are any guys of opeth satanists?

There is no evidence of life on other planets but it has to be there, space is far to big for us to be the only life forms here. Although a little different (unless you belive von danikan) it has the same principals, there is no evidence of a god, there is still something that makes us believe. Which I choose to. Also I think people are assuming that belief doesnt take eveolution into account, just because adam and eve are false, doesnt make my belief any less.
Prove God wrong? Ok.
To be God you must be omniscient and omnipotent. If you are not, you are not God just a guy with magical powers. Being omniscient prevents you from making a decision because your omniscience would tell you your decision you would come to anyway, therefore your true decision has already been made and cannot be changed. If you changed it you were not truly omniscient. You should be able to change your decision because of your omnipotence but that would be at the consequence of your omniscience. Therefore omnipotence and omniscience cannot co-exist. And if God is lacking one of those qualities he is not God, therefore God cannot exist.
Alternative 3 said:
There is no evidence of life on other planets but it has to be there, space is far to big for us to be the only life forms here. Although a little different (unless you belive von danikan) it has the same principals, there is no evidence of a god, there is still something that makes us believe. Which I choose to. Also I think people are assuming that belief doesnt take eveolution into account, just because adam and eve are false, doesnt make my belief any less.
Ignorance does not constitute God, sorry.
Alternative 3 said:
There is no evidence of life on other planets but it has to be there, space is far to big for us to be the only life forms here. Although a little different (unless you belive von danikan) it has the same principals, there is no evidence of a god, there is still something that makes us believe. Which I choose to. Also I think people are assuming that belief doesnt take eveolution into account, just because adam and eve are false, doesnt make my belief any less.
Now God is limited to Christianity? What about every other religion's monotheistic God?
dorian gray said:
theism is the belief in a god, atheism is the unbelief in a god. agnosticism means "not knowing" (gnost means "to know"). the appropriate thing for anyone to call themselves would be agnostic. to claim one is a theist or an athiest is to say, "i know/dont know there is a god". yet, it's not possible to "know" that something like god exists. his presence is not testable and verifiable. he's not open to peer-review. nothing against christians or jews or what-have-you, it's just not possible to *know* the supernatural exists.

I don't know about your definitions there...

Taken from American Heritage College Dictionary:

an agnostic is "One who believes that there is no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists."

and atheism is the "Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods."

Both definitions include belief, not certainty. Just as a Christian can believe in God, an atheist can choose not to believe in God.
Calling me ignorant isnt going to achieve anything, I could call you ignorant for only sticking to what you can prove and not having faith, but i wont because that is counterproductive. You wont change my faith, and certainly some internet argument wont, I am happy with my belief and think I am far from ignorant.
Alternative 3 said:
Calling me ignorant isnt going to achieve anything, I could call you ignorant for only sticking to what you can prove and not having faith, but i wont because that is counterproductive. You wont change my faith, and certainly some internet argument wont, I am happy with my belief and think I am far from ignorant.
I was not calling you ignorant. You impied that because there are things we don't understand there must be a God. (universe, complexity, variety) I meant ignorance as pertaining to not knowing about something not as a personal attack.
Alternative 3 said:
I could call you ignorant for only sticking to what you can prove and not having faith
So by your reasoning, I would not be ignorant if I believed there was a pink invisible bunny in my room that was omnipotent and omniscient even though I had no proof of it. By not believing in the pink bunny because there is no proof of it, you would call me ignorant?
Also CoF are not satanists, if you knew anything about Black Metal and it's history you would know that Black Metal bands only called themselves satanists because that is what they were labeled as by the media so they stuck with the gimmick. In no way shape or form do they actually worship satan, it's part of the act.
umdebaba said:
Now melt all your opeth cds.

Why? I would not give a flying fuck if they WERE satanists. Even if they were hardcore Christians and expressed said Christian philosophy, with which I completely disagree, in their lyrics, I'd listen just for the sake of the music. I just don't see where people are getting the impression that they're into satanism.
Ill use an example. I have a statue of the Egyptian Goddess Bastet in my room, she is a the cat godess. I have her there to protect my cats. The positive energy I use in believing in a power higher than me in turn makes the cats feel safe and at home. Having something to believe in gives my feelings towards a god or creator a home. You cant define feelings with reason.

I don't know what I would say, Id have to think it over for a while, I didnt jsut wake up one day and belive in god haha.

Back on topic a little, I read the Satanic bible, communism and fascism are oposites but they are so oposite they become elements in the same, this is the conclusion I came to about Satanism.