doesnt really improve that much on their music. i fail to see how theyre in your face at all, hell Emperor and Limbonic Art are much more in your face. the thing with Dimmu is that once youve heard a song youve heard that entire album it comes from and its really boring. ive heard some of DCA and its strikingly similar to PEM.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
erm..i have the world misanthropy dvd also(unfortunately) and no they arent wearing the corpsepaint there, but back in the day they did, they dropped the corpsepaint b/c they got popular, Emperor did as well. just b/c Burzum couldnt perform live does not mean he is worse, he could just as easily use session guys like he did with Samoth from Emperor(on bass). yes Vortex has a nice voice but still, it doesnt really improve that much on their music. i fail to see how theyre in your face at all, hell Emperor and Limbonic Art are much more in your face. the thing with Dimmu is that once youve heard a song youve heard that entire album it comes from and its really boring. ive heard some of DCA and its strikingly similar to PEM.

ok think o this... if you were Shagrath/Silenoz/Nicholas/Vortex/any of em... would you purposely make a new album to sound different than your other albums? no bcause u stay true to your sound. Dimmu has become more open to new things with the arrival of DCA. for one, Vortex has more parts (I happen to love em, i dunno y u dont), and they;ve incorporated different instruments into the deal. It's like Nile in a sense that they aren't a closed-minded band that focuses on intense and structured guitarwork and drums. They put more time in making everything stand out as a whole rather than show off one or more of the members of the band.
uh...why the hell would i want to make an album sounding exactly like the last one? they have a name for music like that...which can be found in the title of this thread. the point of making music is to keep growing, not to keep doing the same bullshit over and over and over. if you have carved out your own sound then dont keep repeating it, improve on it, you know, stay within the sound, but do different things, which Dimmu cannot do for any album ive heard.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
uh...why the hell would i want to make an album sounding exactly like the last one? they have a name for music like that...which can be found in the title of this thread. the point of making music is to keep growing, not to keep doing the same bullshit over and over and over. if you have carved out your own sound then dont keep repeating it, improve on it, you know, stay within the sound, but do different things, which Dimmu cannot do for any album ive heard.

Personally, I don't think you've listened hard enough. If youve looked at Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia really in-depth, you can hear on Puritania they use industrial type sound effects and cutting, fierce keyboard. That, for one, is a sure difference in their songs. Also, on Kings of Carnival Creation, you can instantly tell that the beat is a slower pounding one. If you were a guitarist, and have a trained musician's ear, then you would see just how different Dimmu's songs are. also, you said something about they keep doing the same bullshit over and over. The band clearly does not see it as bullshit, and everyone's music tastes are different, so I clearly don't see it as bullshit. If you do, great. There's other bands out there. That's the beauty of metal. But, thanks dude. It's been cool arguing w/ you cuz you actually put up an intelligent argument unlike stupid punks saying 'Fuck u dude... no u know what? u aint good enough 2 be fucked... o yeah and Slipknot owns dont care what u say dumbass fuck yoooo'
