Anyone NOT of the "Collector Mentality"?


Mar 6, 2006
North Carolina
One very common practice amongst Metal fans (and one I used to very actively participate in) is "collecting". You know, having to have CD's, t-shirts, stickers, buttons, toys, etc...ANYTHING Metal related.

I used to be VERY funny about owning the ACTUAL CD w/ artwork, bonus tracks, etc...horded posters, pics, guitar picks, stickers and stuff from my favorite bands, etc. Over time I realized that, for me, that stuff just takes up space when all the ultimately matters is the music.

I've since taken to PAID downloads for albums I want. iTunes mainly. I'll d/l the album, store it on a CDR as MP3's in my file cabinet and make a CD-R for the car. If I want to see a picture of the band or read the lyrics or something, I'll just go online.

I'm probably in the minority, but does anyone else NOT subscribe, at least in part, to the "Collector Mentality"?
I'm still "old school" when it comes to my favorite bands. I like to own the actual releases, but I don't have to own music that I think is just ok. As far as posters, t-shirts, etc., I'm not really into all of that.
I really like having the CDs with the art work, and liner notes, it makes it more personalble. Case in Point "LEGEND OF THE BONE CARVER" by PYRAMAZE. It would be really hard to get a downloaded MP3 signed by the band at PPVII. As far as t-shirts and stuff, if the shirt looks cool then i may buy it, or i may not just depends. Right now the only ones i have again "LEGEND OF THE BONE CARVER" AVIAN, "DEPTHS OF TIME" "ONCE WORLD TOUR" NIGHTWISH, and my favorite NIGHTMARE RECORDS.
Gotta have the CD's...the other stuff...take it or leave it. My friend and I will burn each other CD's all the time. If it's good, we go out and buy it. My wife thinks it's retarted, but I like having the whole package.

To me, it seems like I'm not respecting the artist if I don't get all the art/lyrics/notes they spent time working on. It's like if you went to a nice restaurant and the chef prepared a perfect meal and the presentation was painstaking and then you said...nevermind, I'll take it to go. Sure, the food would be great, but wouldn't you be missing out on something? That's just me.
edgeofthorns said:
I'm still "old school" when it comes to my favorite bands. I like to own the actual releases, but I don't have to own music that I think is just ok. As far as posters, t-shirts, etc., I'm not really into all of that.

Same here. I do like the MP3/digital downloads for the shear convienice (plus I have a direct iPod hookup in my car, so I can take a good 30 gigs worth of metal to listen to). However, I do also have an expensive, high-end audio setup in the house, and I can definitly tell if something is an MP3. Whenever possible, I much prefer the actual CD. Having the liner notes and the lyrics right there are nice, especially for concept albums when I want to follow along with the story (the aformentioned Pyramaze Legend of the Bone Carver is a good example). It is not unusual, even after using a digital download service, to find myself going back and buying the actual CD whenever I find it.

As for the t-shirts and such. I'll buy the occasional t-shirt if I think it is cool, or if I really like the band. I am definitly not one of those ones that has to get a t-shirt at every show for every band. Rather spend the money on the music itself and not all these extra trinkets that, like was said, just takes up space anyway.
Yeah, I've backed off of band shirts. I have shirts from King's X, Journey, & The Beatles...I gave a bunch of others to my 13 year old son. I'd rather wear a plain dark t-shirt than anything else anyway. Unless its WAY cool, I'll pass. Especially at a show when shirts can run upwards of $35 US.

I've got MP3 capabilities in my car (thank to my Fathers Day gift) and I agree its mega-convenient. I like loading a CDR-W up with loads of albums & songs and just using one disc & my remote...
I fall into the "collector" category. While I download more than most, I also own over 600 CD's. If I like the album I download, I usually buy it. What's worse, if there is a "limited/expanded/remastered" edition, I usually make it a point of getting it instead of the tradiotional release (especially if it has bonus tracks).

I like the packaging and booklets. I also feel more secure knowing that if something happens to my hard drive, I have a physical copy of the CD...
Back in my high school days, I'd buy a shirt at EVERY show I went to (man, I wish I had some of those rare ones back!) but now I just like to have the cd's. I'm still an old school kinda guy in that I'd rather spend hours roaming around Tower or Aemoeba Records and buy cd's as opposed to downloading, burning, etc........:loco:
i like to own the actual albums (to support the band of course, and to have the cool artwork)

but other than that, I am NOT a collector. I don't need every possible version or every (insert genre) album that ever came out. I simply want the best of the best, and nothing else.
Just CDs. Occasionally I'll buy a CD I'm not that into, just to have the complete works of a given band, but that's rare. If I go to a show, I'll buy a t-shirt. However, that's more about supporting the band than being a "collector".

Yeah, I'm pretty much the epitome of a collector (on a college student's budget, mind you).

Some examples (keep in mind this is 1.5 walls of my room):


(Yes, I know I suck at hanging things level)


Along with maybe 200 CDs and somewhere around 40 band shirts and countless other memorabilia (guitar pics, setlists, drum skins, etc.).
I would say I fall into the 'collector' status on cd's and dvd's. I like to have the original, something about it. Currently have about 725 cd's, and i'm not quite sure how many dvd's... probably close to 30 by now. As for other stuff I can take it or leave it... I buy some shirts, have to be long sleeve and look somewhat cool. I used to do all kinds of stuff but just kinda lost interest.
Once I got my iPod, my interest in purchasing CDs for 18 bucks simply faded. That having been said, I'm pretty proud of my Pyramaze posters, my Iron Maiden "Brave New World" huge wall flag, my Dream Theater bar light, and giant Freedom Call 'Eternity' poster too.
No collecting for me.. i used to a lil.. Just to find myself with a bunch of "stuff" and empty pockets.. lol I will buy the original cd's provided it's up to my Or it's Dream Theater.. : )
There are a couple of bands I will buy CD's from regardless...King's X, Journey, TNT, Queensryche...but I'm MP3-ing most everything else. Its wicked convenient. I like being able to bring 9 albums into my car on a single disc and leaving master copies at home.
I collect cds (5000+) and dvds (@680), I don;t really collect anything else.
Not really; I have quite a few "memorabilia" type items, but I'm not much of a collector. I used to be a little bit of a completist when it came to certain bands, but given the sheer volume of singles, alternate tracks, etc., available these days, I don't even have truly complete collections of Queensryche and Marillion, and they're as close as I come.

I definitely like to have the original CD, and I buy virtually every official release of my favorites, but I don't really even buy T-shirts anymore, save for ProgPower. I'll buy a single if it has something worthwhile that I have to have. I might buy one item or two of "swag" each year. So, yes, I'm NOT of the "collector mentality." :)
I'm 100% collector here. I want everything metal because I like being surrounded by metal "things" to really immerse myself in the listening.

4000 cds and 5 "35 gallon totes" full of shirts. If I knew how to post a picture, I'd post a cool one with some of my shirts.