i suffer from anxiety and depressive tendencies, a mental disorder.
one time i did get the kitchen knife in, i pushed hard on my heart and it began to hurt real bad so i stopped. i figured id rather live to atleast 30...
Nemesis_lxix said:
Fighting pain with pain doesn’t work.
Nor does whinnying about it.
If you have abandoned all hope in life just give it a rest and live away from it all.Suicide is for quitters.
physical pain makes the emotional pain go away
i used to poke at the nerves instead of the blood vessels where there wouldn't be more than the tiniest drop of blood but it would hurt a thousand times more than the pain you'd feel if you were bleeding out
the physical pain worked as a pain-killer for the emotional pain and it was much more than a mere "distraction" there's actually a chemical change in your blood
sometimes i'd get mesmerized looking at my own blood, but i was always so very careful not to pull out enough for me to bleed out or make it hard for me to wrap it up
Nemesis_lxix said:
Conversation always helps since having an other view of the problem will help you solve it but I don’t see how whinnying about it like a school girl without doing something can help.
i think that any random person can solve any other random person's problems, it's just a matter of having the objectivity of looking at somebody that is not related to you, not sleeping with you, not "connected" to you in any way what so ever where no matter what happens to them, you already know ahead of time that you won't have to ever interact with that person ever again after the moment that you're telling them what to do