meh, i dont see what's "wrong" with believing in Jesus. Let's face it, Christians do alot of good shit in the world. No offense, but most of you athiests don't do shit. How much money did you give away to charities this past year? None? Sounds about right. So, it's not really appropriate to bash on people like Kenneth who believe. The beef I have with Christianity is when they go on missions trips in order to change "underdeveloped" cultures and turn them into "believers", stripping away all that was pure and natural to them. Which, by the way, was pretty much what the Chrisitans did up until the 1900s when there wasn't anybody left to manipulate. The other problem is when Christians lobby to get religious ideals, like creationism, taught in tax-funded public schools.
Arguing for or against God is pretty fruitless because the super-natural is exactly that - not within the realm of natural law and thus, not open to verifiability. However, it *is* scientifically correct to study "proof" documents and historical artifacts. For example, the New Tesatament is all about Jesus. Yet, he is mentioned *twice*, dubiously, in contemporary records. So, one would question why a man who was God Incarnate would only be mentioned twice, in passing, in other documents of the same time.
@umdebaba: you forgot the problem with omnibenevolence.
The topic: like I said, Satanism isn't real. There's no documentation, no history, no verifiable church, and no artifacts. "Satanic" bands were labelled as such by ignorant Christians and it turned into a gimmick. It's childish.