are any guys of opeth satanists?

The word "occult" means "hidden." It has nothing to do with Satanism, really. I think a lot of people mix it up because the word cult is in there, and they associate that with Satanic cults. Anyway, what's the big deal about Satanism anyway? I'm pretty sure it's not all about sacrificing virgins and appeasing the dark lord and all that bullshit. If you think it is, then you watch too much TV. Satanism is about the worship of knowledge and humanity, not drinking goat blood.
Kirkfjell said:
why would it matter to you if Mike was into the occult? I think it's quite obvious he is... just take a look at Opeth's lyrics!

I agree with the first statement, especially since it's impossible to tell if he is or not. Which brings me to my next point...

With regards to Opeth's lyrics, where do you see anything directly related to the occult? Please quote me a line from one of their songs that you feel justifies this.

Yes, there is a lot of imagery related to nature, but I don't think you can use that to justify them as pagan, satanic or otherwise involved in the occult. Sure, they COULD be pagans or Satanists or whatever for all we know (and I wouldn't care if they were), but the point I'm trying to make is, their religion is NOT apparent from the lyrics of their songs.
just wanted to contribute, here are my favorite Opeth lyrics.

It was the only task I would undertake,
To reap the harvest that was mine,
The seed that had sprung into a florid meadow,
and left me helpless in your embrace.
The bond we never spoke of, once stark and enticing,
now slowly smoldering to dust.
NeverIsForever said:
where in any Opeth song is there reference to satanism? Because I don't see it if there is.
"Devil guides the way
tells me what to say
puts himself inside
and snuffs the final light"

Now if that isn't pure fucking satanism I don't know what it is.
I can see your point, but I said satanism, not Satan himself. The lines you quote do acknowledge Satan's existence, but there's no evidence that the speaker's involvement with the devil is voluntary. It seems more as though he's being possessed.
wow this thread got more attention than i thought it would. Well, im seeing a lot of mixed answers here, but i take it that Mikael has never said he was a satanist, or its not ovious he is (unlike CoF). Satanist or not, im almost positive mikael doesnt believe in a god for 2 reasons

1. Sweden is the biggest athiest country in the world
2. In one of bloodbaths lyrics, it states something like "Look to the sky and you will see there is no God".....which actually kinda shows hes not a satanist lol. When you think about it, satanists believe there is a god, but hate him, and it seems within those lyrics, he doesnt believe in a god, therefor, cannot be a satanist. Hmm, cool i guess.
Goober said:
mikael doesnt believe in a god for 2 reasons

1. Sweden is the biggest athiest country in the world
2. In one of bloodbaths lyrics, it states something like "Look to the sky and you will see there is no God".....which actually kinda shows hes not a satanist lol. When you think about it, satanists believe there is a god, but hate him, and it seems within those lyrics, he doesnt believe in a god, therefor, cannot be a satanist. Hmm, cool i guess.
clearly you don't know what you're talking about :lol:

on point 1: so he's athiest by association? good one! :tickled:

on point 2: its a song. he may or may not agree with lyrical character.
well, that was just speculation, the odds are that he is, but i never said that he IS, just said its quite probable
Please grow up. Watch the Opeth documentary, and read some books. So what if Mikael is atheist, doesn't mean he is a satanist and in no way is being atheist negative. Just because a band does not have the same philosophical ideas as you does not change the music. They do not make music to share philosophy or shit like that or else they would write a book. If you want someone to share your ideas, join a church group. You all have a misconception of Satanism. OMGZ COF ARE TEH SATANIST. THEY MUSTBE TEH SATANIST CUZ THEY WEAR SPIKEZ ANDSHIT AND ARE ZUPPOSEDDLY BLACKMETAL. Yes sorry my capslock got stuck, don't cry. Go research on topics before you make misinformed assertions and start taking sides on those matters, please.
If their is a living thing in Texas, it's probably an insect because of their population. Therefore by Goober's reasoning you can be almost positive I am an insect....
umdebaba said:
Please grow up. Watch the Opeth documentary, and read some books. So what if Mikael is atheist, doesn't mean he is a satanist and in no way is being atheist negative. Just because a band does not have the same philosophical ideas as you does not change the music. They do not make music to share philosophy or shit like that or else they would write a book. If you want someone to share your ideas, join a church group. You all have a misconception of Satanism. OMGZ COF ARE TEH SATANIST. THEY MUSTBE TEH SATANIST CUZ THEY WEAR SPIKEZ ANDSHIT AND ARE ZUPPOSEDDLY BLACKMETAL. Yes sorry my capslock got stuck, don't cry. Go research on topics before you make misinformed assertions and start taking sides on those matters, please.

First of all, ive seen the documentary. its cool. Read books? takes too long. But in no where on this forum did i say i'd like opeth any less if they were satanists/athiests. Yes, i have jumped to conclusions about mikael being an athiest, but like i said, i was just speculating. As for CoF....they are satanists, they have admitted it, they have shirts that make it clear as day that they are satanists, and ever seen one of their shows? I personally dont like them, that high pitch scream just gets annoying after a while.
I honestly do not think that Opeth are satanic. As to the quote from "Deliverance" "the devil guides the way...." To me that whole song is acknowledging that there is evil in the the world. Mikael is not glorifying the act of drowning someone. And he's saying that when someone commits an act like that, the devil is involved. Do they write about dark subject matter? yes. But they don't glorify evil nor are they satanic.
surely you could have found a worse picture