Are there any albums you consider "perfect?"

I was warned few times for talking shit about Megadeth and Dave Mustaine. ..what you can't say dave mustaine sucks or whatever.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Exactly. That's why Black Sabbath is one of the best bands ever. Not because of Ozzy, Dio, ot Tony Martin. Sabbath is guitar oriented music, not vocal. If you think Iommi is anything other than one of the best guitarists ever, then you should just shove ice picks in your ears right now.

I would say Tony Iommi as a musician sounds better when backed by the right people regardless how solid his music already is. Ozzy sounds so much better over his music than dio or tony martin. It could be that his music was a lot more interesting in the past than when he wrote music during dio or tony martin time periods. His music bores me later on.
I would now like to add the following two albums to my list of perfection:

Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Agalloch - The Mantle

I had listened to both of them in sucession last night, and while I had done so countless times, this time I had floated away, right into the music.

Each second, I found myself wandering the forests and trees, and sleeping next to streams, and then the albums ended, and I found myself awoken by Alcest, but ... after that I realized just how flawless those two albums are.

Mind you, I have invisioned this general idea, but never so powerful and chilling, and all at once.
Fear Factory 'demanufacture' is pretty cool when you're 12 years old.
"The First 9" by Dominus is fucking killer, unique shit.

Of course, none of you cunts will ever believe me, or indeed ever see it, but I am right.

It's kind of like "Left Hand Path" era Entombed meets "So Far" era Megadeth meets "spit or Swallow" era Konkhra.

Yeah, I know, sounds gay; except it fucking isn't you ingrates.
Yeah Demanufacture was really good, not something i would consider perfect, but a very solid album nonetheless.

i dont think i can call any of my cds perfect, but ones that are near include:

Behemoth - Demigod
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Immortal - hmmmm, maybe SoND


Warmen - Beyond Abilities

So many more, just cant think right now.
In Flames - Whoracle
The perfect album. I never get tired of listening to it, it has something for everyone:
- some classically inspired guitar
- the finest growling around
- some of the best musicianship around
- some of the best melody
Operation: Mindcrime, by Queensryche. I picked up this album over the three day weekend and have not stopped listening since. I've only been listening to the band for a few weeks and this was my first purchase by them... and I see and hear and feel that it is like metal perfection to me. Perhaps no one will agree with me, but I do think if you appreciate the band's style of playing, and have not checked this album out... then you should. Immediately.